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1a. Fill in the blanks with the simple past form of the verbs.

I _________ (go) to Sweden on my last vacation. Stockholm is a city with a long and
interesting history, and it is the largest city in Scandinavia. I _________ (stay) there for
almost a month in a house near the Royal Palace. I _________ (visit) almost all the
museums in the city, _________ (eat) local food and _________ (hang) out at bars
and clubs. The historic streets are so beautiful and I almost _________ (cry) when I
________ (enter) the Riddarholm, the oldest church in Scandinavia. It _________ (be)
was amazing to see the old buildings. I ________ (like) Sweden a lot.

Adapted from

My favorite city in the world is Buenos Aires, capital of Argentina. I _________ (go)
there on a business trip for the first time and absolutely _________ (love) it! I
_________ (stay) downtown for a week, so I _________ (have) easy access to touristic
points. It is a very cosmopolitan city. The combination of beautiful architecture, nightlife
and its multicultural identity is fantastic. I _________ (visit) the nostalgic streets of San
Telmo and _________ (drink) coffee in old literary cafes. I even _________ (see) a
match between Boca Juniors and a Brazilian soccer team and _________ (meet) a ton
of Argentinian football fans there! I would love to come back.
Adapted from

1b. Now circle the adjectives in activity 1a.

2. Give each person an advice.

a. I think my sister’s boyfriend might be cheating on her. What do you think I should
b. My boss is making me work overtime and he never pays me. What can I do?
c. I have nausea all the time and I’m feeling very tired. Sometimes I get horrible
headaches. Should I do something about it?
3. Complete the dialogue with questions.
Carly: Hey, Joel, long time no see!
Joel: Hello, Carly! That’s because I had been traveling for the last month.
Carly: Really? _________________________________________?
Joel: I went to Japan.
Carly: Wow, I’ve always wanted to go to Japan. _____________________________?
Joel: I went to a lot of temples, karaoke bars and ate so many of the local food!
Japanese cuisine is incredible. Did you know sushi is eaten only on special occasions?
Carly: I didn’t know that. ________________________________?
Joel: It was very cold but sunny, and it rained some days. Tokyo is so beautiful when it

4. Match the columns.

1 I have a horrible pain in my back. [ ] You could subscribe to a gym

membership and begin working out. It
will make you feel better physically and
2 I don’t have time to be with my family. emotionally.
[ ] She needs to talk to her parents,
because it’s very expensive and she’s
3 She wants to go to Canada to study. too young to pay for it all by herself.
[ ] You need to go to the emergency
room as soon as possible. This is not
4 We have been together for years, and
the first time you complain about it.
he wants to have kids, but I don’t.
[ ] Hire someone to help you to clean it
up, and talk to your children so they can
5 I feel sad about my body everytime I help you with the housework. You don’t
look in the mirror. need to do it alone!
[ ] This is very difficult. If you two don’t
have the same long-term plans, I think
6 My house is a mess and I can’t even you should either discuss the situation
go in my kitchen anymore. or just break up.
[ ] Well, I think you need to take some
time off or go on vacations. You can’t
neglect your family because of work.

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