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Animal Farm

Chapter 1

1. Who was Mr. Jones?

2. What’s a “scullery”?
3. Who was old Major? What was his real name?
4. What does his name sat about him?
5. How old was old Major?
6. Why did he call on a meeting?
7. Who were in the meeting?
8. What did Major explain in the meeting?
9. Who was to blame for their suffering?
10. What was the message of his speech?
11. Why did he insist on “we must not come to resemble man”?
12. What did he dream about? What did the song mean?

Chapter 2

1. What happened to old Major?

2. What does the author mean when he said Major’s speech had “given a new outlook of life” to
some animals?
3. Why would pigs be the smartest of animals?
4. Describe Napoleon and Snowball and explain what do their names say about them?
5. Why does the author say Squealer could “turn black into white”?
6. Why was Mollie so worried about sugar and her ribbons? What does that say about her?
7. Why was Moses unpopular?
8. Where and what is Sugarcandy Mountain?
9. How was Mr. Jones managing the farm at the time?
10. What happened when the animals could not stand being unfed anymore?
11. What were the changes made after the rebellion was carried out?
12. What was “animalism” and which were the commandments?

Chapter 3

1. What were the downsides about working in the farm?

2. What were the upsides about working in the farm?
3. What was Boxer’s role in the farm?
4. Can you describe Boxer’s work and attitude?
5. Describe Sundays in the farm
6. What difficulties did Snowball and Napoleon have?
7. What did Snowball organize with the other animals?
8. What were some results of these organizations?
9. Why was it important for the animals to become literate? What did Napoleon think?
10. What solution did Snowball find for the sheep, hens and ducks?
11. What had happened with the milk?
12. What explanation did the pigs give about their agreement on food?
13. Do you think pigs were being fair? Why?
14. Who does Snowball and Napoleon portray as a parallel of historic characters?

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