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Development Hydroponic Drip System For Strawberry Farm In Home-Scale

Farming In Desa Serang Purbalingga

Serang village is located in kecamatan Karangreja, Purbalingga. The topography

of this village dominated by hill and highlands because this village lacation in 650-
1300 meter above sea level. Serang village eastern boarder beside of kutabawa village.
Serang village covering 3.052,94 Ha of slamet mountain hillslide. Serang village have
a good soil for farming with high rainfall rate in 6.240 mm and temperature about 20oC,
this condition use by farmer to produce strawberry. Because of that, this village populer
as center of strawberry agriculture production in purbalingga with 64 ha of strawberry
farm area. Morethan that, this village populer with agrotourism village, especially in
strawberry farming.
Beside of convensional farm in field, people in this village wonted to farm in
home yard. Most of people in this village use home yard to horticulture farm in small
scale. Proven by Desa serang get first position in best implementer in utilization of
homeyard in National competition level. But, this farming only use for personal needs.
Based on riset by Kuncoro et al. (2015) local food security in serang village community
become unique because tradition of home yard farming already exist in the past from
generation to generation to fulfill personal need and for sale. Because of that, Serang
village have potential to development of farm in home-scale. strawberry production
using hydroponic drip system is one of most populer agriculture system to develop in
small scale. Hydroponic drip system can raise of strawberry produce in this village.
Hydroponic drip system is one of most populer hydroponic system with water irrigation
directly to plant root. This system used in many farm in the world because in this
system can be used in small area because strawberry plant on vertical not in horizontal.
This system can save more water than traditional system because water deliver to plant
rot, so water loss can be reduce.
Developing this programe not only to increase strawberry production, but it can
raise tourism, especially agro-tourism in this village because hydroponic drip system
its look interesting. This application can use to empowering PKK member(biggest
woman community in Indonesia with member dominated by housewife) to develop this
system in home yard because this system is easy to application. Because of that, this
system will be expected to develop women community in serang village.
Principle of hydroponic drip system is pumped up water with nutrition from
water storage to plant media throught resevoir. In plant media, water with nutrition
drips out to plant rot. And water which not used by plant flowed down to water storage
again because of gravity force made and make a water and nutrition cycle in this
system. Hydroponic drip system can easily develop using many material, even plastic
bottle can used in this system. Plastic bottle used for place plant media. Plastic bottle
stacked in reservoir in vertical position. Plant media made by rockwool used inside
plastic bottle. With this system strawberry will grow more good than in convesional
sytem because this system can reduce plant nutrition loss.
Developing hydroponic drip system can be solution for strawberry production in
Serang village, purbalingga. More than that, developing this system give more
advantage in social and tourism sector. With hydroponic drip system can empowering
women in Serang village because this system is easy to set up and economical.
However, Hydroponic drip system development expected to improve prosperity in this
Kuncoro, B., Djawahir R.S., Sulistiyoningsih, E.D., Suswanto, B., Sabiq, A., dan
Sulaiman, .I.S. (2015). Model of Villagers Food Security Based on Local
Wisdom. Proceeding. The 7Th International Graduated Students and Scholars
Conference in Indonesia (IGSSCI). The Knowledge, Power and Politic: Where
is Humanity Heading to? 4-5 November

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