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Saint Patrick Banishes the Snakes

Long, long ago in Ireland, snakes were a big problem. People were always finding them where they
weren't wanted − hiding in their drains, snuggling up in their hay barns and lurking under the cabbage leaves
in the vegetable patch, and sometimes they would even find one curled up in the fireplace during the

Everyone was fed up with the snakes − they frightened their children and made it very difficult for
people to harvest their beans and wheat. You never knew what you might find lurking in the fields and
among the vines!

Finally, the people decided they had had enough. They had heard that Patrick had amazing powers
and they sent a delegation to him to ask if he could do anything for them.

Saint Patrick had never seen so many snakes anywhere as he had in Ireland, so he agreed that there
was a big problem. He thought and thought about what he could do, and then he hit on a great idea. He told
the delegation to go home and tell everyone not to worry, he would soon get rid of the snakes for them.

Patrick knew that snakes were frightened of vibration, so he rooted around in his belongings for his
big drum. He strapped it to his chest and set out for a cliff at the edge of the sea. As he walked he banged the
drum in a loud, steady beat. Soon, a lot of people had come out of their houses, wondering what all the
rumpus was about. They began to follow Patrick.

When they had all gathered on the cliff, they could see that they were being followed by hundreds
and hundreds of snakes, driven out of their hiding places by the vibration of Patrick's drum. The crowd
started cheering, because they could see that the snakes were heading straight for the sea!

Then disaster struck − the drum broke. Everyone held their breath, wondering if the snakes would
just turn back and return to their hiding places. A huge snake slithered back down the hill, laughing at
Patrick because he thought he was powerless without his drum.

Then, an amazing thing happened. An angel appeared out of heaven and quickly mended the drum.
Patrick started to beat the drum again and soon the last snake had slithered, as fast as it could, into the sea.

Everyone was delighted to get rid of the snakes at last, and they had a huge celebration, which went
on for several days and nights.

However, as soon as Patrick returned home after the party, he was greeted by the old serpent who
lived in the lake beside his home.

'You don't get rid of me that easily,' said the wily serpent. 'As soon as I laid eyes on that drum of
yours, I knew what you were about, so I hid under a big stone on the bed of the lake. Catch me if you can,' it
hissed, as it slid back into the lake.

Patrick knew that his drum was powerless against this snake, so he began to make a small wooden
box. He set up his workbench outside, right beside the lake. The serpent soon came slithering out of the lake
to see what was going on.

'What are you making?' he asked.

'It's a box for you,' replied the saint, without looking up from his task.

'Don't be ridiculous,' replied the serpent. 'I'd never fit in that. It's far too small.'
'Nonsense,' said Patrick, 'I made it specially and it's just the right size for you. Why don't you try it
and see?'

'Oh, very well, then,' grumbled the snake. 'I love proving you wrong.'

And with that, he crawled into the box and Patrick snapped the lid shut. He brought the box to the
cliff and threw it into the sea.

And that was the end of the last snake that ever lived in Ireland.

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