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Pairs : Vallery Valencia Pasanea

Verren Pandoh
Class : 18 ELT1
Task : Logical Fallacy

1. False Cause is a fallacy in a person's way of thinking where things that occur simultaneously or
follow one another are related to one another. In other words, the first thing can be the cause of
the second thing and so on.
Example: The price of sembako at the Traditional Market in Banjarnegara, Central Java has
continued to rise since the government announced it would raise the price of fuel oil (BBM). The
increase that occurred in a number of commodities ranged from Rp. 500 to Rp. 20.000.
2. An Appeal Emotion occurs where someone gives an argument involving emotional responses
rather than considering the validity of the argument.
Example: My neighbor said that the head of the neighborhood unit (RT) used money from water
payments for trips abroad but my father did not believe because the neighborhood head (RT)
often distributed sembako to people.
3. Fallacy Fallacy assumes that an argument will lose the value of truth if an error occurs in the
delivery of the argument. In other words, an argument will feel more right if it is delivered very
convincingly and means that those who have this way of thinking do not judge directly from the
argument itself.
Example: A health article in the hospital said that consuming lots of caffeine is also not good for
the body but my father said consuming coffee provides its own comfort especially when tired.
4. Slippery Slope is a baseless conjecture that assumes something will happen if something happens
or something won't happen if something doesn't happen. Assumptions are certainly not followed
by concrete evidence but fears of a problem that might occur.
Example: If my father continues to allow my brother to access online games, my brother will
continue to access the latest online games like PUBG.
5. Ad Hominem has a tendency to oppose arguments in terms of the character and nature of the
argument giver. It aims to weaken the argument by attacking the other side.
Example: Valerie has given opinion in her group work but one of her friends shout that she really
a horrible person therefore her opinion also wrong.
6. Tu Quoque rely on criticism to reply to criticism directed at them as a defense against themselves.
so instead of replying to criticism with clear answers, they only reply by giving criticism.
Example: Carolis told Tiara to do not consume coffee because Tiara had an ulcer but Tiara said
that Carolis also had an ulcer so he should not consume coffee.
7. Personal Incredulity occurs when you are made as if it might not be true when something is
incomprehensible or ignorance goes on a process.
Example: Verren told to Valerie that their paper must be checking through plagiarism app but
Valerie thought it was complicated therefore it was likely erroneous.
8. Special Pleading trying to prove something they think is right even if it is proven wrong. often we
easily believe what we like and will find a variety of ways to stay standing for what is right in our
Example: Hadako said that he could be part of a tenor if all the choir members believed he could
but when practicing with a coach, Hadako could not achieve the tone of a tenor.
9. Loaded Question by asking questions that benefit the questioner and are dropped so that someone
can think indirectly there are errors in certain things.
Example: Hadako and Hina both worked under the same SPV. When having lunch together,
Hadako asked SPV that whether Hina had arranged for a visa for official travel but actually Hina
never got an official travel schedule.
10. The Burden of Proof refers to the proof of an automatically acceptable claim if no one can prove
it and give a clear reason that the claim is false.
Example: Valerie claim Indonesia's capital city moved to Kalimantan because Jakarta has
experienced severe pollution, Verren said that she can’t prove it wrong so it can be right but Anin
told them that she can’t prove it right so it can be wrong.
11. Ambiguity where there is an error or unclear meaning of the truth referred to so as to cause
misunderstanding that can cause errors.
Example: Akhsa asks why Alvin turned on the LED first and Alvin said that there was no
problem with that because the LED would still be used even if it was turned on another time.
12. The Gambler’s Fallacy depends on the opportunities that might be obtained. in other words, the
results obtained previously will determine the next results.
Example: Eka played rock paper scissors with Kris and for 3 times Eka lost to Kris but Eka
remained confident that Eka would win on four times trial.
13. Bandwagon has the belief that the truth is in the belief of the majority. So, even without clear
evidence people can still believe in the truth because it is also believed by most people.
Example: Lately a lot of people are shocked by the thread about KKN Desa Penari, it is not yet
known the truth but there are some people who believe that it is true.
14. Appeal to Authority asserts the truth to people who are authorized, have a title, position, or those
who are trusted in terms of profession. in fact, truth does not only depend on it if it does not have
clear evidence then we can trust someone's words based on who they are.
Example: The government declares restrictions on access to social media so that the public can
get accurate information in the midst of a lot of unclear information on social media and public
believes in the government without finding out deeper reasons.
15. Composition / Division assures that something that is true as a whole is true for some parts as
well. whereas something that is true as a whole does not guarantee the truth in some parts.
Example: Marsha knows that there are visible electric currents and some that can be seen by the
eye. Marsha also knew that in her body flowed electricity so that Marsha also thought that her
body had electricity.
16. No True Scotsman is a form of defense against true criticism of the claims given. this error forces
the truth despite acceptable criticism.
Example: All choir members can read musical notes. I am a choir members but I can't read
musical notes. I am not an example of a true choir members.
17. Genetic assumes the truth based on the origin of the truth itself. In fact this cannot provide valid
evidence but is acceptable because of the origin of the claim.
Example: Dwikorita accused the hoax about Megathrust. She appealed to the public to remain
calm and distrustful of the hoax that circulated through social media.
18. Black-or-White is an alternative that is trying to be given to make you decide on which side. in
fact there are still other alternatives available.
Example: When the election, many people if they do not vote (to be a white group) it will be
considered not wanting to voice opinions for their country.
19. Begging the Question is an assumption that tries to draw the truth from a conclusion without
trying to support the premise of the argument.
Example: Berry drives a motorcycle well so that it does not violate red lights, therefore Berry
cannot be subject to the red light violation article.
20. Appeal to Nature believes that something good or bad is judged by the reasonableness of the
matter so that it can be accepted.
Example: Haruka had a small accident when turned back from school. Haruka’s father was given
two choices where Haruka must follow treatment with a doctor or alternative medicine with a
masseuse. Haruka's father chose a masseuse because according to him natural was better than
having surgery.
21. Anecdotal is evidence that is collected informally or involves personal testimony.
Example: James and Jared argue about burning rubbish in the yard because it will cause air
pollution and respiratory disease. But James said that his grandfather had been doing that for 60
years and remained healthy without any respiratory pain.
22. The Texas Sharpshooter is a mistake that occurs due to conclusions drawn from the truth that
emphasized similarity and not differences.
Example: A politician has repeatedly failed in pioneering in the political world. But only the
success story of the politician is reported to the public so that the public only knows that the
politician is always successful.
23. Middle Ground is a mistake that results from a wrong assessment of a solution that is often
considered right.
Example: Mira said that diabetes can be infected. But Via proved that this was not true. Mira then
concluded that diabetes could be infected if the pair had an unhealthy life.

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