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Idea 1

Linear narrative - A man has a bad job and is depressed because of work
and life outside job. His boss is one of the main reasons for why he's so
unhappy at work and one day his boss steps over the line by making him
feel completely worthless. The worker snaps and pushes the boss to the
ground without hesitation, however the boss hits his head badly and leads
him to have a seizure which causes him to die quickly. The worker is in
complete shock and doesn't know what to do next. The ending is ambiguous
because the audience doesn't know whether he is happy or upset.

Idea 2

Non linear - starts with the boss killed and young man sitting in his
basement distressed, trying to conceal the evidence. Flashes back to the
beginning of the story where the boss is bullying him, making the young
man snap and kill him.

Idea 3

Non linear - The young worker is surrounded by dead bodies in his

basement. He looks very pleased but in the same time extremely full of
hatred. Camera focuses on dead body of his boss which leads the young
man to a flashback of how he killed his boss, the first person he killed.
Killing his boss made him realise that the only thing that could bring him
happiness to his dull life his murdering people as that brings him

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