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CC Abdullah Husni

Examination of knee

 History:
o History of trauma
o pain
o swelling
o stiffness
o locking → indication of loss body inside the knee or torn
o clicking → audible sound
 no pain → normal
 pain → Abnormal
o giving away
 Injured ligament.

 Examination:
o Inspection:
 Gait
 Deformity: fixed abnormal shape or position of joint and cant
be corrected actively or passively
 Swelling:
 Generalized:
Fibrosis, effusion (blood, puss)
 Localized ?
 Skin:
 Color, hear, sinuses, scars (surgical, traumatic)
 Muscles:
 Ant. → quadriceps
 Post.→ hamstring
o Palpation:
 Superficial:
 Temperature.
 Tenderness.
 Swelling (effusion) :
Fluid displacement test:
1. Squeeze the fluid from supra patellar pouch by
index and thumb toward the knee tell reaching
the upper border of patella.(*)
2. Continue holding the fluid and stroke from each
side → see fluid thrill

Edited By: Mohd Zahrani Hyperzahranism

WWW.SMSO.CC Abdullah Husni

3. NB: the test will be –ve if the effusion is gross

and tens
Patellar tap test
1. same as step 1*
2. Push the patella toward the condoyle by using 3
fingers and the tip of the thumb forming squire.
3. feeling of click as the patella strike the condoyle
→ effusion
4. NB: the test will be –ve if the effusion is slight
and tens.
o Cross fluctuation test:
1. same as 1*
2. hold the patella by thumb and index finger and
move it medially and laterally
o palpable fluid wave test:
1. hold the patella by thumb from one side and the
fingers from other side
2. compress the hollows at the side of the joint
3. same as 1*
4. the compressing hand will feel the fluid

 Deep:
 Bone contour
Tibial tubercle
 Soft tissue
Patellar ligament
Collateral ligaments
o Measurement:
 Circumference compression.
o Movement power :
 Active and passive. (use the Gonue meter)
 Flexion
 Extension
 Pain in movement.
 Cripitation
o Special test:
 Stability tests:
 Valgus stress test
Holds the lateral aspect of the knee by one hand and
by the other hand above the ankle joint medially
push the leg laterally.

Edited By: Mohd Zahrani Hyperzahranism

WWW.SMSO.CC Abdullah Husni

 Varus stress test:

Holds the medial aspect of the knee by one hand and
by the other hand above the ankle joint laterally
push the leg medially.
 Anterior drawer test:
Flex knee 90 o
Set on the foot
Put your hands on the knee with your thumbs on the
Tibial tubercle and fingers surround from back
Jerk the leg toward you.
Compare both legs
Repeat with 70o and compare both legs
 Posterior drawer test : ‫العكس‬
 Lachman test:
Relax knee in 15o flexion
One hand stabiles femur
The other hand try to left tibia forward
+ve = if there is anterior tibial movement
 McMurray test (for menical tire):
Put one hand on the joint line to fell any clicks.
 For medial meniscus:
 Flex the leg fully with external rotation of the
foot and also abduct the lower leg
 This complex movement will arise a click in
medial joint line → +ve test
 For lateral meniscus:
 Flex the leg fully with internal rotation of the
foot and also adduct the lower leg
 This complex movement will arise a click in
lateral joint line → +ve test

Edited By: Mohd Zahrani Hyperzahranism


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