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SERTIFIKAT KOMPETENSI Certificate Of Competence : Nomor : 4050061447120180031 Number of Certificate : 4050061447120180031 Diberikan Kepada : This is to Certify that Nama Lengkap : JUMI APRITASARI Pull Name ‘Tempat, Tanggal Lahir : CURUP, 14 April 1995 Place, Date of Birth Nomor Induk Mahasiswa _: 40500614471P00320115060 Student ID Number Nama Perguruan Tinggi Poltekkes Kemenkes Bengkulu Name of Institution Jenis dan No. Keputusan Pendirian Perguruan Tinggi : Pendidikan Tinggi Vokasi dan 355/E/0/2012 Under the law of Vocational School in Higher Education 355/E/O/2012 Program Studi : Keperawatan Major Nursing Dinyatakan telah LULUS UJI KOMPETENSI PROGRAM DIPLOMA II KEPERAWATAN Has passed the Competency Test of Diploma III Nursing Program Berdasarkan Keputusan Panitia Uji Kompetensi Nasional Program Diploma III Kebidanan, Diploma If Keperawatan, dan Profesi Ners Nomor 580/PUK-Nas/XI/2018 Based on the decision of the National Committee for the Competency Test of Diploma II in Midwifery, Diploma IIT in Nursing Program, and Professional Nursing Program, Number 580/PUK-Nas/XI/2018 Diterbitkan di Bengkulu, 27 November 2018 Issued in Bengal 27 (Dae) I (Month) 2018 (Year) Peogurss Pan! Persatuan Perawat Nosioal indonesia Pimpinan Pergunan Ting _ndoneson Nottonal Mares Assoietion = Central Board (ead of Higher Econ Instinion) Kena Unum ‘President Darwis AREA KOMPETENSI LULUSAN PENDIDIKAN DIPLOMA III KEPERAWATAN RANAH / DOMAIN D Ill KEPERAWATAN 1_| Praltik professional, etis, egal | 1.1. | Praktik professional, etis, legal dan peka budaya dan peka budaya Ethical, professional practice, legal, and culturere awareness Ethical, professional practice, legal, and —culturere ‘awareness 2 | Manajemen pelayanan dan | 2.1. | Melakukan komunikasi efektif dalam keperawatan asuhan keperawatan Effective communication in nursing care Management service and nursing care 2.2. | Manajemen asuhan dan asuhan keperawatan ‘Nurturing and Nursing care management a. Melakukan asuhan keperawatan pada area medical bedah, anak, maternitas, jiwa, keluarga, gerontik, komunitasdan gawat darurat Conducting clinical skills in the area of medical surgery, children, maternity, mental health, family, Gerontic, community, and emergency b. Melakukan keterampilan Klinik pada area medical bedah, anak, maternitas, jiwa, keluarga, gerontik, komunitasdan gawat darurat Conducting clinical skills in the area of medical Surgery, children, maternity, mental health, family, gerontic, community, and emergency cc. Melakukan pendokumentasian asuhan keperawatan | Documenting the nursing care 3. | Pengembangan professional | 3.1. | Pengembangan professional perawat keperawatan Professional development of nursing Professional development of nursing Masa Berlaku Sertifikat ini berlaku untuk This certificate in valid for (lima ) Tahun sejak diterbitkan (five ) Years after the publication date

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