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This Earth of Mankind

The novel’s main theme centers around Dutch Colonialism, and examines the differences between

how these laws affected the natives and the colonizers. The author wrote about the lack of basic human

rights for the natives, and their lack of control on their lives while under the control of the colonizers. The

division in social class due to race is evident throughout the whole story, with Minke’s schoolmates looking

down on him for being the only non-European in his school, and Minke’s shock when Nyai could speak

perfect Dutch even though she is a Native. The Eurocentric thinking of the natives is also seen in the story,

especially in the quote that goes: “…Javanese feel as if they are from a race which has no equal on the

earth, but as soon as they are near a European… they shrivel up, lacking the courage even to lift up their

eyes”. This story of colonization is not new to me, and I also greatly appreciated that another main theme

in the story is the importance of education. Throughout the entire novel, Minke and Nyai talk about

education; Minke talks about how he must always finish his studies, and Nyai talks about how experiences

can be the greatest teacher if one just allows him/herself to learn. The author’s view on education is very

clear: that education can change someone’s life, and it is vital in escaping poverty. The main character of

the novel aspires to finish his education, and people around him tell him to do the same, one even telling

him: “As an educated person, surely understand that your people have fallen very low, humiliatingly low.

Europeans can no longer do anything to help. The Natives themselves must begin to do something”. I found

this quote to be the most memorable in the book, because it shows how if one is in a bad situation, one must

figure out a way to fix the problem, rather than wait for someone else to help; and education could be a way

to escape these problems. As for my questions: why does the author censor or conceal certain names in the

novel, such as names of the towns (B---), or the names of the schools?

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