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1. What is cloud computing (c.c).

It is a set of principles and approaches that allow to provide computer infrastructure, services,
platforms and applications, which come from the cloud, to users. As requested, and through a

2. What are the service models 3?

-Software as a service.

-Platform as a service.

-Infrastructure as a service.

3. What is cloud computing good for?

Cloud computing is the delivery of computing as a service rather than a product, whereby
shared resources, software and information are provided to computers and other devices as a

4. What is the advantage of using cloud computing?

It allows to work efficiently and reduce costs, also allows access to information at any time
from any computer. It allows to keep the information backed up and secure, it allows work
teams to work simultaneously.

5. What is the disadvantage of using cloud computing?

It does not allow full control in case of technical issues in the infrastructure. You cannot have
complete control over the degrees of security and information management allowing possible
external attacks.

6. Name two characteristics of cloud computing and explain them:

1 Agility: agility improves with the ability of users to replenish technological infrastructure

2 Device independence and location: allows users to access systems using a web browser
regardless of their location or what device they use (for example, PC, mobile phone).

7. Name two advantages of cloud computing and explain them

1 almost unlimited storage

Storing information in the cloud gives you almost unlimited storage capacity.

2 Easy access to information

Once you register in the cloud, you can access the information from anywhere, where there is
an Internet connection.
8. Name two disadvantages of cloud computing and explain them

1 prone to attack

Storing information in the cloud could make your company vulnerable to attacks and threats of
external piracy.

2 Security and privacy in the cloud

Security is the biggest concern when it comes to cloud computing. By leveraging a remote
cloud-based infrastructure, a company essentially gives away private data and information,
things that can be confidential and confidential.

9. What cloud computing application do you use? For what?

I use Goggle Drive to store copies of my files as movies and photos.

10. Why would a company be interesting in the use of cloud computing?

In order to protect your active information from any type of loss, you have an external backup
to recover or access it.

11. Why cloud computing has location independence

because you can access information or service through an Internet connection from any
mobile or landline device located anywhere. you just have to enter through our account

12. What is the advantage that you consider most important?

Information can be easily accessed from anywhere, where there is an Internet connection.

13. Explain 2 of the 3 models of cloud computing service.

Software as a service:

It consists of distribution. of software and services hosted in the cloud, so that any type of
users with internet access can use them.

Platform as a service:

is to provide developers with platforms to develop, execute and manage applications without
greater complexity. Be able to create cloud-based applications

Infrastructure as a service:

Infrastructure as a service, it offers IT infrastructure externally to support business operations.

such as storage, security, network components, among others.

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