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Upcycle a book!

Recycling is good, b​ ut upcycling is better! ​Recycling is turning what we normally throw away into 
something we can use again either, in its current form or as something else. U ​ pcycling​ ​is taking 
something we normally recycle and transforming it into something more valuable. 
We create too much waste, and upcycling is a fun way to reduce the amount of garbage we generate. In 
this project, students will create upcycled items for their own use, to give as gifts, or to sell as a 
fundraiser for a conservation or community organization. 
Things to think about :
What products are you going to use to upcycle your book?
Are you going to bring something from home?
Are you going to use something in the makerspace?
Are you making it for someone?
What will it be used for?

What is your inspiration?​ ​Consider designing a specific type of object, like a toy or decorative item, or 
have them start by thinking of a person they’d like to make a gift for, such as a friend or parent. 

Students are asked to :

● Work independently or in a pair.
● Use any of the Makerspace lab materials and any recycled materials from home.
● Design a product from items that would otherwise end up in the trash or recycling(book).
● Stay organized and keep all designs and worksheets in their folder.
● Create a design unique to them and ​include their blueprint designs in their folder.
● Consider all aspects of the product and the items used.
● Build, test and record their tests. Then make a plan for how they will fix their problems.
(Everything will be recorded and kept in your folder, which will be handed in with your
final product!)
● Keep their projects in class in a tucked away place, and clean up before the end of each class.
● Present their end project to the class.
● Use their class time wisely, show up ready to work.
Students will be able to :
● Integrate science and art while making a unique project.
● Choose a design opportunity
● Develop a plan and identify key stages and resources.
● Demonstrate their product and describe their process.
● Reflect on their design thinking and processes and evaluate their ability to share and maintain an
efficient cooperative workspace. 
Upcycling project Worksheets :

Students can also brainstorm by collecting objects they think are interesting and combining them to see 
what happens.  
As they begin playing with objects and materials they should start to record their ideas!  
- Options for materials: Fabric, recycled product packaging, makerspace materials, old clothes, 
recycled books, recycled materials (Cans, milk jugs etc)  
Go on the computer and check these out for inspiration! :

Brainstorm your ideas here : What are you upcycling? What will it be used for now?

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