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High School. It is a meaningful event that students, parents, and educators look forward to. Focusing on
the students’ achievements, this tradition not only highlights their academic and co-curricular
performance, but it also brings the message that K-12 shall produce students who will bring progress to
the country.

Thus, this year’s theme, “K TO 12 LEARNERS READY TO FACE LIFE’S CHALLENGES”, is a reflection that the
Department of Education is cognizant that it is in youth who will determine the success or failure of a
country. It is in their hands that the pillars of stability of a nation rest. Lest, DepEd did not overlook that
it is the youth who defines the quality and future of our tomorrow. The future of an entire generation
depends on the quality of learners we produce.


I. Processional

Let welcome the completers, the graduating class, the faculty headed by our Principal Sofronio D.
Arizala, Jr., SDS _______________________________ our Confirming Officer, and our Guest
Speaker,Alejandro Cortez, Provincial Director of TESDA.

II. Ladies and gentlemen, the Philippine National Anthem…

III. Welcome Dance (Barn Dance)

IV. Welcome Address

For our welcome address, Rogelio C. Caliwan, the President of Nursery High School Teachers

V. Presentation of Candidates for Completion and Graduation

To lead the presentation of candidates for completion and graduation, let us have, Sofronio D. Arizala,
Jr., School Principal II.

VI. Confirmation of Completers and Pinning of Ribbons of the graduates to their parents, and Message

For the confirmation of completers, the pinning of Ribbons of the graduates to their parents, and
message, the provincial director of TESDA, Alejandro Cortez.


VII. Introduction of the Guest Speaker

VIII. Message of the Guest Speaker

VIII. Awarding of Certificate of Appreciation to the Guest Speaker

our Principal Sofronio D. Arizala, Jr., SDS _______________________________ our Confirming Officer,
to award the certificate of appreciation to our guest speaker.

IX. Awarding of Honors, Special Awards, Outstanding Parents, and Friends of Nursery

May we request our Confirming Officer, ___________________________________, and our Principal,

Sofronio D. Arizala, Jr. for the awarding of honors, special awards, outstanding parents, and friends of

X. Awarding Of Certificates to the completers and graduates

At this juncture, we would like request our Confirming Officer SDS ______________________________,
to be assisted by our principal, Sofronio D. Arizala Jr.,, PSDS Cluster 3 ____________________________,
the class advisers, and our Guest Speaker, __________________________________________________
to award the certificates to our completers and graduates.
XII. Pledge of Loyalty

Loyalty is not earned in a day. It is earned day by day. Each day turning into years- that is loyalty. To all
of you who have been in Nursery High School through the years, please all rise for the Pledge of Loyalty
to be led by Jisselle Aljecera, _____________________________.

XIII. Lapay

XIII. Awarding of Medals and Certificates to the Honor and Exemplary Students

To award the Medals and Certificates to the Honor and Exemplary Students, may we have our
confirming officer __________________________________________to be assisted by our principal,
Sofronio D. Arizala Jr.,, PSDS Cluster 3 ____________________________, the class advisers, and our
Guest Speaker, __________________________________________________.
XIII. State of the School Address

The past is valuable as a guide post, the present should be looked upon as a result, and the future to be
foreseen as the director. Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Sofronio D. Arizala Jr. for the state of the school

XIV. Flash Mob

XVI. Graduation Song

Breaking way seems to be a difficult thing to do. Indeed, it is, for it is a divergent or a radical change to
something established or long-standing. For you graduates, take this breaking away as a challenge not
be chained in the manacles of stagnation, but a platform for growth. Today, a chapter of your life ends,
and a new one shall begin. Please all stand.

XVII. Recessional

“K TO 12 LEARNERS, YOU ARE NOW READY TO FACE LIFE’S CHALLENGES”, the world is yours to conquer.

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