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Infinitve Past simple Past participle Meaning

Translate the following sentences into English:

 Juan veía la TV ayer.


 Peter dibujó un coche en su libreta.


 Él no bebió agua en aquel vaso.


 La mujer tenía frío.


 Los niños no tenían hambre.


 Mi madre no trabajó ayer.


 El teléfono sonó a las cinco.


 ¿Viste a tus amigos?


 La semana pasada llovió mucho.


Complete the sentences ( past simple)

 Yesterday I__________________(forget) my pen.

 We______________(swim) in that swimming pool last month.

 They______________(go) home late last night.

 When he ___________ (be) young, he looked handsome.

 My grandma_____ ________(come) to visit us last winter.

 He ___________ (give) her a ride in his new BMW car.

 I ___________ (wear) a fur hat yesterday because it was freezing outside.

 He ____ _______(drive) too quickly and as a result crashed his new car.

 I ____________ (leave) the house when I was 17 years old.

 I ____________ ( put) the books on your desk.

 I ____________ (read) the letter twice before I fully understood the message.

 Shakespeare___________ ( write) many plays.

 Sally ____________ (spell) her brother's name wrongly.

Correct the sentences:

 Did he went to school yesterday? X

 Why did you to go home early? X
 Where you did learn English? X
 Did she works today? X
 What do you did yesterday? X
 Did they last night phone you? X

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