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Wh en c e ‘

an d W h it h e r ?


ous B

A l c in .
J a m iso n, M . D .

” ’
Aut h o r o f I nt est in al Ills, I n t e st i na l Ir riga t i o n.

H o w t o Bec o me St ro n g, C hro ni c
Int est i nal Po iso ning, etc .

W i th an Int ro du atio n by

J o h nEme ry Mc Le an
I '

F o rmer Edit o r o fMm d a nd The Meta p hysi cal Maga zi n e

C O PY RI G H T , 1 9 2 2 . BY ALC I N O US B J AMISdN

Pub l i sh e d b y the A u th o ié

Ne w Y o r k
43 We st —
45 th Stree t

H AVI N G been pri v ileged to read the original manuscript

o f this book , I gladly accept the author s in v itation to
“ ”
criticise it in a few introductory paragraphs .

D r J amison is widely known as a success f ul p racti


t io ner in a special field o f medicine and f o r his nume ro us ,

contri buti o ns to med ical literature But it will come as a


surprise t o many o fh is f riends and most o fhis p ro fes

sio nal brethren t o learn t hat he is gi f ted with a clai rv oyant

faculty that enables him to see certain things and discern

operations o fnatural law that are at present hidden f rom
more than ninety nine per ce nt o fthe human race
. .

The work is not the outcome o f any course o f read

ing no r o f phiIO SO phic re fl ection no r o f intellectual
, ,

speculation It is the result o fdirect psychic p erception


and may be describe d brie fly as an in quiry into racial

, ,

origins evolutionary p rocesses and the spiritual destiny

, ,

o fmanki nd The line o ftho ught is not consecuti v e the



chapters being presented in the f orm o fessays that relate

to various aspects o f the weighty theme the primal -

source and ultimate goal o fthe g enus ho e m


While much space is dev oted to a consideration o fthe

eternal purpose o fman s existence o n the earth and else
where the book derives a peculiar timeliness f rom the

current recrude sc ence o fthe o ld con fl ict between theology

and ev olution A lthough D r J amis o n apparently co n
. .

6 Intro du cti o n

cedes the applicability o fthe

v elo p ment o f types and in tracing man as a

o rg a nism to an anthropoidal ancestry he parts company ,

a t this point with both the ev olutionist a nd th e theologian ;

f o r he holds that the r eal man is a spiritual b ei ng and has

n ever b een anything else



The fundamenta l weakness o f Darwinism lies in its

failure to acc o unt for the uniqueness o fman his exclu —

sive p o ssess1o n o fthe faculty o fimagi na tio n Within the

annals of recorded time there has no t been the slightest
struct u ral change in the bee hive thf e ant chambe r the
, ,

’ ’
spider s web the be a , ver s dam o r the ne st o fa ny bird ; ,

rwherea s the abode of th e hu man bein h s undergone

g a

thousands o f modificat i ons and imp ro veme ts from the

n ,

time o fthe roc k cav e dweller t o that o f the o ccupant o f


a modern royal palace The difference is due sol ely to


c reatures are W ithout

that inhabit the same plane draw thei r su st enance from ,

the same source are subj ect to the same env ironmental

limitations are equipped with the same physical senses

, , ,

and are f orced to rep ro duce their kind in the same way


should present certain anatomical similarities But the .

creati v e power o fmi nd displayed by man alo ne is shown


by Dr J amison to p o int to a wholly di f

. ferent or igin for
this highest order o fearthly l i fe

There is a v ital distinction between the evolution o f

type s and the evol ution o fsp ec1es Nature is j ealous o f .

in f ringem ents upon the latter and ev en f rowns u pon the ,

I ntro du cti o n 7

mi xture o fhuman breeds In Mexi co and our o wn Sout h .

ha lfbreed that di splays the most marked cri minal


tendencies The p ure bred Indian is not o ften a rebel at

- .

heart The co al black negro 1s seldom lynched W3E3


. .

man attempts t o interfere wi th natural law by crossi ng the

horse with the donkey a mule res ult s ; b ut the mule d o es ,

not rep roduce itsel f This steri lity o fthe hybrid tends to .

re fute the evol ut ionary claim o f the mutation o f speci es .

The author seems to accept to a limited degree the

principle of reincarn ation as explaining Nature s method
; _

o fleading th e in di iii duali z ed Entity from lower to h igher


planes of c o n sc1 o usness an d causati o n He has l ittle sym


p athy therefor e with affirmatio ns that are ba sed upon

, ,

’“ ”
the B1b11ca1 story o fman s des cent Th e indi ctment o f .

Pa uline C hr stianity presented by the inception duration

i ,

an d barbarities o f the World

W a r an d by the cri mes , ,

mrseinesand degeneraci es that have fo llowe d 1n its wake

af t er ninet ee n ce nturies o f dogmati c teachi n g di scounts ,

the value o f l iteral int erp retati o ns o f New Test ament



theo logy as well a s o f th e biolo gy and anthropo logy of


Gene sis .

The advent o f D a rwinism se rv ed t o accentuate the

dawn o fdoubt w hich decreed the doo mo fdogma I t is

, .

ev eryw mre ev ident there f ore that the reli gious world o f

, ,

tod ay 1 5 m urgent need o fa new rev elation Perhaps in .

the foll o win g pages we have a p relimina ry gli mpse o f

what awaits us in the future li fe com bined with a rational ,

attempt to bl end tru e science with tr ue rel igion— t o their

mutual pr o fit .

So m e .

o fDr .
J a mi so n s assu mpti o ns will n
o t be in
8 I ntro ducti o n

do rsed o raccepted by the strict logician o r the s cientist

accustomed to measure everything by the yardstick o f
materialism Yet we must admit that the inv entor o fthe

multiplication table which forms the basis o f o ur only


exact science (mathematics ) w as obliged at the outset


to assume the existence of the unit .

The author s faith and confidence in the accuracy o f
his o w n psychic obs erv ations and the reality o fhis exp eri
ences will be shared only by those w ho have tr o dden the

same occult path o f inv estigation Yet scores o f the


commonplace facts and scientific v eritie s and ut ilities o f

today were among the dreams o f v isionaries of an
earlier date .

Dr J amison makes no pretense o f literary excellence


no r presumptuous claims of originality ; yet in an epoch

o f intellectual transition like the presen t which most

o fhis conclusions have the full indors ement o fsuch p ro

found thinkers a nd scholars as Si r O liver L odge S ir ,

William C rookes Sir Arthur C onan Doyle and Professor

, ,

C harles Richet it would seem that his bo o k is worthy o f


an unprej udiced perusal It is certainly a unique and

. .

significant addition to the metaphysical literature o fo ur

time .



II .



IV — T H E
V .



V II .




IX .

X .


XI .



X ML -

X IV .
XV .
X VI .

THE author s obj ect in presenting to the reader in this
volume an impressionist word picture -
O f the

O f G od through unvarying natural laws is to suggest a
critical logical and intellectual conception
, , o fthe domains
O fphil o sophy and religion .

It may be regarded as presumptuous on the part O f the

author t o attempt even a partial solution o fso vast a series
o fp ro blems . But it is his hope that other swill carry o n

the study O f these questions , SO that like many other seem


i ngly in surmountable problems in Nature they may event ,

ually be solv ed o r at least greatly clarified .

A B J. . .
MAN : W he n c e an d W hit he r ?



M I ND is a uni t O f co nscmusness and O f m o tion and


i ts armor o r instrument is called spirit , an uncreated ,

indestructible archetypal form or organism from which

, , ,

and through w hich all natural phenomena are made

m ani fest .

There is but o ne archetypal psychic substance (call it

an element i f you like ) in Nature and thi s is made up
, ,

O f organized units O f min d each clothed in an armor

o r instrument called spi ri t We are t o ld that God is a


Spirit and i s immanent or present in all the diversified

, ,

phenomena o f Natur e and that He created the phe


n o meno n called ma n in Hi s o w n image and a fter His

likeness potentially we should add

, .

Innate in every spirit organism there i s the di v ine

essence together with its attributes its law and its
, , ,

creative power (called the w o rd ) and collectively or in ,

v aried aggregations these constitute and make possible

the incarnate phenomenal world and the natural laws that
govern all O f its diversi fi ed functions .

Behind and within all the v aried phenomena O fNature

we find mind o r spirit as a factor and as a recipient ;
, ,

we therefore make no mistake when we say tha t all is

mind or spirit Thought i s a word and in the be gin
, .
12 Ma n When ce a nd Whi ther

ning O fthe creation O f a world it is the word , which i s

e ver being made mani f est through the laws o f integra
tion and disintegration o r incarnation and excarnation
, ,

governing all the diversified phenomena Of a world and

its countless forms O f incarnate and excarnate li fe .

There is no empty space o r v acuum in Nature Space is

, , .

only seemingly empty empty only to those who hav e lim

ited vision There is no mystery there are no secrets in N a


ture for those whose comprehension is sufficiently devel

oped to observe natural phenomen a with unclouded v ision .

Spirit is in all and through all pervading inhabiting

, , ,

and functioning in the immense region called space The .

aggregate o f phenomena in any region that is more

densely incarnated than the rest i s called a planet and ,

this is actually no t greatly unlike the immense region

which those O f limited observation designate as space .

The innate,involved latent power possessed by spirit


i s a mental dynamic force that seeks to express itsel f _

and i s called forth through the o p eratio n o fneed want

, ,

and desire which are the basic factors in the evolution


O f mind o r spirit
, .

Spirit in its 1nv o lv ed state seeks to un fold its poten

tial attributes o f mind and in consequence it puts forth

its primal creative e ffort which naturally results in the


S implest form O f embodiment o r incarnation in the

phenomenal world In order to sustain its created armor

o r instrument which i s SO essential in the phenomenal


w orld it must contend with many Obstacles that tend to


inter f ere with its incarnate existence ; and this struggle ,

like its creation O fa body dev elops its mental powers by


the stimulating acti v ity O f thought Sooner o r later it .

must succumb to the destructive f o rces that env 1ro n it ,

and then excarnation takes place adding another chapter


to its mind un f oldment

T he O ri gi n o fMa n 13

The excarnated S pirit s mind continues to express its
needs wants and desires and again it puts forth its
, , ,

creati v e e ffort with greater confidence due to its past


experience Thus each cycle O f the phenomena we call


respecti v ely birth incarnate exi stence and death produces

, ,

another chapter in the de velopment o f it s mind and O f

its power O f thought And the dauntless spirit in the.

course O f its e v olution passes through countless cycles

o fthi s kind perhaps during billions o fyears as it wends
, ,

its way toward its spiritual and mental goal .

Nature s C osmi c School takes no account O f the time
and labor that the ev ol v in g spirit must expend in the
cosmic i ncubat o r that is in the more ethereal incarnate

, .

regions o r in the denser region called the earth The .


dynamic urge a nd push from within the mind increases

as experience and knowl edge are gained in consequence

O f the S pirit s cea seless e fforts and laborious struggle in
the co sm1c thought incubator in which it i s compelled

to think more and mo re as new c hapters o f gestation

birth sin sickness sorrow and death a re multiplied for

, , , ,

the attainment O fsome purpose o r end o fwhich it knows

naught Being a child O fNature and not knowing from


w hat distant port it ha s set sail o r what harbor it i s


destined to reach in the end the spiri t endures the stern , ,

relentless unpitying merciless tutorship OfNatur e which

, , ,

hears no prayer because the mind o f its ward i s utterly

unprepared to pray .

Up through each consciou s plane O f existence as ,

through a graded school the ascending S pirit wends its ,

way through many cycles O f gestation birth and inca r , ,

nate and excarnate li fe a ttended by labor sin sickness ,

, , ,

sorrow and death as its tutors thus simply obeying the

, ,

law o f need want and desire a potential innate law

, ,


O f mind existing within its o wn organism as a means

to further its o w n ascent to a physical mental a nd spir , ,

i tual goal as yet exceedingly remote .

Gestation O fa spirit within the womb o fan mearnate

planet permits o f nO estimate O f the time when such
spirit now dependent will attain a higher plane O f co n
, ,

scio usness and become a law unto itsel f AS o ne geologi


cal period followed another in the history O f the forma

tion O f the earth s crust all the phenomena Of the ascend

ing scale of being w ere mani fested in con formity with

the various changing planetary conditions In co nse .

q u en ce o f this p rogr essive creative e f

fo rt which was ,

compatible with the ascent O f spirit there was a co n ,

stant gain in experience knowledge and ability to think

, ,

and urged and pushed from within by needs wants

, , ,

and desires the spirit strov e to attain greater physical


ef fic iency a most essential attainment for the sur

v iv al O f the fittest in mental activity and physical

dexterity .

F rom the time Ofthe first incarnation Of spirit to the

period when it acquired the ability to incarnate in a

form that S li ghtly resembled the phenomenon called man ,

countless epochs marked its mental and physical ascent ;

and from that p eriod to the incarnation o f the ape like -

man there elapsed another immense period Of time which ,

was followed by still another great interval before the

mani festati o n o f the phenomenon O farticulate man A t .

thi s epoch the spirit in its long ascent attained the ability
t o incarnate though in a primitive way in its archetypal
, ,

f orm o r in the 1mage Of spirit but it still p o ssessed an

, ,

ani mal consciousness dominated by 1gno rance and re

sembled the savages such as even now inhabit portions
O f the earth being mentally and physically not greatly

unlike the gorilla orang Outang and chimpanzee which

, , ,

like the savage tribes of the earth also inhabit certain

Th e O ri gi n o fMa n 15

regions o fthi s planet and have a language commensurate

with their mental and physical development .

Perhaps fi fty to a hundred thousand ye ars have been

added to the age O f Mother E arth and F ather Time
since the first dawn O f the crowning e ffort O f creation ,

when there came into existence a grotesque caricature

O f what the incarnate phenomenon called man should be .

A nd yet despite this lapse o f time the incarnate form

, ,

known as man i s sti ll a physical gargoyle and a mental

tyke fastened to the Old wheel o ftime and going through

the cycle o fgestation birth and incarnate existence with

, ,

its attendant drudgery sin si ckness sorrow and ultimate

, , , ,

dissolution Death the termination o f incarnate exist


ence again casts the individual being into the exc arnate

world about which it k nows no more than it doe s about


the phenomenal world from which it was disposs essed

f or l ack o f mental funds SO the shuttle O f evolution

has kept up the mov ement back and forth in order to

weav e an Incarnate f orm l n the im age and a fter the

likeness O f Go d .

F o r the period o f perhaps more than eight thousand

years O f which we hav e some knowledge , Mother Nature
and Father Time hav e been recasting th eir incarnate
products constituting so called ci v ilization While ci v


i liz atio n ha s seemingly risen and fallen spirit man h as ,


continued to be bound to the ever moving shuttle pass -


ing back and forth between incarnate and excarnate

existence as do also the ape like men dumb ammal s
, ,

and the lesser incarnate forms O f li fe that creep o r

crawl swim o r fl y A ll accompany proud man back and
, .

f orth in the stern , unpitying merciless cosmic shuttle ;

’ ’
f or Nature s law takes no account o fthe being s su ffer

ing due t o labor sin sickness sorrow o r death N ature s

, , , , .

acti v ities are directed toward d e v eloping each o f its de

pendents into a beauti ful and symmetrical incarnate being
in the image O f Go d and endowed with a godlike mind
that knows nO error in creative e f forts E ach being thus

becomes o ne with the innate law and attributes o f its

own mind the creator O f all things o n earth and in the

regions O f less density which those deficie nt in sight

call space .

Mother E arth and F ather Time hav e no t yet succeeded

in un folding a God fearing ci v ilization O f incarnate men

o n thi s planet ; hence the g r otesque burlesque beings


masquerading today i n the guise O f ci v ilized nations A .

being should no t be classi fi ed as man merely because O f

the nature O f the form in which he i s incarnated so ,

long as he possesses only an animal consciousness and

the fi v e physical senses fo r the gathering O f in formation
that he has in common with the lower animals that also
inhabit the earth He has needs wants and desire s as
, ,

hav e the insects the o x , the horse and the lion ; and he
, ,

per forms the same functions generally speakin g as hi s

, ,

animal fellow creatures They do n o t know whence they


come what the purpose o f li fe i s o r whither they go

, , .

N either does spirit man in his partially developed state ;


there fore he is called the king O f beasts Satanic man —


the most colossally destructive creature that Nature has

produced in her e f fort to e v ol v e a being i ncarnated as a
per fect replica O f its C reator .

SO far in o ur word picture O f the working of natural


laws we hav e described the origin O f Satanic man a ,

v ery ancient h istorical character and pe rsonality who ,

resides in both the incarnate and excarnate realms O f

ign orance in order to be able to remain in close touch
with Satanic fellow beings whose minds are constantly

filled with woes and regrets and with forebodings o f

dire calamities and catastrophes following o ne another


I N N A TE in the incarnate being called m an we find the

essence, the law and the attributes o f mind O ne Of

, .

the functions O f th is being i s to think and with every ,

thought he sends forth the creative word which becomes ,

mani fest in his organism and in the phenomenal world

that env1ro ns him Such mani festation results in accord

ance with the law governing the accreti v e proces s Of

creation o r incarnation which signifies the calling to

g ether O f numerous sentient units o r servitors the a ggre

, ,

g a t i o n s o f which constitute the sentient structural materia l

necessary to complete the particular thought creation for -

whatever purpose it may be d esigned .

In order that an excarnate being may function in

the 1ncarnate human form it must create through thi s

accretive process an armor o r instrumen t in which it

can exi st and function in the particular kind o fenviron
ment that it desires to enter for the purpose o f gaining
experience and knowledge and o fthus further un folding
its potential mental as well as physical powers .

The incarnate protective equipment O f the being called

man i s no t adapted to the environmental conditions O f
li fe in the material elements known as water and air .

Hence he creates for himsel f an arm or o r instrument

called a diving suit and with the protection that this

af fords he i s able to exist and function in the watery

depth s, thus gainin g e xperience and knowledge concern
u a li ti es o fI n c a r n a te Sa ta n i c Ma n 19

ing the li fe phenomena o fthe incarnate inhabitants that

possess bodies able to exist and function in that par
t icula r sentient element o r substance which also con ,

st it ute s a part o f the phenomenal world He has li ke .

wi se created the necessary bodily protection and means

by which he can exist and function in the sentient sub
stance called air which occupies so called space and i s

filled with incarnate world stu ff O f slightly less density


o f li fe embodiment than the region known as the earth


yet presenting all O f the earth s phenomena in a more
ethereal form .

Nature has many diversi fi ed kindergartens and schools

that serve as a continuous series o f aids to the evolution
O fthe mind and O f i t s p sych o p hysica l instrument which ,

i s modified o r changed to suit the plane o f conscious


ness it has reached in the phenomenal world .

Nature s C osmic School naturally has many grades Of
mental and physical adv ancement as indicated by the ,

stupendous array O f li fe unit sth at singly and collecti v ely

, ,

annihilate the thought O fspace and o f the seeming emp ti

ness separating the planets and the stars which present ,

to the undeveloped mortal senses O f spirit man a more -

densely incarnated ser 1es O fphenomena than do the limit

less contiguous regions .

The incarnated Satanic being that is improperly class 1


fied as man i s a natural product O f the evolution o f the

mind and its attending physical phenomena that so re
cently emerged from the lower incarnate conscious plane

o r domain O f Nature He must naturally continue in


his slow ascent from the animal plane O fmind and form ,

S ince the mind and body he now possesses are only

caricatures Of the 1 deal mind and body yet to be
attained .

The spirit b ein g up to the time o f its present den ser


20 Ma n : When ce and Whi ther

incarnation as man posses sed a p ersonality and an indi


v iduality that represented the sum total O f its mind un

f o ldment and in passing through the psychophysical


accreti v e process O f gestation there were also grafted on

the incarnating being s mind and body in a greater o r
less degree the personality and individuality o f the par ’

ents together with the conglomeration O f engrafted


ancestral traits O f mind and body accumulated during

the past hundred million or more years These ancestral .

traits constitute a menag eri e exhibiting inherited mental


and bodily characteristics O ftailed narrow nosed African ,


and Asiatic man like apes (not to mention ape like men )
- -

o fthe gorilla and the orang Outang O f wild and domestic


animals and o fother creatures that might be mentione d


as phases in the earlier stages O f the e v olution O f the

“ -

being destined ultimately to be mani fested in the true

image and after the likeness o f God .

The extreme regret and humiliation that we no w

experience are due to the fact that the being properly

called Satanic man has disgraced his long line O f decent ,

Nature abiding ancestors by all sorts Of dissipation too


v ile to discuss in detail such as the use Of alcoho lic


beverages and narcotic drugs sex abuse , gormandizing

, ,

and neglect o f all the laws O f mental and bodily health

and growth Therefore he cannot properly be classed

either as an animal o r as a man but has the distincti o n


o f being called by the Bibl ical writers a Satanic being

a cognomen to which there has been no Obj ection up


to the present time .


NO W what i s all this pandemonium O f dev iltry in the


mind O f the Satanic man for ? And what good o r bad

service is it likely to render him in the future ?
F rom the time when mind o r spirit uttered the cre
, ,

ati v e word and incarnate phenomenal existence began the ,

' ua l i ti es o fI n ca rna te Sa ta ni c Ma n

operation o f Nature s immutable law o fmind has Co m
p e l le d spirit man to thi nk more and more whether wrong

or right abnormally o r normally ; and while placing no

, ,

restriction o n his thinking it has forced him to abide,

by the inevitable consequences O f hi s mental output in ,

accordance with the law o f cause and e f fect howe v er ,

pain fully disastrous or en j o yably good it may have been .

The mmd O f a being can e v olve only by incessant think

ing and by normal creative e f
, forts keepi ng pace with
the newest need want or desire which stimulates in turn
, , ,

more active thought and new creative powers that ha v e

no limita tions i f they are no rmally used when normal
conditions exist on the planet .

Will it be possible fo r the diversified incarnate regions

O f this sectio n O f the un 1verse to continue their normal

existence and functions o f evolution long enough to

e v ol v e a phenomenon that may be described as man in
the image and after the likeness O f God ? The history
o fthe rise and fall O f so called civilization and the present

deplorable state o f mundane a ffairs may indicate that

Nature s C osmic School will soon cease to function and ,

that its di sintegrati o n o r involution will take place thus

, _ , ,

relegating all the dependent things in the s chool to some

storage plane to await the development o f a new world .

Ignorance has always greatly handicapped spirit man -


as the following dialogue will make plam :

Whi her goest thou
t said the angel ? I know not . .

” “ ” “
And whence hast tho u co me ? I kno w no t But who .

” “ ” “
art t h u
o ? I kno w no t Then tho u art man See that
. .

tho u tu rn n o t back but pass on to the place where thou


sho uldst go .

Proud p
s i r it man
is q uite as ign orant O f the W hence,
22 Ma n : When ce a nd Whi ther

the purpose and the whither O f his existence as the


gorilla the orang Outang ape like man and the creep

ing crawling sw 1mm1ng and fl ying creatures that are

, , ,

his comp anions .

D o the fi v e mortal senses o f the incarnate being known

as man gi v e him any more in formation about his environ
ment than the physical senses possessed by the pig horse , ,

o x o r lion ?
, They hear and know the language o ftheir

kind ; they see and f eel the phenomenon O f birth ; they

know ho w to struggle for existence procreate and care , ,

f o r their young ; they are acquainted wi t h d eath ; they feel

heat and cold hunger and thi rst ; they know day and

night land and water and the change O f the seasons ;

, ,

they are intuitive and impressionable ; they reason from

cause to e f fect ; and finally they feel fear O f danger and ,

terror o f death when they see smell hear o r otherwise , , ,

discern the approach O f man the arch enemy o f all in ,


carnate li fe o n land and in the water and in the ai r .

Practically the entire population Of the earth classified .

as civilized man does not gain any more information

through the use O f the fi ve mortal senses than do the
animals and all the v aried lower species O f incarnate li fe
that environ Satanic man .

Ev ery incarnate being O f the typ e we hav e described

as Satanic man is like hi s ancestors bound to Nature s
, ,

shuttle and i s shoved back and forth from one incarnate

state Of existence to another all the while subj ect to sin , ,

S ickness sorrow death and subsequent rebirth because

, , ,

he will no t think norm ally and thus un fold the innate

potential creative powers O f his mind F ew indi v iduals .

think at all and they but seldom

, .

Nature issues no f ree pass into her storehouse Y o u .

hav e to pay the full p r1ce at once for v alue received .

A bnormal aversion to thinking and working creates

' ua li ti es o fI n c a rn a te Sa ta n i c Ma n 23

excessi v e thi rst fo r pleasure to pass away the time .

Hence the prev alence O f lawlessness and the attitude o f

re v olt against government indicating the disintegration ,

O f o ur semi civilization brought about almost w holly by


the predominance O f the animal conscious ness O f the

multitude over the understanding vision and spiritual , ,

enlightenmen t O f the truly civilized minority who know ,

the whence the purpose and the whither O fthe incarnated

, ,

being called man .

The semi animal consciousness that Satanic man


possesses accounts for hi s lack o f desire to think and

to work Hence h e 1 8 content like the animal with
, ,

food com forts safety and kindergarten amusements to

, , ,

while away the time from the cradle to the grave M ental .

and physical l aziness i s the dominant trait O f hi s cha r

acter ; hence hi s blind acce ptance O f authorities and hi s
notion that e v erything desired ought to be supplied with
o ut e f fort o n hi s p art

A nimals are innately lazy creatures and so is the


animal min ded b eing called man ; consequently it takes


psychological calamities o f o ne sort o r another to dr1ve

man to think and to fi nd a way out O f Mammon s
dilemma Thus he gradually learns to di spel the ancient

L ethe that has so long put h is brain to sleep and comes ,

to realize the purpose O fh is li fe a n d the rich inheritance

in store fo r him i f he will but think and act normally .

Not o ne per cent O f the people o f the earth are really


doing anything worth while The thinkers the doers


the inventors the bene factors O f the world hav e been


j eered at despised
, and persecuted by,the very people

they sought to bene fi t and be f riend Satanic man s .

redemption o r emancipation from ignorance can come

only through k nowledge O f the fundamental laws O f
Nature .
Ma n : Whence a nd Whi ther

In thi s connection it i s o f interest to note the views

O f the eminent scientist Professor E rnst Haeckel who
, ,

tells in o ne o f his books entitled The Riddle O f the ,

Umverse how in his Opinion the bodies o f human

beings were fi rst formed As stated in simple language .

by Herbert N C asson his ideas are as foll ows


Fo tho u sands O fyears it wa s believed to be wicked for


peo ple to learn ho w their o w n bo dies were f o rmed N0 o ne .


no t even a physician w a s all o wed t o take a dead b o dy t o


pieces f o r the p urp o se o f studying ho w it w as made Any



ma n w ho did this was put in pris o n o r sente nced t o death .

T h e name O f the fi rst man w ho was brave e no ugh t o fi nd


o ut the fac t s was Vesalius a B elgian physician H e w as , .

sentenced to death becau se o f his kno wledge but escaped ,

and fled to a f o reign co untry He w as chased fr o m place .

t o place and so o n afterward l o st his li fe in a ship wreck

, .

Sixty fiv e years ago it w as disco vered that every human

bo dy as well as every o ther living thing is made up o f

milli o ns and milli o ns O f tiny cell s j ust as a beach is mad e ,

up o f tiny grains O f sand So me animals a re so lo w and .

so small that they a r e made up o fo nly a si ngle cell U nder .

t he micr o sco pe they l o o k l ike tiny j elly fi shes They are


called the Infuso ria and t he R hi z o p o ds A human bo dy i s .

co mp o sed O f milli o ns O f these little cells O f ever SO many

di fferent kinds .

SO far as o ur bo dies are co ncerned w e a re ve ry much like ,

the l o wer animals F o r instance a man has the same ki n d


o f backb o ne as a c o w o r a ho rse The arm o f a man and .

the wing O fa bird are made O fthe same s o rt O fb o nes The .

skeleto n O f a fr o g i s very much like that o f a man .

Apes are nearest to men in the w ay that their bo dies are
made They have five fi ngers t hirty tw o teeth and 2 00
. ,

bo nes j ust as a man has There is gray matter In their

, .

brains j ust as there is in o urs In fact there i s mo re re

, .

semblance between the b o dy O f a man and that O f an ape

Ma n : Whencea nd Whi ther

presence o fan infinite and enternal E nergy f rom which ,

all things proceed .

T h e evolution o f spirit through all the v aried f orms

o f li fe in Nature finally resulted in its archetypal form
o f spirit which wa s the last creative e ffort physically
, .

This personality was called man and pronounced good

potentially During the long ascent o f spirit in the

phenomenal world the male and female functions were


essential factors in perpetuating the incarnate forms as

the e v olving spirit wended its way up through all forms

of li fe s pheno mena t o that o fape like man and thence -

upward still to the Satanic man hal f animal and hal f ,

human waiting for hi s immortal mind and senses to be


opened and to f unction on a higher p lane o fconscious

ness .


The sun may be clouded yet ever the sun

Will sweep on its co urse t ill the cycle is run .

And when into chao s the systems a re hurled ,

Ag ain shall the B uilder reshape a new wo rld .

Yo ur path may be cl o uded uncertain yo ur go al ;,

M o ve o n fo r the orbit is fixed fo r yo ur s o ul

, .

And tho ugh it may lead into darkness o f night ,

The to rch of t he B uilder sha ll give it new light .

Y were and yo u will be ; kno w this while yo u are

o u , .

Yo ur spi rit has t raveled bo th l o ng and afar

It came fro m the S o urce to t he S o urce it returns ;

The spark that was lighted eternally burns , .

It slept in the j ewel it leaped in the wave ;


It r o amed in the f o rest it ro se fro m t he grave ;

' u a li ti es o fI n c a r n a te Sa ta ni c Ma n 27

It too k o n strange garbs fo r l o ng eo ns o f years ,

And no w in t he s o ul o fyo urself it appears .

Fro m bo dy to b o dy y o ur spirit speeds o n ;

It seeks a n ew f o rm when the o ld one is go ne ;
And the f o rm that it finds is the fabric yo u wr o ught ,

O n the l o o m o ft he mind with the fiber of tho ught

, .

As dew is drawn upward in rain to descend , ,

Yo ur tho ughts drift away and in d est iny blend .

Y o u canno t escape them ; or petty o r great , ,

O r evil or no ble they fashi o n yo ur fate

, , .

S o mewhere on some planet so metime an d so meho w

, ,

Yo ur life will reflect all the tho ughts o fyo ur no w .

The law is unerring ; no bloo d can ato ne ;

The structure you rear yo u must live in al o ne .

F r o m cycle t o cycle thr o ugh time and thr o ugh space

, , ,

Y o ur lives with yo ur l o ngings will ever keep pace .

And all that yo u ask fo r and all yo u desire

, ,

M ust c o me at your bidding as flames o ut of fi re, .

Y are yo ur o w n devil you are your o w n Go d

o u , .

Y o u fashi o ned the paths that yo ur f o o tsteps have trod

And no one can save you from error or sin ,

U ntil yo u shall hark to the spirit within .

O nce list that v o ice and all tumult is do ne

to ,

Yo ur life is the life o f the Infinite O ne ;

In the hurrying rac e yo u are co nsci o us of pause ,

With l o ve fo r the purp o se and l o ve fo r the cause .




A BOU T eighty years ago considerable public attention

was aroused in this country by the phenomenon of an
incarnate being called in a n holding communication with an
excarnate being called spiri t and those w ho investigated

the various phases o f the psychic phenomena connected

therewith and were convinced by the facts presented
, ,

were called Spiri tualis ts for want o f a b etter knowledge


o fthe l a w o fmental communication between incarnate and

excarnate beings A more appropri ate name for them


would have been Psych o n o ni is ts a term fi tly applied to


those making a scienti fi c study of the p rinc rp les o f mental

action between incarnate and excarnate beings .

The simple fact that one being has a denser armor

Or instrument (such as man s physical body ) and a n ,

other being a more ethereal o ne called spirit i s o f no ,

particular consequence t o those w h o are studying the

science of mental action between incarnate and excarnate
beings o r between o ne unit of mind and another regard
, ,

less o fthe character o fthe embodiment of the minds in

communication .

Study o f the law o f mental action between beings in

di fferent states of emb odiment in no wise constitutes a
religion as some would have us believe any more than
, ,

it would be called a religion to study the Customs and

laws o f the E skimo tribes or o f the inhabitants of the
F ij i Islands .
T he Stu dy o f y
P s ch o n o n
r y a nd P sycho geny 2 9

Mind i s a unit o f con sciousness in Nature ,and its

armor or instrument we call spiri t When the spirit in .

ca rn a te s in a corporeal form like the human b o d y the ,

phenomenon i s called man but man i s only a mani festa


tion existin g f or a time in a phenomenal env ironment

o r world .

Mind o r spirit i s the only creati v e power in Nature

, , ,

and by desire and thought in a sequence o fmany creative


e fforts it evolves to larger and higher planes o fcreative


consciousness .

The organism o r phenomenon called man is composed

o f an aggregation o f senti ent entities which are the ,

incarnated being s servitors regulating and sustaining ,

the functions o f the mortal body .

A ll the phenomena of Nature are due to the action

o f mind , or spirit and psycho no mists are students o f


the law of mental action of all li v ing beings mani fe st

ing in the incarnate and the excarnate expression s o f
li fe

Nature has n o secrets nothing hidden ; everything is


obj ective to those whose sp l rit senses are well developed

o r un f o lded while they are yet in the incarnate mani

f esta t i o n
. E very mi nd unit in the incarnate as well as
the excarnate expression o f li fe mani fests its creative
desires and hopes , o r rather the story of its place in
Nature A ll living beings can tell you their incarnated

li f
e story be fore the psychic entity o r being i s a f
forded , ,

an opportunity to incarnate in o ur phenomenal world .

I f yo u want j oy grandeur beauty and knowledge

, , ,

added to your being then study psychonomy and,

psychogeny He w ho becomes acquainted more and


more fully with hi s environment becomes acquainted in

the same increasing measure with the God within and
without himsel f .
3 0 Ma n : When ce an d Whi ther 2
Man possesses in hi s unenli ghtened state nothin g mo re
than the fiv e physical senses which he has in common ,

with most other li v ing things that env iron him All .

these creatures per f orm the functions o f incarnate li fe

in a manner similar o r analogous to that o fman They .

incarnate under the same mental law as man and also ,

excarnate similarly .

O ne wrong thou ght o ne wrong idea can hold a mind

, ,

a prisoner o r a vassal for c o untless years i f that mind ,

does not awaken to its error Who will be so foolish as


to put limitations on mind ? And who but the ignorant

will impri son it for an indefinite period through error

o r lack o fj udgment ?

Who ev er mastered the science o fmathematics except

by training the mind to follow its laws from the easiest

to the most di f fi cult problem ? You hav e to master the

problems o f mathematics yoursel f by thinking ; and by
desire and incessant thinking you o p en the way to an __

understanding o f the science A s E uclid is reported to.

have said to Ptolemy I there is no r o yal road to such


attainment .

E very branch o f learning demands j ust so much co n

stant serious thought before you can master it to the

degree that it becomes a part o fyoursel f U nremitting .

e ffort is re quired i f you would attain oneness with the

laws o fmathematics or with those underl ying any other
problem o f li fe Y o u ha v e to open your mind to the

study o f psychonomy and psychogeny as you do to the

study o f mathematics Intense desire to k no w becomes

a thought incubator that generates new ideas and creati v e

ef fo rts in any being .

Truth is within o urselves ; it takes no rise

Fro m o utwar d things what e er yo u may believe
, .
The Sti t dy o fP sycho n o rny a nd P sycho geny 3 x

There is an inmost center in us all ,

Where t ruth abi des in fullne ss ; and ar o und ,

Wall upon wall t he gro ss flesh hems it in

, ,

This per fect clear percepti o n which is truth —


A baf fling and perverting carnal mesh

B inds it and makes all error : and to ' N O W

Rather co nsists in o pening o ut a w ay

Whence the impris o ned splend o r may escape ,

Than in effecting entry fo r a light

Supp o sed to be wi tho ut .

BRO WNIN G : Paracelsus


Sevenf o ld w e w eav e the measure \

In this dance of L ife ;

Sevenf o ld the bo unds o f pleasure ,

Sevenf o ld the pangs we treasure ,

In this deathly istri fe :

Co rning go 1ng
, ,

Ebbing flowing
, ,

F l o t sam j etsam neve r kno wing

, ,

O n what sho re t he tide shall to ss us ,

No r the heart break that shall cr o ss us


Clinging t o the knife that slays us ,

Seeking still the kno ut that flays us ,

To t he swo rd for ever clinging ,

Hugging cl o se the nettle stinging

Tears and laughter smiles and fro wns, ,

B earing cr o sses weari ng cr o wns

, ,

Falling lo w while l o o king high ,

Daily passing Wisdo m by ,

Till w e find the hidden go al

Here at home within o ur S o ul
, .

E B P —
. . .

Your mind i s your microcosm and you are the sole


inhabitant H o w intensely are yo u going to desire know

3 2 Ma n : When ce a nd Whi ther ?

ledge ? How earnestly are you going to thi nk that yo u ,

may normally un fold the limitless God given powers in -

your possession ? No one can do it for you You must .

solve the psychophysical mathematical problem yoursel f .

When you pay the price the attainment i s yours You .

have within the essence of your mind n o w all that is

coming to you in eternity Realize the wealth there

fore as fast as you Can With inconceivable boundless

, .

creative powers already within his mind awaiting ex ,

pression h o w long oh h o w lo ng i s the spirit o fman



going to be content with the in formation gained through


the fi ve physical senses as are the lower animals that


environ him ?
Through the long process of integration and drs1n
teg ra t io n the mind with it s creative powers continued to

evolve as a result o f the urge and push o f in nate desire

and thought and ultimately the archetypal form of spirit

w a s unable to mani fest itsel f in a form fashioned in

the image and after the likeness o fGo d The long .

incubation o f spirit in Nature s Cosmic School fi nally
evol ved the phenomenon called rh ani We know some

thing about m an s hi story down to the present day and ,

this enables us to reali z e that he i s s till a pupil in

Nature s Cosmic School of construction and destruction ,

but that his spirit i s making e fforts to emancipate itsel f .

Many of the earth s peo ples are hoping and patiently
praying for the coming o f a Prophet : a personage with
enduring ideals for the betterment of mankind and of
human li fe ; o ne with a v ision as to ho w to do away
with the destructi v e impulses and activities of man ; o ne
w h o will give them knowledge regarding the nor mal um
fo l dment o f the godlike power within themselves ; o ne
who will establish interracial unity in consequence of
right thinking and nobility o f character thought and , ,
34 Ma n : Whence a nd Whi ther ?

in letters of light which all men may read but himsel f .

C oncealment a vails him nothing There i s confession


in the glances of our eyes in o ur smiles in salutations

, , ,

and the grasp of hands .

All that tho u hast tho ught ,

All that tho u hast felt ,

All that tho u hast said and d o ne unto o t hers ,

That art tho u and tho u art that
, .


THE first active desire o f a spirit to create marks

its beginning a s a factor and a recipient in an incarnate
world At the time when mmd or spirit began to
, ,

mani fest its involved attributes and apply its creative

power t he phenomenon of 1ncarnatio n occurred ; and

during the eons spent in labor and thought a planet w a s

evolved with n umberless types o f living things among

which man the latest to be developed i s mentally and

, ,

physically the highest and most complex being fashioned ,

in the image o f the archetypal form o f spirit .

In the beginning o f the phenomen o n o f the accreti v e

embodiment o f spirit the result w as the simplest form

o f creati v e e ffort and incarnate exi stence However .

simple the embodiment it possessed needs wants and

, , ,

desires and to satis fy them it had to struggle and con


tend with its environment so that labor and thought


on its part were required for the maintenance of its

earthly expression .

Through forced and incessant labor and thought in

the incarnate and excarnate phases o f li fe in Nature s
Cosmic S chool spirit thus accumulated experience and

knowledge through the law o f the integration and di s

integration o r li fe and death o fits created phenomenon ;
, ,

and the continuance o f thi s process cycle a fter cycle

, ,

for vast periods enabled spirits to evol v e o ur phen o m enal

incarnate world .
Ma n : When ce a nd Whi ther ?

F rom the beginning to the end o fthe sev en stages in

the process o f the world s formation during which it ,

w as being fitted to be a habitation f o r s pirit incarnate

in the form o f man an immense amount o f labor and


thought had to be expended and much experience and

knowledge acquired by the spirit be fore the phenomenon
called man could be mani fested .

O ne might think that Nature s C osmic School was
v ery liberal with its educational favors in permitting a
spirit to take o n a form called man and yet allowing it
to retain all its ancestral animalistic t raits and habits
of mind such as man exhibits today Since spirit has
, .

so recently emerged from the lower conscious planes of

incarnated beings spirit man naturally retains his acquired

animalistic mind traits and mentally he yet resembles all


the incarnate creatures that environ him and i s wholly

dependent o n hi s fi ve physical senses for in formation ,

as are all living creatures in the lower mind grades o f

Nature s Cosmic Scho o l .

Spirit man escapes from the gestative 1mp r1 so nment

i n hi s m o ther s womb to fi nd himsel f a helpless bei ng

dependent upon the care and bounty of others I f he .

escapes the many fatal diseases incident to infancy child ,

h o od and youth he becomes as a rule an intractable

, , ,

headstrong unthinking stripling expressing many o r all

, ,

of the animalistic traits o f mind ; and as physical man

hood develops he usually becomes an intellectual tyke
neither an animal nor a human being in specific mental

and physical characteristics He i s yet a prisoner in


Nature s merciless Cosmic School and will be forced by ,

the innate law of mental action within him to think and

work normally in order to extricate himsel f from the
accumulated d é bris of his past abnormal creations .

In this scho o l o fcreative thought and labor one must

T he Sp i ri t s Need o P
f yh si ca l En d ea vo r 37

o f necessity
choose between right and wrong creative

forts and in that choice lies one s potential creative

destiny .

O ver the portal o f Nature s C osmic School o f
Psychonomy and Psychogeny a re inscribed these words

It required many millions o f years for a being in

Nature s Cosmic School of mind contending constantly

with c o untless obstacles and surmounting them by means

o f incessant labor and thought
, , to un fold the innate
creati v e power su fficiently to incarnate in the most
i cient bodily 1 nstrument we call ma n who made his
e ff ,

appearance up o n the earth as a savage hundreds o f

thousands o f years ago and still exi sts on the planet in
great numbers in ful fi lme nt o f an evolutionary purpos e .

Through perhaps two o r three hundred million years

Spirit has struggled labored ,and t ho u ght in contending

with the phenomena called birth existence and death ;

, ,

and it has thus acquired the ability to incarnate in a

replica called man a great upward step in physical ev o lu

tion made possibl e by the development gained in the

struggle necessary to sustain i tsel f in each o f its count
less incarnate e fforts in the past .

The history o f the evolution of the mental attributes

o f the being called man from the fi rst beginnings down

to the present day i s not very complimentary to him ,

and he is yet confined in Nature s cosmic incubator and
must labor and su ffer p o verty sin sorrow worry dis
, , , ,

ease and death all in consequence of failure to think


and create normally Inherent in the mind o f man i s


the law governing the mental attributes that must be

ev o lv ed by r ig h t thi n ki ng a nd ri g h t c o nd u c t in Nature s
3 8 Ma n When ce a nd Whi ther

C osmic School which relentlessly without pity or love

, , ,

compels a being to abide by the consequences of its

mental habits .

The law o f conduct i s within the mind and no one ,

but the individual himsel f can solve the problem or

work it out As long as he depends wholly on foreign

aid the creative power o fthe mind remains inactive and


he becomes a sniveler full o f fear and woes with his ,

prayers unanswered Nature s Cosmic School has no

love no mercy no patience no ear for supplication no

, , , ,

hand extended to s ave It demands o f its factors and.

recipients continuou s working and thinking along the

normal course of mind un foldment which creates happi ,

ness j oy contentment and tran quillity of mind in con

, , , ,

sequence o f the fact that the individual has found his

place in the macrocosm and will work think and create , ,

normally in accordance with the dictates of an awakened

intelligence .

O ne should take delight in whate v er labor one finds

to do and do it honestly care fully and in the most
, , ,

up to date way ; for in so

- -
doing one develops creative
ability which constantly exercised will transform the
, , ,

animal minded man into a really noble minded o ne who

- -

loves to work in the most skill ful manne r and who in ,

so doing is in reality working o ut his o w n p o tential

destiny and divinity .

It should be one s aim to do whatever the mind and
hands fi nd to do in the right way (the best possible
way ) with a consciousness that no one could do it better

under the circumstances An individual who has reached .

the stage o f consciousness in which he puts his very soul

( or mind ) into e v erything that he does necessarily and ,

inevitably performs progressive creative mental work ,

and un folds more and more o f the still latent power o f

T he Sp i ri t s Need o fP hysi ca l Endea vo r 39

mind A ll that any spiritual being has acquired o n its


long j ourney o f mind evolution has been gained in con

sequence o f co mpulso ry la bo r and tho ugh t in Nature s
C osmic Schoo l o f creation and destruction in which the ,

mind i s taught to create in a better and nobler way .

O n every hand it had to contend with seemingly in sur

m ountable obstacles and in so doing it acquired increased

creative powers for sel f preservation and greater mental


alertness and bodily strength The individual who feels


no happiness no j oy and no satis faction in acti v e thought

, ,

and labor for himsel f and more particularly for others

, ,

has no purpose in existence; but is simply dri f ting o n


the ocean o f mmd as an aimless thing trying to get all-

he can for the least possible return o n his part thus ,

cheating hims el f out o f an opportunity to devel o p the

innate potential creative power within himsel f He is
, , .

simply a thie f who takes the created product o fanother

and at the same time steals from himsel f the ability to
produce what he needs and desires ;
We can readily understand why Natu re compels S pirit
“ ”
man to earn his bread by the sweat o fhis brow The .

e ffort thus put forth tames the animal nature and tends
to make man acquire concentration o f mind and the
ability to think intelligently so that he can gain know

ledge and accumulate experience and thus un fold the ,

godlike creative powers of his mind By constantly and .

normally developing these latent powers spirit man gains ,


larger use of hi s fi ve physical senses so that he i s able ,

to percei v e and comprehend the phenomena o f li fe o n

the ex car na te plane o f spirit existence a s well as obtain
a more accurate knowledge o f t he phenomena o f hi s
i ncarna te existence and environment How long will .

unthinking uncr eating and undeveloped spirit man be

, ,

content with the limited vi ew o f phenomena that hi s

4 0 ,
Ma n : When ce a nd Whi ther

animalistic senses a fford him a range o f perception —

that he shares with the swimming creeping crawling , , ,

quadrupedal and flying creatures that als o inhabit the

earth for a presumably good purpose ?

M an now exi sts in the midst o f his o wn abnormal ,

creations and through his needs wants and desires he

, , ,

continues to create wrongly ; there fore sin sorrow worry , , ,

poverty sickness and death hi s o wn creations beset

, ,
— —

and af flict him .

We may then formulate three propositions in rela

, ,

tion to the subj ect in hand : ( I ) that the mental con /

cept o f a spirit that has created the phenomenon called

man is to make a distinction between itsel f and its
creation ; (2 ) that the incarnate form i s only an accretive ,

protective armor and an instrument through which the

spirit gains know ledge and experience ; and (3 ) that it
is essential that the incarnate instrument receive the best
o f care so that it will be capable of respo nding to every

normal demand o f the spirit within its created person

ality When this knowledge has been attained man

can be said to have found himsel f and to have become

in itiated into a larger and a holier creative li fe .

Nature s un1versal incubator never intended that the
brood called man should remain confi ned in the cosmic
hatchery It sends him forth like a chick from its

broken shell into a denser phenomenal world to work


out his destiny by incessantly thinking and laboring thus

preventing mental and bodily stasis o r stagnation which , ,

would speedily result in mental autotoxemia o f the

organism and ultimately lead to the ex tinction o f the

individual man and o f whatever degree of civili z ation

he might have attained .

Constant normal labor of mind and body creates sel f

co nfi dence and be gets resource fulness the instigator o f ,
4 2 Ma n : Whence a nd Whi ther

dawn o f the millennium will shed its benign radiance

over a transfigured and ennobled humanity .

We may fittingly conclud e the present chapter with the

following splendid words of J ames Allen :

Y will reali z e the Visi o n (no t the i dle wish ) of yo ur

o u

heart be it base o r beautiful o r a mixture o fbo th fo r yo u

, , ,

will always gravitat e t o ward that which yo u secretly must

, ,

l o ve Into yo ur hands will be placed the exact results o fyo ur


o w n tho ughts ; yo u will receive that which yo u earn ; n o

mo re no less Whateve r yo u r p re sent envir o nment may be

, .

o u will fall remai n o r r i se with y o ur tho ughts yo ur Visi o n

y , , , ,

yo ur Ideal Y o u will beco me as small as yo ur co ntr o lling


desire ; as great as yo ur do minant aspirati o n .


W IT H I N the m 1u d o f spirit man there should arise


higher and nobler needs wants and desires for thi ngs
, ,

that have not yet been attained but are attainable through

the mind s contin uous creative e fforts F or those who .

will give attention to what the spirit mind sends forth


in the way o f promptings and mental impulses and will ,

heed them entertain th em and energize them by con

, ,

stant attenti o n and thinki ng and doing the five mortal ,

senses will respond to thecreative demand O f the spirit

mind O f t he individual .

W ith o ut fail demonstrat ion and realization must fol


low the demands o f a dominant mind and what was ,

unrecognized by the physical senses will become recog

n iz able through them I f one really and truly desires

to see feel hear and know more ab o ut the phenomena

, , ,

of the incarnate and excarnate planes of the world that

environs him and i f he will exert hi s creative powers

through constructive thought and conduct then larger ,

powers o f perception and more extended use o f hi s

physical senses will be attained and the individual will
be enabled to cognize the phenomena o f incarnate and
excarnate li fe that environ him as well as those o n ,

other planes o f existence .

A being in the incarnate or excarnate state of mani

fest at io n when he becomes capable of seeing p sychically

the phenomena o f Nature and understanding them , i s

better able to arrive at accurate kn o wledge re g arding
the phenomenon called man and his environment .

Spirit man s anl mali st ic senses and the various organs

of his body are o f no greater u se to him than his mind

d emands The mi nd o f a spirit c reated its incarnate

or gans o r body and that which it created it ca n trans

, ,

form through continued training into a state o f greater

use f ulness It i s thi s principle that renders progressive

dev elopment possible .

When spirit man whether incarnate or excarnate

, ,

ceases to think earnestly and to labor to know more (


retrogression o f the mental powers takes place a cco m ,

a n ied by a return to savage existence O r i f he becomes

p .

embalmed mentally with sel f sati s faction at what he -

already knows he becomes stunted and remains a medi


o cre unit in the macr o cosm until some mental cataclysm

overtakes him The potential creative power o fhis mind


rema 1ns dormant and unprogressive and he becomes ,

mentally torpid like the domestic and wild creatures that


environ him I f one is going to get anywhere the


mental urge and push must be incessant ; o therwise stag

natio n an d d isintegration will t ake place .

A s a rule the incarnate spirit called man r emains a


headstrong thoughtless abnormal creature 1n the kinder

, ,

garten o f Nature s C osmic School until tw enty or more
years have passed whereupon hi s tendency i s to ass ume

the animal habits an d customs o f his thou ghtless a nces


tors as do all incarnate living things that are his earthly


companions a nd hav e a language o f their o wn that man

knows not The sp 1r 1t o f the man w ho is not yet

awakene d to his limitless creative powers o f mind i s

still functioning on the animal mind plane He has eyes .

yet sees not ; he has ears ye t hears not simply becau se


the mind has not gained adequate command over the

Unfo ldmen t a nd Envi ro nmen t 45

organs o f perception his fi v e physical senses so that

, ,

they are practically useless to him as a means o f obtain

ing further in formation regarding hi s env 1ro nment .

The mind o f a spirit being whether in the incarnate


or the excarnate state functioning o n the animal plan e


with its li mited physical senses cannot for a moment ,

perceive or comprehend that the individual exists w ithin

the bod y o f a planet rather than on its outer su rface
, .

That which hi s limited spirit mind through the five -


senses that are atrophied from lack o f use conceives to ,

be empty space 1 s m re ality the interior o f a planet filled

with elements and living things presenting phenomena
sim ila r t o those o n the mun dane plane o f existence but

in a more ethereal expression and mani festation o fspirit .

Spirit i s a psychophysical organism (and so i s sp irit

when incarnate in the form c alled man ) and it requires ,

a p sych o physic a l environ ment not greatly unlike that of


those who incarnate in a denser state and are known as

man Ifman s mind is sufficiently developed psychically

he i s able to observe through his bodily senses the phe

no mena o f spirit and its environment in the ovate zone

that envelops all living things on o ur plane o f action .

That which the unde veloped spirit mind and its mortal

senses perceive as solid earth has capsules planes or , ,

zones which constitute Nature s incubators for the devel

o p ment of spirit and the un folding o f its laten t powers .

Nature i s a graded cosmic school for the un folding

o f the innate law and creative power o f mind The earth .

and its ovate capsules planes o r zones are only so many

, ,

v aried and adaptable mind incubators that will e v entually

hatch o ut let us hope a spirit mind that can incarnate
, ,

as man not only 1n the 1mage but also in the mental


likeness o f Go d A being who has learned that normal

mind creati o n , by means o f a continuous sequence o f

4 6 Ma n : When ce a nd Whi ther

th o u ghts and acts is a necessity i f development i s to


continue has found the way o fli fe in hi s o wn organism

, .

The earth and its ovate zones o r incubators are so , ,

j oined interwoven and blended that the incarnate and

, ,

excarnate being s o n the excursion o f li fe always find ,

in each successive state an environment appropriate to


their stage of mind un foldment What i s called space .

i s much like what i s called so li d in the sight o f a person


who possesses enough psychic development to percei v e

that there are not two extremes solids and empty space —

in the phenomena o fthe earth although they may be ,

so concei v ed by the undeveloped mind o f either an i n

carnate o r an excarnate being .

The di fference between these two supposed extremes

lies only in the degree o f density corre sponding to the
development o f the inhabitants their environment being,

densest at the central core and becoming progressively

more ethereal as the outer capsules planes o r zones O f , ,

mani festation are attained F rom the center o fthe earth


to its outermost regions o r zones there is one con

, ,

t in u o us gradati o n o f habitable regions with all the ,

p sychophysical conditions essential to the va rious degrees

o f evolved mind and to the needs o f a be ing that is

mentally c o m 1ng to be more and more nearl y in the like

ness o f God .

O n the mundane plane o f denser world stu f f a spirit -

being incarnates and i s called man Deep down at the .

innermost region of the ov ate zones he exists as an

undeveloped cosmic being whose primitive mind and
physical senses barely a fford him mean s of providing for
his bodily necessities as he moves ab o ut in so called

empty space nearly as ignorant as the less evolved crea


tures which are busy with their a ffairs o f li fe like their


f ellow creature , man

Unfo ldmen t a nd Envi ro nmen t 47

Those who by thought and act have evol v ed and con

t inue to e v olve the limitless innate creative power o f
, ,

their minds are able to observe the phenomena that exi st

and take place in what i s called space and can see its ,

inhabit ants and communicate with them as well as ,

observe their psychophysical environment o fl and water , ,

forests v egetation birds animals and the like quite

, , , , ,

similar to the so called mundane plane inhabited by the


primitive being called man Nature does not thrust its


dependents from its C osmic School o r incubator into , ,

empty space o r into an incompatible environment but ,

gradually trans fers them as their individual un foldment

renders it possible and advi sable from o ne mind incu ,

bator department o r conscious p lane to another to which

, , ,

all their go o d m enta l b elongings carried over from the

past as well as all that ha s been loved and remembered
, ,

may be brought along i f so desired A ll progress waits .

on normal desire and requires the will and determina


tion to act without ceasin g ; the lack o f these means

r etrogression and a return to savagery .

We have discovered that so called space and so li ds -

are not so dissimilar as o ur animalistic mind and senses

report to us There i s really no division into space and

solids but rather o ne mass o r aggregation o f psycho


physical world material that i s capable o f instantly re


sp o nding to every a ct io n o f mind By way o f illustra


tion I shall liken what i s known as space and solids to


a world o f more or less dense smoke cumuli fi lled with -


a fog or haze o ffl u ffy flo cculent sentient things o r sub


stances extending in every directi o n , which o f f er no

obstruction to the sight o r to the passage o f excarnate
beings and yet a f
, ford an environment that i s more o r
less a counterpart o f the environment that the incarnate
and ex carnate spirits possess on the so called mundane -
4 8 Ma n : When ce a nd Whi ther

plane o f the great Cosmic School (The reader should .

bear in mind that all is mind or Spirit and that it is , ,

only a question o f a little greater o r less density o f

aggregation o f the sentient units that di f ferentiates the
various graded capsules planes o r zones that constitute
, ,

o ur planet )

Involved in the essence o f mind are the law and the

creative power and what i s involved naturally requires

long and tedious mental processes accompanied with ,

error fo r its evolution and complete expression Inte

, .

ra t i o n and disintegration o r li fe and death are only the

g , ,

ph enomena attending the creative law o f mental pro

gress toward the goal where the be ing bec o mes a law
unto itsel f and dominates its environment being thus ,

enabled to e v ol v e still further the limitless potentiality o f

The innate law o f the mind and its creative power
make its possessor responsible for the right o r wrong
creative use o f it The mass of flo ccul ent cumuli o f

constructive spirit material readily makes mani fest o bj ec


t iv ely and thus depicts minutely the mind s creations o f
, ,

both uttered and unuttered thought E very element in .

Nature and the mind action o f every living thing are


mani fested obj ectively in the sentient plastic m ass o f

world stu f
fthat can be seen and handled The little unit .

o fmind encased in a pink seed thus tells its story before

it has an opportunity to incarnate in a denser form (by

producing its stem branches leaves and flowers ) to
, , ,

please the u ndeveloped mind and senses of the less

advanced children of Nature thus doin g its mite in ,

helping to fill so called space L ikewise every l iving thing


however tiny o r large tells its mind story in its own


manner ; hence there i s no space so empty and no solid

so dense that it cannot re v eal its place and function in


ON the mundane plane o f existence the armor and

instrument or the replica of an incarnated spirit in its
, ,

archetypal form i s cal led man and in common with , ,

most living things in the earth o n the land in the , ,

waters o f the earth and in the air he is endowed with

, ,

physical senses .

Nature forces spirit man to struggle for existence with


the elements that environ him and also to labor to ,

obtain hi s material necessities and to provide for the

care of his offspring In like manner Nature impels the

insects the o x the horse and all other fo rms of incarnate

, , ,

li fe that dwell upon our planet .

Man beholds the phenomena o fli fe and death and so ,

do all the incarnate beings that are below him in degree


of unfoldment o f mental attributes He does not know .

the cause o r the purpose o f the phenomena o f li fe and

death ; neither does the fowl the cal f or the pig he , ,

rears to kill .

Ev ery living thing that swims fl ies creeps crawls , , , ,

o r walks o n all fours i s instinctively a fraid of man Man .

1 5 still so content with the information obtained through

hi s animalistic senses that he not the lion deserves to , ,

be called the king o f beasts He i s the arch destroyer .


o f his o w n S pecies .

L ike the quadrupeds and other incarnate creatures ,

man is physically and mentally very lazy and does no t

D evel o p men t o fthe I mmo r ta l Sen ses 5 1

care to think ; hence Nature has taken good care n o t to

coddle him in the lap o f plenty but has forced him ,

laboriously to seek food water clothing and shelter to

, , , ,

contend with numerous diseases a s well as with the

destructi v e action o f the elements and to live in terror ,

o f his fellow men and o f ferocious animals


In every conceivable form and manner Natur e has

place d obstacles in man s path and provided destructive
forces for spirit man to struggle with thus calling forth

the cr eative thought latent within his mind The history .

o f the civili zation o f man and o f the evolution o f h is

mind from the earliest beg1nn1ngs down to the present
time i s a continuous record o f hi s struggles losses and , ,

gains all for the purpose of compelling him to think

more and to labor harder to prevent horrible catastrophes

(such as the recent World War ) catastro phes that are —

due entirely to the animali stic mind and senses that still
dominate spirit man -

Spirit man like al l other incarnated creatures that



inhabit the land , the water and the air observes and
, ,

comprehends but little of the earth s ph enomena He .

like the other cr eatures o fo ur plane feels heat and cold ,

and the moving air observes t he rain and the lightning


flash and beholds the solid wrinkled earth and the

canopy of heaven that covers him like a bowl under ,

which he moves about at will ; but here hi s powers o f

observation seemingly come to an end .

Spirit man must be made aware o f the present limita


tions o f his mind and of his fi v e physical senses The .

five mortal senses of spirit man will not and cannot —

report to the mind what the mi nd does not want o r i s

totally ignorant o f They are merely ser v ants o f the

mind which they supply with no more in formation than


it demands o r desires to obta in .

5 2 Ma n : Whence a nd Whi ther ?

In v ol v ed inthe mind o fa being garbed in the replica '

called man are limitless possibilities whether he be in ,

an incarnate or excarnate state o f ex istence A being .

incarnated as man should not be content with the char

act eri st ic s o f his animal c o n sc1o usness and w ith similar

avenues o f in formation regarding his environment Ants .


roaches and bees have no more use o f their senses than

their minds will permit ; neither can spirit man hav e any -

more use o f his sense avenues o f information than the


degree o f un foldment o fhi s mind makes possible .

The fi v e physical Senses are O nly instrum ents of the

m ind like the arms legs wings and vital organs o f all
, , , ,

incarnate and excarnate creatures that participate in the

phenomena o f Nature B y unfoldin g his mind through

constant desire and consecutive thinking S pirit man will ,


gain higher and higher planes o f consciousness thro ugh

the response o fhis av enues o fin formation to the demand s
o f his mind similar to the response o fo th er organs of

his body under the process of long training Spirit man s .

mind through its constant and intense desire to know


and to understand does not evol v e additional senses but

, ,

s imply makes better o r higher normal use o f the fi v e

, ,

senses he already possesses .

The past history o fman and hi s present sad condition

physically and mentally cause him to lo ng hope and , ,

pray for something better He has mentally wandered


far afield feeding hi s mind o n husks in the land o f

, _

Mammon and thus retaining all his animal attributes .

He lives in a spiritual land o f boundless ple nty and

knows it not ; but n o w the people o fthe earth are yearn
ing for some o ne to show them the way o ut o f the plane

of M ammon s consciousness into that o f the Brother
hood o f Man and the F atherhood o f God .

Spirit man has dug and bored into the bo wels O f the
D evel o p men t o fthe I mmo rta l Sen ses 53

earth and searched the depths of the ocean to fi nd wealth ,

happiness j oy and peace o f mind all the time waging

, , ,

fierce mental and physical combats with his fellow beings -


thus playing the part o f an untrained and boisterous

pupil in Nature s Cosmic School until he can become a
law unto h imsel f .

In the course o f long periods o f time the spirit o f ,

man finds itsel f o n t he mundane plane for a compara

t iv ely short while for the purpose of developing and nu
folding the limitless innate creative power and law o f
his mind thereby learning in a normal way in Na

ture s C osmic Scho ol 120 becom e more and more in unity
with his inner divine sel f his fellow man and his eu ,

v iro nment .

Spirit man need not hO p e p ray or wait for some


, ,

o ne to force happiness j oy and peace o f mind upon him

, , ,

for the de sired result cannot come in t hat w ay A ll that .

spirit man desires i s inher ent in his o w n mind but it


must be cultivated and un f olded by n o rmal thinking and


conduct N 0 one can inj ect the blessings we have


enumerated into the mind o f a lion a tiger or an ele , ,

phant o r as already stated e ven into spirit man as long

, , ,

as he remains in his animal consciousness .

There is nothing in the earth o r upon it o r in the , ,

heav ens abov e that mi nd has not created o r evol v ed

, ,

and the phenomena merely wait for a mind prepared to

receive them What your mind i s prepared t o receive

y o u have already acquired D o not retain and hoard .

that w hich your mind has obtained but release it like ,

water fl owing from a spring and forge o n in your ,

mind s excursion fo r newer better and richer discover , ,

ies that you may thereby enlarge your mental domain

, .

O ne desire should be paramount in your mi n d and ,

should direct all its acquirements ; namely the desi re to ,

54 Ma n : When ce a nd Whi ther

obtain knowledge and wisdom that yo u may kn o w God ,

yoursel f your fellow man and all living things incarnate

, ,

or excarnate in Nature
, .

Spirit incarnated in the personality o r 1nstrument called

man should as speedily as possible a cquire the ability to
use its mask normally and as it were double the func
, , ,

tions o f its fi ve physical senses and become able to per

cei v e the phenomena o f excarnate li fe as well as those

o f incarnate existence The five mortal senses can


not convey a whit more to the mind than it is able to


conceive o r desires to know .

The mind o f spirit man constantly requires new and


fresh thought soil from which to take menta l food for


further growth o r unfoldment Spirit incarnated in a .

vegetable form i s wholly dependent o n the soil and the

other elements o fits environment fo r co ntinued g ro w th .

Spirit man i s a vegetable o rgan1 sm t hat is capable of

fi nding n ew mental soil o r environment i f prompted by .

desire I f not pushed by desire and an u rge to know


more the m ind becomes a prisoner in the permanent


mental soil of sel f satis faction and ceases to evolve its

c reative possibilities in accordance with the principles
inherent in its be1ng .

The mind o f spirit man should avoid becoming pris


oner to a dominant idea This conditi o n i s usually


brought about as a result o f sp irit~man s uniting in a
cause for the sake o f e ffectiveness this developing into ,

sel f protectiveness and then petri fying into obstructive


ness to the mental progress o f mankind F or political .

and religious liberty the mind o f Spirit man has been in -

a constant struggle from the dawn of his ex i stence o n

earth down to the present time .

O ver the portals o f all our educational institutions

should be insc ribed the following maxim :
D evel o p men t o fthe I mmo rta l Sen ses 55


Mankind i s greatly 1n need o f teachers and schools

devoted to the subj ect o f Psychonomy that it may learn ,

the principles o f the law o f mental action between in

carnate and excarnate beings and also the power o f
thought over environment Spirit man must learn h o w

to S ilence hi s physical instrument so that a fter many , ,

e fforts repeated over a long period o ftime the immortal ,

mind may command to the fullest extent the normal

use of that instrument and its organs When the mind .

of a spirit in the 1ncarnate o r excarnate state of exi stence

awak ens to its in n ate creative power the words cann o t , ,

i mpo ssi bl e and d o u bt will van i sh from its lexicon and


cease to confine it within narrow bounds A person may .

be unconscious o f t he possession o f one o r more phases

o f psychic power or even when conscious of it may

neglect to unfold his latent ability and thus retard devel

o p ment of the mind inde fi nitely .

W o r th W hi le
Is I t

for a S pirit in its incarnate form to acquire the ability


to communicate with an excarnate spirit ; to hear words

o f love advice and admonition ; to feel the touch o f
, ,

the dear ones who have laid aside the mortal body and
to know they are near ; to kn o w (rather than to have
faith o r even to doubt ) that li fe i s continuous ; to know
that li fe has a real and noble purpose and i s worth living ;
to realize that excarnate Sp irit s kno w your every thought ;
to realize that they visit dine and hold receptions in
, ,

your home ; to see your home fi lled with beauti ful plants ,

trees and fl owers and smell th eir varied perfumes ; to


see spirits traveling t hrough so called space o n horse -

back in wheeled vehicles or in S hips ; to see sp irits far

, , ,

above the clouds plunging through so called space carry


5 6 Ma n : Whence a nd Whi ther ?

ing an Am erican fl ag o n a pole and clearly displaying

all its colors ; to see ethereal vehicles beauti fully illumi
mated as though by the scintillation of diamonds ; to see
ethereal forms with indescribable brilliants here and there
on their bodies illuminating vast areas ; to v isualize the
realms o f the gods and goddesses who hav e graduated

from the C osmic School ; to see Spirits descend and

reascend into the heavens o n balconies held together by
strong ropes ; to see the mani festation of printed pages ,

as of a book o r newspaper and to realize the astounding


degree o f mental concentration required to hold the

words and lines so very accurate and so clearly percepti
ble ; to observe the beginning and completion o f a world ;
to see the inhabitants o f the interior o f this planet ; to

read the li fe story o f a seed nut root stem or egg

, , , ,

before its ultimate mani festation in denser material

form ; to see the sentient mind units o r spirits that co n
, ,

st itute the phenomenal world ; t o know that what we

call space is filled with living things ; to know you are
enveloped by and press your way through dense sentient ,

world stu f
f making living obj ective things o ut o f every

thought you think ; to know that there are no secrets in

Nature ; to know that you are both a facto r and a recip
ient in the phenomenal world in which you exist ; to
know that inherent in the mind o f each human factor
and recipient i s the law o f normal creation unity o f ,

purpose and mutual help fulness that will eventually


evol v e a being possessing godlike attributes ; to realize

that thi s law must continue to unfold divine beings o n
both the mundane and supermundane cosmic planes ; to ,

know that Nature s unity o f purpose will develop the
minds o f beings in whatever state o f ex1 stence they

may be until they become one with good o r G od in

, , ,

all their future creative e fforts ; to find your place and



WIT H the conscious psychodynamic upward reach o f

a spirit being from a lower conscious plane of existence

to a higher and the ben efic aid o f spirit beings of a


higher plane yet to be attained by him spirit man now ,


fi nds himsel f on this phenomenal plane where all the

li v ing things wear masks as he does
, .

By what means can the sp 1r1t animat ing all obj ective
living things in Nature take on the mask o f personality ,

as observed by spirit man s incarnate senses
- ? Thi s i s
no t so di fficult to conceive when we realize that there i s
but o ne archetypal form and essence in Nature mind —

o r spirit and that each psychic unit mani fests in its

o w n particular type way and manner

, , .

Psychic units monads or entities constitute all the
, ,

elements in Nature and help to present to the incarnate

senses o f spirit man the v aried phenomena of Nature

o r a s much thereo f as they are able to recognize Study .

o f the numerous phenomena o f spirit enables us to per

ceiv e how each species perpetuates its kind in accordance

with psychic accretive law during gestation and a fter


birth until the mask or personality o f the d o minant

, , ,

spirit i s completed by the psychic units constituting the

embodying and sustaining planetary aids to spirit being -

The phenomena o f Nature observed by sp 1 r 1t man are -

but an a ggregat1o n o fspirit entities answering the desire

o f the spirit the creator o f each particular mani f esta

The Phen o mena o fTho ught 59

tion in Nature Thus by thought o r desire spirit being


becomes incarnated in an armor and instrument made

without hands and through desire the union o fthe sen

tient incarnate mask with spirit i s s u stained Thoughts .

also are made to incarnate obj ecti v ely as long as they

are energized by Spirit .

A spirit being is the father o fits incarnate personality


( the so n ) a n
,d the father (spirit ) speaking through the
son i s the creative w ord Hence knowing that the spirit

i s a creator we feel the sacredness of each being and

, ,

the duty o fnormal creative thinking becomes an impera

tive obligation at all times \ He w ho w rongly directs

the creation o f a spiri t be ing into error sins against the


father the so n and the word T he spirit being the

, , .

father o f the word knoweth all his thought creations


which become the creator s companions in all their ih

carnate details to the creator s j o y o r sorrow as the


case may b e .

Spirit being is not so incomprehensible to the immort al

senses o f spi r it man as many are led to conclude from

in formation fu rnished by the incarnate senses These .

serve their purpose for spirit man in a limited way until


he has attained full control over his physical armor and

instrument at which time the spirit senses should come

to hi s aid o n li fe s a scending w ay .

Spirit man like all the varied li v ing things below


him could not exi st without the fi v e physical senses

, ,

for many good reasons ; consequently he possesses such

in common with the an ts and the roaches Spirit man .

like less highly endowed creatures i s thoroughly con ,

tent with his fi ve limited incarnat e senses and there fore ,

makes no e f f ort toward larger attainment by the un fold

ment o f the im m ortal spirit senses Contentment shuts .

o ut creative desire and arrests development of the mind

60 Ma n : When ce a nd Whi ther

o r further creative thought and mani festation o fspirit
ual being .

O ur study of the spirit and its phenomena in Nature

resolves itsel f into a better understanding of spirit man -

and his word made mani fest in the past and to be mani
f ested in the future The study o f spirit and its created

phenomena is simple and easy to one whose S pirit per

cep tio n i s clear and whose mind i s unfettered by the

present status o r the past history of incarnate spirit o n

this phenomenal plane o f expression ‘

Aside from the mo re dominant spirit beings that by -

thei r creative word call into existence many o f the phe

no mena o fNature there are countless S pirit ser v itors or
, ,

nature spirits that obey and make incarnate the spoken


word o fa spirit being or a dominant sp i rit on conscio u s


planes below that o fspirit man They are psychic nature


units that answer every desire o r c all to construct o r

bring to completion energized thoughts words and
thus make the word obj ectively mani fest in thi s phe

nomemal world .

Spoken language i s not an essential means o f co m

municatio n between incarnate beings nOr between ex ,

carnate beings when the spirit senses are suffi ciently

developed to see the materialized creation o f unuttered
ideas o r words which become living mani festing o bj ec
, , ,

ti v e materializations in all their details and serv e to ,

convey thought far better than articulated words ; Spirit

man s physical senses can even discern the silent o r
unuttered creations o f a mind in the incarnate bodies
o f his fellow beings —
and even in the creatures o n h is

o wn mind plane o f mani festation

This is readily aecom

p li sh ed by the e v er ready response

o fthe sentient nature
spirits who construct and obj ecti fy the creations o fmind
o r spirit on the numerous planes of spirit acti v ity These .
The Phen o mena o fTho u ght 61

sentient nature units integrate forms as observed in the


phenomena o n the earth and o n the ovate plane as the ,

psychodynamic creative power calls them into aggregated

existence and energizes the creation But when the mind .

force i s withdrawn from the materialized creation dis ,

integ ration o f the sentient builders takes place and the

creation ceases to mani fest The spirit being that called .

the man form into existence by its word does not die

nor do the sentient form builders that answered the call -

and made up the incarnate body Thus the word becomes .

fl esh and its withdrawal from the created form is called


death There fore a ll the phenomena produced by spirit


in Nature are fo r mo re or less temporary use being dis


carded as the being un f olds larger and larger creative

powers This idea has been beauti fully expressed in a

poem by O liver Wendell Holmes entitled The C hamb ered

Thought creations o f spirit man may be normal o r -

abnormal possessing all the varied g rades o f force and


acti v ity as well as the power of endurance for good o r


for evil o n the conscious plane where they are created

and energized Spirit is the creator o f its own peculiar

environment and through thought creates all the living


thing s that inhabit its incarnate world T he Great .

Teacher said : I f you s ee me 'the 1nca rnati o n ] yo u ,

see the F ather also ; I and my F ather are one

The _

Father the So n and the Word are o ne a trinity that

, ,

produces all the phenomena in Nature in which e v ery ,

spirit being i s a factor and a recipient Hence the o ft


repeated saying : God i s in everything and God is a ,

Spirit There i s nothing in Na ture but spirit and its

created phenomena o r the Word made mani fest ”
, .

The F ather (spirit ) through the word i s ma de incar , ,

nate by the aid o f senti ent entities (units o f mind , o r

62 Ma n : When ce a nd Whi ther

Spirit ) which constitute the integral parts o f all the


elements in Nature forming a measureless ovate globe

, ,

compactly filled with sentient world material that can -

be called upon to produce all the phenomena o f Nature

observed by spirit man s physical as well as spirit senses

Spirit beings pass with ease through substances that


the physical senses recognize as solids ; and similarly

incarnate man passes through a dense mass o f living

things which constitute Nature s workshop materials for
the use o f spirit o n the various planes o f expression

above that o fthe senti ent world stu ffthat enters into all -

the phenomena o f Nature through the power o f the cre

ative word There fore incarnate and excarnate spirit

beings exist in a more o r less dense ovate ocean of spirit

entities which constitute Nature s building materials that

respond to and mani fest a want desire o r word on a , ,

denser phenomenal plane .

It i s simply a matter o f spirit o n o ne p lane of con

scio usness responding to that o n a highe r plane when

the creative word i s put forth by a dominant spirit to

incarnate be it the smallest unit o r the greatest mani

f estatio n o f li fe in Nature .

These sentient world stu ff builders not onl y constitute


the incarnate form o r mask but sustain all its functions

, ,

o f li fe and make possible the intercommunion o f spirit

o n the various conscious planes o f existence These .

psychic serv itors are essential for the interc o mmunion o f

incarnate and excarnate beings by thought only or by ,

the spoken word as necessity o r convenience m ay s uggest

, .

These sentient units per form a twofold function that o f ,

materializing thoughts o r words and that o fconveying

sound ; hence the two means of spirit intercommunion .

The seeing o f the materialized thought forms is a very -

complete means o fintercommunion a s all the details o f ,

T he P hen o mena o fTho ught 63

the subj ect are thus more minutely expressed than by

sound and words as in spoken language which is greatly
, ,

limited in its power o fcon v eying what the mind desires

to express The mind can hold no secrets even i f no

words are uttered S ince every intellectual impulse i s a


creation made obj ective at once by the psychic recorders

Of mental action Hence the saying : God knows your

every thought L i fe i s continuous sel f expression

which is sel f revelation


Nature s sentient builders are not all individualized
or restricted psychic units by any means as they to o , , ,

incarnate in forms o f all grades and are thus ab le to

do their bit in Serv 1ng the spi rit the word and the so n
, , ,

and in producing the phenomena essential to the creator s
mani festing power o n the v arious conscious planes o f
expression All species o f l i fe present their psychic

phenomena o n the ovate psychic plane and when con , ,

forded for incarnating o n the earth plane

diti o n s are a f ,

their p hen o mena beco me denser and find corresponding


physical expressi o n so that they too may tell their story

, , ,

to the mortal senses o f spirit man How interesting it


i s that the seemingly voiceless seeds nuts roots eggs , , , ,

and the like can reveal their latent creative ability at all

times while awaiting the opportunity to incarnate on the


earth plane o f mani festation to please and entertain the

physical senses o f sp 1 r 1t man ' The v ari ous metallic and

other substances tell thei r psychic story als o in the ,

phenomenal world to be recognized and appreciated by


those whose powers o f perception are su fficiently

developed .

The phenomena o fa thought can likewi se be seen and

handled and i f the obj ect thought of i s far away the
, , ,

thought phenomena can be traced from their mental

source through the intermediate substance to the distant
64 Ma n : When ce a nd Whi ther?

o bj ect and its env ironment It is no t di f ficult f or.


instance for an excarnate being to express its app recia


tion o f courtesies received from an incarnate being by


presenting the latter with fl owers and the incarnate ,

being can return the compliment by presenting the

excarnate friend with beauti ful plants and shrubs thus ,

ex changing the grace ful civilities so highly valued by

mutual friends An incarnate psychic entity encased in

a seed mutely and beauti fully tells its story o f stem ,

lea f and fl ower to an incarnate being who can see its

, ,

ethereal created phenomena and it can thus p refigure , ,

be fore it comes to be more densely incarnated o n the

earth plane what the nature o fits mani festation will be
, .

Every theme o f intercourse between spirits , whether

incarnate o r excarnate by means o f tho ught only o r the

use o f speech becomes materialized and thus made


obj ective I f the tearing down o fa building i s planned


the whole course o f its destruction by the wrec kers

becomes a v isible reality ; or i f it i s the erection o f a
building the entire process is made obj ective as though
, ,

the psychic observer were standing across the street and

actually witnessing the work o f constr uction I f an .

incarnate o r excarnate being ha s in mind some beauti ful

scenery it is made mani fest obj ectively in all its minute

details to o ne who can see materialized thought phe

nomena .

Instrumental music that expresses human thoughts and

emotions i s thus materialized , showing what the co m
poser d esired to depict Military music presents a w o n

der f
ul materialized phenomenon o f an army marching -

and o f battle scenes I f a person possesses a strong


steady mind accompanied with adequate creative force

, ,

It is understo o d that the w o rd ma terializ ed, a s here u sed, mea ns

“ ”
made mani fest o r vi sibl e t o the p sychic sen se o f th e o bserver


I N court proceedings great stress i s laid upon the

proper identification of a person accu sed o f crime and ,

thi s often presents great di fficulties for the witnesses .

It i s frequently impossible for spirit man to identi fy-

o ne o r both o f hi s parents while they are still incarnat e

and wearing the mortal mask o r even to know w ho


they were Very o ften an individual fails to i denti fy a


fellow man whom he has not seen for twenty o r thirty

years O ne or two incidents mentioned by an allege d

o ld acquaintance are at once accepted as conclusive as ,

the matter is o f no special interest o r consequence in

most cases Since the most important feature o f such

a meetin g i s how agreeable it i s and what in formation

i s gained positive and unm1 stakable identification i s

generally dispensed with .

In meeting and communicating with excarnate spirits

that inhabit the ov ate zone of the earth that env irons
us we consider similarly whether o ur precious time
, , ,

has been wasted o r has been profi tably spent in quest

o f the information and knowledge so g reatly n eeded

and desired .

Th o se engaged in psychical research attach great

importance to and lay great stress upon the iden ti ty o f
the excarnate spirit with whom they are in co mmunica
tion They waste much precious time by their mental ,

I den ti fica ti o n o fEx c a rna te Bei n gs 67

q uizzical critical
, eg o tistical doubting and often i gnorant
, , ,

manner of communicating with an intelligent being who ,

i s presumptively worthy of being treated in an inter v iew

with the same courtesy and consideration that would be
shown to a fellow being still incarnate

U sually the most ardent and sel f asserti v e psychical -

researcher is o ne who i s largely o r entirely destitute o f

psychic un foldment himsel f (though often full o f spirit
ferment ) and who i s therefore unable to realize the true

nature of psychic phenomena and to percei v e the clean

and wholeso m e side of psychic interco mmuncatio n But .

we mu st always bear in mind what has been well expressed

by Bulwer : Truth can no more be seen by the mind
unprepared than the sun can ri se in the midst o f night .

E merson v oic es the same thought : Go d screens us
e vermore from prematur e ideas O ur eyes are holden .

that we may not see And there is an Arabian proverb

that runs as follows : He who knows not , and knows
not that he knows not i s a foo l : avoid him He who
, _

knows not and knows that he knows not i s untaught

, ,

teach him But he who knows and knows that he


knows i s a wise man : follow him
, .

An intelligent excarnate spirit worth communicating

with knows the individual spi rit man s every thought -

uttered or unuttered When an incarnate being in an

. ,
“ ”
arbitrary and cunning manner presumes to test an ,

excarnate spirit by deceit dissimulation o r the use o f , ,

false names he deser v es to get mi sleading and non sensical


replies ; and he usually does get them to his great aston ,

i shment . He is ordinarily too obtuse to realize that he

has received a severe and merite d rebuke Such a sel f .

constituted psychical researcher so full o f conscious ,

deception w o uld n o t elicit an intelligent and straight


f orward response from e v en an incarnate fellow being -

68 Ma n : Whence a nd Whi ther

who had discov ered hi s nature before the conversation

began .

A few spirit men are aware that not all o f their


fellow men are fools and likewise not all o f the exca r

nate spirits that environ man in countless numbers He .

who waits until all things are proved will have experience

only to reward his patience .

What a spirit man thinks he will surely draw to him


through the immutable natural law o f cause and e ffect .

The would be saviors of man admonish him with great


vehemence to beware o fthoughts of doubt I f one does .

not thi nk no doubts will enter his mind He must not

, .

communicate say these moral and spiritual monitors

, ,

with fellow men who doubt whether they are right them

selves nor with excarnate spirits w ho hav e the ability

to think and to express themselves on subj ects vital to

the progress o f the people of the earth .

It is only mental cowards that fear danger in inter

viewing any o f the living things that ef fv i r o n them in

either the incarnate o r the excarnate state o f existence .

Who but a coward would have fear o r be apprehensive ,

o f evil o r o f danger i f he S hould meet in person the


historical L uci fer and all the so called fallen angels -

said to constitute o ne third of the population o f heaven


that he brought with him ? The immigration regulations

o n this planet must have been very lax at o ne time to

permit angels to migrate to it The territory called .

heaven could not have been very large when it was pos
sible fo r thi s little far o ff earth to accommodate o ne

third of its population wi t hout any one s making a pro
test o r getting o ut an 1nj unctio n .

According to some o f the Church Fathers there would ,

have been no spirits in and upon the earth to environ ,

and communicate with spirit man had it not been for

I dentifica ti o n o fEx c a rn a te Bei ngs 69

L uci fer and his band o f angels from heaven who located
o n thi s planet M any good people would fi nd thi s a

cheerless and godless world without excarnate spirits to

communicate with S ince they are so vitally help ful to

those whose 1mmo rtal souls and spirit senses are opened -

and who are thus able to comprehend the workings o f

the laws o f Nature Naturally all those who have to

depend upon their animal state o f mind and their senses

are full of fear and have a sense o f danger when so
called ghosts a re mentioned and thi s i s as it S hould

be ; the mentally blind flee when no o ne pursues them .

Neg a ti v e A tti tu de o f th~

e C-

l ergy

Well intentioned ministers o f the gospel constantly


reiterate that the spirits o f the departed abide in the

graves and there await the j udgment day at which time ,

they will come forth from all the ancient and modern
graveyards , and wh en the angel Gabriel sou nds his

trumpet will arise and ascend into heaven o r descend


nto hell with their ludicrous once en fleshe d earth bodies

i — -

T o thi s absurdity arising from utter lack o f spiritual


comprehension they add that L uci fer and his angels will

cease to exist in the twinkling o f an eye a nd that the ,

wicked are to be cast i nto a realm o f utter darkness

lighted only by the fl ames of burning sulphur and brim

Now all these v arious ideas mythical o r otherwise

, , ,

regard ing men angels sp 1rits L uci fer and even Santa
, , , ,

C laus are fresh mental yeast cakes to keep up constant


fermentation within the mind O f spirit man for the -


purpose o fbrewing thoughts that ought to be very into xi

cating humorous fairy tales adding sweetness to Nature s

thought brewing process which should never cease i f

7 0 Ma n : When ce a nd Whi ther

o ne wishes to attain anything tangible by the dynamic

action o f the mind .

How amazingly ridiculous and presumptuous it i s to

suppose that from the time when animal like man began

to chatter a few words o f a language about a hundred

thousand years ago down to his present semi civilized -

stat e G od could give him messages when hi s mind and


senses were little more developed than those o f animals ,

and while he was lost in Mammon s conscious night '

In the obscuration of spirit man s mental dilemma


when hi s mind gropes about to find a path to the light ,

many teachers and preachers have tried with oracular ,

arrogance and certitudino u s complacency to point o ut ,

the w ay of deliverance But their mental dynamos were

so weak that one lone idea stopped their motion and ,

they have been harp ing o n that single string ever sinc e ,

believing and proclaiming that they have found the way

and have the only message from G od regard ing the

means o f man s deliverance from hi s ignorance and hi s
deplorably undeveloped state .

T here is no place in either heav en o r hen for an

i g n o r an t spirit ma n since he belongs rather to the animal


than to t he human domain o f Nature As Ingersoll has .

well expressed it : The people perish for lack of know
ledge N o thing but education— scientific education ca n

benefit ma nkind We must find o ut the laws of nature


and confo rm to them But Spirit man is an extremely


lazy creature by natural inheritance from his animal


forerunners and has no desire to think o r w

ork any more ,

than a muskrat o r a turtle so far as the un foldment o f


his mind is concerned .

T he B ible records many instances o f messages from

G od and the angels delivered to spirit man at various

times and places ; but the sel f constituted expounders o f -

I den tifi ca ti o n o fE x ca rn a te Bei ngs 7 1

the Scriptures are as a rule quite unable to discuss these

intelligently They do not possess sufficient mental un

fo ldment to enable their ordinary senses to perceive the

phenomena o f excarnate Spirit existence and to under
stand how communication between excarnate and incar
nate beings can be e ffected ; therefore although it i s a —

subj ect that as ministers they should be competent to

, ,

explain and elucidate they very prudently avoid it or

fail to mention the bearing o fthe recorded B iblical cases

o fspirit communication upon the questi o n of such inter

course a t the present day .

The Great Teacher a bo ut who m they pr o fess to know


so much , healed the si ck and c ast o ut evil S pirits from

the bodies o f spirit men Moreover he said : Greater

things than these shall ye do And in the E pistles we .

read regarding healing z I f any be S1ck among yo u

let them send for the elders o f the church But o f all .

these things the reverend gentlemen say little and know

less not having any real knowledge o f the operation o f

natural laws in this metaphysical domain .

A professor lecturing o n higher mathematics i s pre

sumed to be familia r with the details of hi s subj ect _

however di fficult ,and it would be v ery embarrassing for

him to evade complicated parts o f it in consequence o f
ignorance Thi s very thing however w e frequently find
, ,

in the pulpit from which apparently no o ne i s debarred


for lack o f spiritual knowledge or o f insight into the

hi gher realities
But w e must charge ministers not

merely with evasion and resorting to stock formulas such

as savi ng gra ce a to nement salva ti o n thr o ugh f
, ai th and
, ,

the like which i s bad enough , but also with positive


per v ersion of truth and promulgation o f false doctrines ,

Which i s infinitely worse But people will n o t be led


o r misled any longer with
, f ears of hell and hopes o f
7 2 Ma n : When ce a nd Whi ther

paradise and they are coming to demand frank open

, , ,

honest and truthful statements in regard to the things


o f the S pirit .

I once heard an Irish clergyman try to explain away

certain derogatory remarks that he heard ha d b een made
about him The matter was a v ery embarrassing and

di ffi cult o ne for him and he hemmed and hawed con


f usedly for a time F inally however he got hi s bear

, ,

ings and informed his amused congregation that he

was j ust as good as h is nationality temperament educa , ,

tion and development of mind would permit
, Honest .

con fession i s good for the soul it is said ; and people ,

always respect a candid admission o f intellectual limita

tion o n the part o f a speaker o r leader .

It would be illuminating and highly revelatory i f the

ministers o f the various religious sects were to deliver -

a number o f discourses o n what they do no t kn o w about

the spirit phenomena mentioned in the Bi ble concluding ,

with a talk o n the little they actually know and can

demonstrate regarding the laws that govern all mental
action and interaction in Nature U n fortunately we .

cannot look forward to such a series o fsermons for the ,

speakers would therein re veal themselves as blind lead

ing the blind .

O f late it has been thoroughly demonstrated to man

kind that certain varieties o f false religious belie f can ’

get men as well as nations into serious trouble C ertain .

groups o f men o r nations firmly c o nvinced that Go d

, ,

i s o n their side pro ceed to fight other groups regard


, ,

less o fhow much slaughter and deva station may result ,

thereby merely repeating in modified form the history

o fmankind as recorded in the O ld Testament (Perhaps .

it i s the devil not God who is their champion ')

, ,

The ministers o f v arious religious denominati ons tell

74 Ma n : When ce a nd Whi ther

and that they can take place again But we must remem .

ber that many of the earth s phenomena occur in accord
ance with subtler and higher laws than can be demon
stra t ed in o ur laboratories laws that elude and will


continue to elude the clumsy e fforts of the physical


scientist altogether .

An excellent conception o f religion i s that o f the

simple minded old peasant woman who said : I want

t o rise from my grave with a pail o fwater in o n e hand

and a brazier fi lled with burning coals in the other .

With the water I will put o ut the fires o f Hell And .

with the brazier I will set fire to Heaven and burn it

all up And then the people will love Go d and His Son

for themselves alone not because they fear Hell s fire

or sel fi shly desire eternal bli ss .

There is o ne especial peculiar divine attribute predi

, ,

ca t e d of G od and I cannot understand why a ny more


limiting qualities were added to detract fr o m that one ,

namely GO D ' N O W S N O E V I L This is a glorious scien

, .

t ifi c fact in Nature that can be proved demonstrated , ,

and reali z ed both o n earth and in heaven .

All that sp 1r1t man s mind needs wants and desires
, ,

in the domain o f Nature can be h is i f he will labor

assiduously to acquire the mental ability to perceive and

attain it F or many thousands o f years spirit man s

mind and body were corralled and cooped up o n a small

portion o f this earth Time waited patiently for the

birth o f a scienti fi c thinker of heroic mold and daunt

less courage in the person o f Chri stopher Columbus
, ,

whose will defi ed all obstacles di fficulties and dangers , ,

that stood in the w ay of the attainment of his great pur

pose Purely as the result o f scienti fi c study a great

additional expanse (tw o entire continents ) was discovered

and made av ailable f or settlement and needed space for ,
I denti fica ti o n o fEx c a rn a te Bei n gs 75

the development and expansion o f So called civilized man -

was thus happily a fforded All of this was due to a


scientific mind aided by a then recently develop ed in stru

ment the magnetic compass In this manner a study of

Nature s wonder ful laws enabled an immortal spirit
embodied in a human personality to become o ne o f the
great bene factors o fmankind .

The r e is no chance no destiny no fate

, ,

C a n circumve n t o,
r hin d er o r c o ntr o l ,

The fi rm re so lve o f a det e rmi ned s o ul .

Gift s c o unt fo r no thing ; w ill al o ne is great ;


All thi ngs give way bef o re it s o o n o r late , .

What o bstacle can Stay the mighty f o rce

O f the sea seeking river in its c o urse


O r cause the ascendi ng o rb o f day to wait ?

Each well bo rn s o ul must w in what it deserves

Let the f o o l prate of luck The f o rtunate .

Is he who se earnest purp o se n ever swerves ,

Who se slightest acti o n o r i nacti o n serves

The o ne great aim Why ,even death stands still

And waits an ho ur s o metimes fo r such a will .


Now vast multitudes o f spiri ts wearing the mask o f

man inhabit all portions o f the two new continents .

Naturally they are not content in their new abode being ,

cooped up like chickens or confined like pigs in a pen .

In their minds there naturally a rrse more needs wants , ,

and desires and their spirits hunger and thirst for a


wider scope for mind action ; hence the attainment o f a

new ovate region belonging to this earth becomes a

necessity for the satis faction o f spirit man s yearning -

for greater liberty o f thought and action .

Scienti fi c study o f the laws o f mental action and

7 6 Ma n : When ce a nd Whi ther

mental unfoldment has opened up a new ovate continent ,

or a zone for the habitation o f S pirits in a slightly less

dense embodiment than the one used while gaining know
ledge and experience o n the mundane plane or densest ,

phenomenal region o f the earth Nature in her wisdom


bides her time as in the case o f the discovery o f new


conti nents by Columbus and awaits a fi tting moment


for the exploration by su fficiently courageous spirit men


o f other inhabited regions belongi ng to the earth s ovate
ex t en sIO n 1 n much t he same way as Columb u s di scovered

regions already inhabited by both incarnat e and excarnate

beings .

M any centuries before the time o fC hrist the E gyptians

knew and taught the immortality o f the soul and thi s ,

truth was asserted by G reek w r1ters from Herodotus to

Aristotle Plato w ho w a s born m 4 2 8 B C taught the
, . .

doctrine more plainly than any other Greek philosopher .

Thi s teaching also appeared at an earl y d ate in India -


where it wa s handed down from teacher to pupil for

centuries and is explained in numerous old mystical and
philosophic writings .

The fact of the continuation o f both the personality

and the individuality of a spirit after the discarding of

the temporary mask util i zed in the incarnate state should ,

have been common knowledge among mankind ever since

the first promulgation o f the doctrine of immortality in
E gypt and in India .

A pall o f mental darkness resulting from abnormal

sych o h 1 ca l causes has enveloped the e arth s i nh abi
p y

p s

tants ever since the dawn o f ci v ilization and it has ,

abated but little up to the present time History records .

the result O f blind man s groping forward under blind
leaders during the long night of his enthralment The .

nations o f the earth have passed through the throes of

I den tifi ca ti o n o fEx ca r n a te Bei n gs 77

many psychological cataclysms and the most recent o ne

, ,

which began in E urope in 1 9 1 4 has seared the minds


o f men who do not understand the principles o f cause

and e ffect at work in both national and international
psychosis or mental derangement
, .

N 0 human progress o f real consequence can be achieved

so long as the characteri stics of the animal M ammon ,

and theological types o f consciousness are predominant

among both men and nations .


THE vast expans e o f so called space that env elops the


apparently solid earth like an immense shell with the ,

globe in its center is really an essential continuation


outward o f the planet itsel f The great region that


extends from the earth s sur face to the outer border of
the ovate z ones is compactly filled with phenomena sim
i lar to those o f the mundane plane the density of embo di

ment decreasing success ively from zone to zone The .

seemingly solid incarnate center o r core called the earth

, ,

i s radioactive and the conti nuous emanations from the


immense volume o f its varied constituen ts pass outward

into the less dense globular extension of the earth and ,

v i ce v ersa .

It is conceivable that the rate and the amount o f

radioactivity emanating from the body of spirit man -

within a single hour might transform every conscious

unit o f his organism The radioactive emanations from

a unit o fmind or from an aggregation o fsentient units


forming a corporeal body reveal its li fe history to a

, ,

psychic observer whether it be in a denser or a less


dense state o f incarnate existence .

In the great globular o r ovate extension o f the earth

there exist and function all the p sych o p la stic elements
and all the other phenomena o f li fe that are mani fested

upon the denser region that we know as the earth s
sur face .

So me Fa cto rs o fMa n s En vi ro n men t 79

L et us consider as an instructive example , the psycho


plastic substance called water an element that covers

tw o thirds o fthe total area o f o ur globe and i s so very


essential to li fe in ev ery form Through the inexorable


law o f disin tegration water (like all the other incarnate


phenomen a in Nature ) constantly excarnates and passes

into a less dense phenomenal reg1o n o f the earth the ,

atmosphere remaining there for a time in a vap o rized


state Through the corresponding natural law o fintegra


tion which i s a phase o f incarnation it undergoes a

, ,

process of gestation by accretion and i s formed into ,

flo cculent cumuli o f condensing vapor ; these growing ,

ever denser , heav 1er and darker become m ore or less

, ,

opaque clouds which exclude the sunlight and d arken


the regions o f the earth over which they move until ,

finally accompanied at ti mes with vivid flashes o f light


ning and peals o f thunder , the water i s reincarnated on

the earth in the form o f ra i ndrops hail snow dew o r , , , .

frost thus becomin g once more a part o f earth s obj ective

phenomena .

In consequence o f thi s cyclic process water i s o ften ,

used as an analogy for the 1nca rnatio n and excarnation

of spirit man as in the following lines translated from

the German o f Goethe :

The s o ul of man
Is like the water .

Fr o m heaven it co meth ,

T o heaven it mo unt eth ,

And thence at o nce

It must back to earth ,

Forever changi ng .

Perhaps something of the same water analogy was -

80 Ma n : When ce and Whi ther

present as an underlying thought in Tennyson s mind
when he wrote

The hill s are shado w s and they flo w,

Fro m f o rm to f o rm a nd no thing stands ;


Like cl o u ds they shape themselves and go .

In thi s fashion all that constitutes the integral part

o fthe phenomena of li fe in the more ethereal planetary

regions can put forth creative energy and utter the cre
ative word whereupon reintegration o r reincarnation


begins to take place Through Nature s law o faccretion


and the phenomenal process o f embodiment the ethereal ,

sentient substance becomes denser and denser until a ,

nebular mass is observed o ut o f which a planet i s in


due time formed Around this apparently solidi fi ed plan


etary kernel there remains great ovate zones of more

ethereal p sycho p la stic world material the whole a ggre


gate forming a suitable field for the e volution o f the


being called man who appears in race after race upon


the planet

Like leaves trees the race o fman is f o und

o n ,

No w green in yo uth n o w wi thering o n the gro und ;


Ano ther race the f o ll o wi ng spri ng supplies ;

They fall suc cessive and succes sive r ise .

A n amazing variety o f li fe phenomena i s to be seen

in the vast ovate z ones that surround the denser core ,

o r kernel o f the earth j ust as the j uicy luscio us fruit

, , ,

meat encloses and envelops the stone o f a peach within ,

which there is held and protected the seed with its w o n ,

der ful creative potency .

T he crust o f the earth may be likened to the shell o f

82 Ma n : When ce a nd Whi ther ?

possess sending them to an untimely death and into an


excarnate state of existence appropriate to their nature .

Throu gh the operation o f the natural law o f mind ,

spirit man attracts to himsel f elements and nature spirits

- -

(as we shall call them for lack o f a more speci fi c classi

fi cat io n ) which constitute a large part o f hi s environ

ment enabling him to exist and function mentally and


physically in whatever manner his will directs They are .

the sentient incarnate builders o fh is body ; they sustain


hi s psych o physical functions make possible his creation


o f thought phenome n a and serve as his messengers

, .

They are thus use ful and obedient servitors to a domi

nant will , fo r evil o r for good They constitute the phe .

n o mena l sentient world material and are ever ready to


ser v e spirit man s needs w ants and des1res in the degree
, ,

that he i s able to command and to hold them .

Naturally all grades o f embodied and e v ol v ed spirits

that attend spirit man in mutual companionship need to

be educated and unfolded by the being they so faithfully

serve They look upon him as a tutor often as a god
, ,

and will respond promptly to every degree o f unfold

ment that their master is able to e ffect in them The .

whole o f spirit man s environment i s made up o f li v ing

beings (as we may call them ) that sur round him as

completely as water envelops the denizens o f the deep .

He lives moves and creates while submerged in an

, ,

ocean of diversi fi ed mind units -


These are no t however the only aids that Nature

, ,

af fords to spirit man in hi s ascent to higher states

In .

addition t o the help he recei v es from his incarnate fellow

beings we must emphasi z e the assistance and encourage

ment that he constantly receives from such o fhi s fellows

as have pr eceded him into the excarnate state who are ,

abo ut him at all times and endeav or to assist him while

So me F a cto rs o fMa n s En vi ro n ment 83

he i s still enwrapped in the dense armor o f the physical

organism And above all spirit man i s aided by loftier

beings who are emancipated from the thraldom o f the

animal and M ammon planes o f consciousness and can
thus in sp 1re and endow him with higher nobler and , ,

holier thou ghts They hasten the unfoldment o f his


o w n higher faculties o f mind by v aried demonstrations

’ ’
o fNature s laws And as the godlike tutors in Nature s

C osmic School teach their pupils the normal creative use

o f the mind the latter progress uninterruptedly with

increasing knowledge wisdom and happiness Whil e o n

, , .

their eternal excur sion throughout the macrocosm they ,

meet hosts of beings that have gone o n be fore and ,

obtain from them a large amount o f use ful in formation

about the greater and more glorious planes o f mind
un foldment yet to be attained Do such spirits need to

“ ”
be identified personally ? B y no means since thei r ,

thoughts and acts and mental aura are a su fficient identi '

fica t io n for any o ne who wishes u n selfi shly to Obt ain

use f ul knowledge and who welcomes the help that they
can give .

Through the carnal density o fthe mind o f spirit man -

there have percolated in past ages indefinite ideas about

fantastic beings seen in the midst o f the thick flo cculent , ,

fl oating swaying world stu f

, f that environs him by day

and by night and a few o fthe names that he has given


to these legions o f mysterious entities are as follow s :

elves fairies sprites trolls g nomes kobolds dryads
, , , , , , ,

nixies undines sylphs salamanders newts v ampires

, , , , , ,

incubi succubi seraphim and cherubim But none o f

, , , .

these are so malevolent alarmi ng or unreal as Satan

, , ,

whom most C hristian people allege to exi st as a personal

devil There i s always somebody to take the j oy o ut
. .

of li fe for those who are a fraid of so called ghosts -

84 Ma n : Whence a nd Whi ther

I quote but o ne o fthe num erous poetic testimoni es to

the existence o fthese fantastic beings showing how the ,

concept i s de veloped and handed down from generation

to generation :

And with him the clear singing nymphs
M o ve quick their feet by a dark water s sp rm


In the so ft mead ; where cr o cus hyacinth , ,

Fragrant and bl o o ming mingle with the grass

, ,

C o nfused ; and sing while echo peals ar o und

’ ”
The mo untain s to p .

We do not need to proj ect o ur vi sion into the exca r

nate regions o f o ur world l n order to discern the num
ber and variety o f embodied beings and other obj ects
that coexist with us since they are visibly present in

the denser incarnate state o f existence To designate .

their peculiar mental and bodily characteristics they are ,

called by v arious names and epithets such as : churl , ,

tyke bum dolt dude chump vulpine plebe ia n scamp

, , , , , , , ,

ro gue yokel knave j ehu dido and the like ; and w e

, , , , ,

have equ ally picturesque names for various monstrosities

o f mi nd and b o dy that are observed among the inhab

itant s o f the earth E ven in the present era of sup


posed civilization we can detect in the human mind and

body traits o f the man like marsupial lemur monkey
, , ,

ape chimpanzee orang outang gorilla and other animals

, ,
, , ,

wild and tame , that hav e no t yet been e f

faced o r replaced
in the process o f ev olution .

Spirit man has for ages longed hoped and prayed

, ,

for freedom from his sel fi sh and vicious qualities and

impulses B ut such freedom can be attained only through

the creative power o f his will Thi s has been well .

So me F a c to rs o fMa n s Envi r o n men t 85

expressed in the following inspiring lines by that poetess

o f spiritual things E lla Wheeler Wilcox

I ca re not who were vicious back of me ;

N0 S had o w o ft heir S ins o n me is shed .

M y will is gr eater than here dity ;

I am no worm to feed upon the dead .

M y face my form my gestures and my v o ice

, , ,

M ay be reflecti o ns from a race that w a s .

B ut thi s I kno w and knowing it re j o ice :

, , ,

I am myself a part of the Great Cause

, , .

I am a spirit ' Spirit w oul d suf

fi ce ,

If rightl y used to set a chained world free

, .

Am I no t st ronger than a mortal Vice

That crawls the lengt h of some ancestral tree ?

We must acclaim and hold in the hi ghest esteem a

certain historic personage o f conspicuous qu alities ; one
who could feel the innate promptings o f a potential pur
p ose and duty in l i fe ; one who sincerely studied the
depths o f his o w n mind and there found his bent and
got hi s beari ngs ; o ne who w as acquainted with scientific
facts and could reason from cause to e f fect ; one who
silently listened to the promptings o f hi s innermost con
sci o u sness and daily heeded its prophecies ; o ne who

believed implicitly in the course o f action that suggested

itsel f in his soul after due meditation ; one who did not
exactly understand the source o f the ideas that came into
hi s mind but knew that being t here they were whole
, , ,

some and good ; o ne who realized from a scient ific sur


vey o f the ferment o f ideas within his mind that they ,

must be true and that o ne thus grounded and forti fi ed

must get demonstration ; o ne who sought and finally
86 Ma n : Whence a nd Whi ther

obtained the necessary help from other s infecting them ,

with their enthusias m and determination ; one who as ,

an intrepid mariner sailed out into the vast uncharted


expanse o f ocean ; o ne whose ind o mitable mind r ealized

and demonstrated that there was a new c o ntinent west
ward o f the O ld World ; an immortal benefactor o f

mankind C hristopher C olumbus '

Hi s was a discov ery o f momentous importance open ,

ing up to new development and settlement two entire

continents But discoveries o f undreamt o i consequences

hav e been made in Other fields as well O nly e ighty .

o dd years ago a n ew v ista w a s opened o ut a fter o ver

fi v e thousand years spent in the e ffort to drill and blast

a channel fo r the entrance of a new fact into mankind s
petrified consciousness In the O ld World there had

been at times partial success followed by renewed failure

, .

in the attempt to penetrate the barriers o f ignorance and

prej udice and bigotry and the sl aves to authority o n

the o ne hand and the rationali z ing skeptics o n the other

made it impossible for the enlightened few to disseminate
new truths widely So the laborious task was transferred

from the O ld World to the New the boasted land o f ,

liberty where freedom from destructive assaults was to


be expected .

Some tw o hundred years were patiently devoted to a

continuous sea rch for the most suitable locality for the
penetration o f the animal and M ammon consciousness
o fthe inhabitants o fthe n ew continent and fi nally Salem , ,

Massachusetts w a s tried as an enter ing w

, edge The .

un fortunate res ul t i s well known The i nevitable bigotry


showed itsel f again and sensitive psychics were lab eled


w i tches and subj ected to cruel tortures and hideous deaths

a most disgrace ful and barbarous series o f crimes ,

which are a standing discredit to this land o f the free

So me Fa cto r s o fMa n s Envi ro nment 87

and home of the brave (but not o f the j ust ) There .

fore mankind continued to sleep o n in its benighted


state until a new e ffort at enlightenment should be made .

God mov es in a mysterious way H i s wonder s to per
form ”
. A nd so it was that in due time the myop i c ,

bewildered and obtuse consciousness o f the world w a s


dread fully shocked and amazed at the strange happen

ings reported from Rochester New York The persons, .

through whom the phenomena there occu rred and the

stude nts o f the laws o f mental science that fl ocked to
learn about these phenomena were for a long time in
great danger fro the v icio us mob element that is so
easily aroused and unleashed where 1 gno ra nce and a cer
tain bigoted type o f re11g1o n and priestcraft pre v ail .

Soon however the S atanic minds o f the people were

, ,

again lul led to S leep b elie v ing that the happening s at


Rochester were o nly the dr eam o fa few addle pated per


sons and that the phantom would soon be forgotten as ,

all other scarecrows had been in t imes past in the O ld

World and in the New whether ghosts hobgoblins o r
, , ,

devils In this proud land o f liberty all were asleep as


usual under the influence o fthe ancestral thought lethargy

and chronic mental inertia ; yet the phenomena though ,

alleged by detractors to be c aused by L uci fer and his

angels rapidly spread al l over the earth and the believers
, ,

in the newly revealed truths increased to great numbers ,

quite beyond the possibility o f being crushed o ut as in

past ages with their diabolical bigotry .

We hav e learned f rom our excarnate friends and com

panions much about the o v ate extension o f the earth ,
consisting o f successive co ncent r1c zones each o f which
i s a sp ecial fie ld o f evolution We have learned much

also from the inhabitants o f the v arious ovate zones ,

but mo re especially from those o f the o ne that en v iron s

88 M a n : When ce a nd Whi ther

and envelops us somewhat as water surrounds the deni

zens o f the sea Spirit man and excarnate spirits make

their way alike through the elements o f the earth s ovate
zone which reproduces in large part the phenomena o f

that part o f the planetary psychophysical organism that

we see about us .

To have something more to think about and to explore

than the crust o f this prosaic part o f our earthly abode
af fords us a grand and glorious opportunity It gives .

us a larger intellectual and spiritual scope and expands

the mental v ision T he pleasure beauty and j oy it pro
, ,

v ides are sublime You may have the kindly visits of


angels gods and goddesses to give you cheer and to

, ,

supply in formation that you can c o gnize retain and , ,

utilize .As this knowledge becomes a part o f your

being more and more i s added and the min d is thus
, ,

unfolded rapidly and enabled to receive sti ll higher lesson s

from its tutors in Nature s Cosmic School

The di scovery o f the earth s ovate zones and their

“ ”
inhabitants w ho are o ur uns een companions is the
, ,

greatest permanent benefaction that w a s ever bestowed


upon the benighted h uman race for without it the world


would still be lingering entirely in primeval darkness .

The importance of this disc o very is most p rofound for ,

it her alded the dawn of the appr o aching millennium .

90 M an : Whence a nd Whi ther ?

man in somewhat denser and darker mo ssy flo cculent , , ,

fluf fy moving pulsating cumuli of p sycho plast ic world

, ,

material and i s dotted with specks resembling snow

fl akes o r with iridescent crystals sparkling in the con

glomeration o f living things dwelling in that zone fo r ’

the expression o f some aspect o f their natures and the

development o f certain o f their innate attributes We .

might thus obtain a glimpse o f the continuous mass o f

li ving things in that env ironment no two li fe units touch

ing each other however tiny and yet grouping them

, ,

selves into aggregations o f e v ery concei vable gradation

o f S ize and nature .

We should thus gain some conception o f this first


zone o f the earth s extension which holds the denser


center within it somewhat as an apple contains its core ,

and should come to know more in detail about the excar

nate beings inhabiting it and about its many mani festa
tions that resemble and duplicate in so me ; measure those
that environ us Then the artist had he the v ision
, ,

might present to o ur gaze a v iew o f each succeeding

ovate zone the substance and structure and coloring

becoming rarer and more wonder ful with each succeed

ing step outward from the center and each z one o f , fering

to the pupils of Nature s Cosmic School a di fferent and
higher opportunity for un foldment o f latent faculties ,

as well as a finer and more beauti ful field for the exef
ci se o f powers already developed in lower and more
interior zones .

The k ernel containing the in v ol v ed attr ibutes and the

potency o f a planetary system is naturally incased m a
shell o r crust on which there collects and pers1sts a sort
, ,

o fscum presenting the phenomena o fall sorts o fpartially


evolved things with many kinds of embodiment spirit ,

man in his incarnate state being located there as well .

Tho ught Pheno mena a nd Envi ro nment o fBei n g 9 1

The more complex and more fully evolved creatures

that environ spirit man are the marsupials semi apes

tailed apes narrow nosed apes gorillas orang outangs

, ,

man like apes ,

and ape like men F inally the last and

most complex being was evolved the diapason as , ,
“ ”
Alexander Pope puts it closing full in man
, Spirit .

man has the honor and the distinction o f s urpassing all

the preceding forms o f incarnated li fe yet he i s still ,

often cynically re ferred to as the scum o f the earth '

The following quotations from familiar hymns will serve

to S how how spirit man s high station has been traduced

Ho w vain are all things here bel o w ,

H o w false and yet ho w fair '


Each pleasure hath its po iso n too ,

And every sweet a snare .

Plunged in a gulf of dark despair ,

We wretched sinners lay ,

Witho ut one cheering beam o fho pe ,

O r spark of glimm ring da y .

Wretched helpless and distrest

, , ,

Ah 'whither shall I fly ?

Ever gasping after rest ,

I cannot fi nd it nigh .

Lord and is thine anger gone


And art thou paci fi ed ?

After all that I have done ,

Dost thou no longer chide ?

Loathso me and vile and
, , self abho rr d ,

I sink beneath my S in .

a: 1

Ye slaves o fsin and hell ,

9 2 Ma n : When ce a nd Whi ther

Recounting the s 1ns o f man his unworthiness and

, ,

his abj ect begging annuls whateve r good sentiments


may be found elsewhere in a hymn The singing o f .

such songs sets in motion a coarse variety o fmind stu f f -


dark in color reminding o ne o f soft coal dust o r black


smoke with here and there some varying shades o f gray


a release of forces little better than o ne would expect

to fi nd in a bawdy dance house In this atmosphere


human spirits belonging to a low mind plane find a -

congenial mental environment .

Who ever heard a general in co mm and of an army

recount the defects and weaknesses o f his men as a
means o finspiring them to heroic deeds ? Would he be
likely to recall and describe the battles lost by his anecs
tors or only those where V ictory was won

T he finest and most perfect fruit o f a planet must


naturally be situated around its shell in the kernel o f ,

which it was germinated It is simply t in accordance


with natural law that the central part o f the earth pre ,

senting such varied phenomena o f li fe should b e sur ,

rounded with analogous ovate zones each providing ,

appropriate and congenial environment for the unfold

ment in mind and body o f di fferent grade s o f beings .

We must remember that all is mind o r spirit and that , ,

each unit o fconsciousness i s an integral part o fa planet

however diversi fi ed the mani festations may be F rom

each unit there i s emitted sentient ra dro activ e material


that mingles with the p sych o p la stic substance that

environs it and there mani fests and constr ucts whatever

the individual unit has evolved from within itsel f ; and

this process continues no matter how tiny the un 1t may

be or what degree of aggregation its embodiment may

exempli fy Co nversely also there is a de fin ite e ffect of

the environment upon the individual unit so that with ,

Tho u ght Pheno mena a nd En vi ro nment o fBei n g 93

thi s alternate in fl ux and ef flux a constant interaction is

maintained between th e two .

B y way o f illustration it may be stated that the '

thoughts o f a person near dissolution or o f o ne who ,

“ ”
is dead brmg about in the ordinary person an asso

c ia t io n o f ideas creating an obj ective embodiment o f all

the successive stages leading up to the burial O ver .

shad o wing this actual living obj ective scene is a canopy

, ,

o f dense dark color making a very oppressive pheno me

, ,

non that enshrouds all who aided in the thought creation -

or took part in the S inging of a dirge .

O n the other hand minds that are thinking o f Santa

, \

Claus for ins tance will produce quite di fferent p he

, ,

momena altogether unlike tho se associated with the death


scene to which I have j ust alluded In thi s case the .

picture created is o fone w h o brings countless good gi fts

and creates hope gladness love and j oy ; and this crea
, , ,

tion illumines a vast region with a halo or aura of inter

blending hues o f green silver and gold , The whole , .

conception i s a ssociated with the snowy and frosty moun

tain fastnesses o f the reindeer whence these animals draw ,

Santa Claus 1n hi s S leigh laden with all manner o fbeau

ti ful gifts through lum1no us regions o f the sky to the
chimney tops of our earthly habitations Truly Santa


Claus is the best intangible personality that the human

mind has thus far create d .

Above the heads o f the saints we often find pictured

by painters and sculptors a circular halo “ This represents
the luminous ethereal aura that actually radiates per

cep t ibly from the bodies of persons o fvery high spi ritual

development being particularly pronounced and notice


able about the head Anything touched o r handled by


such a saintly individual will S how this radiation in

a lesser degr ee and this accounts f or the special value
94 Man : Whence a nd Whi ther

attached to relics in religious belie f o f a certain type .

It is an evidence o f the clearness o f v ision o f the o ld

masters of art that they were able to percei ve and depict
this psychophysical characteristic .

A ll music whether instrumental o r v ocal c reates and

, ,

portrays obj ecti v ely in the environment o f the player o r

singer the very thoughts emotions and mental activities
, ,

o f the factors entering into its composition M usic is .

but a variety o f language : it expresses thoughts and

emotions a nd it even depicts scenes with all their natural

form and coloring The nature o f i nstrumental music


of a military type has been re ferred to in a previous

chapter There are a few church hymns that when

well sung or played o n an organ present delightful liv ,

ing obj ecti ve phenomena in which many beings play

, ,

their part in a setting o fappropriate colors and environ

ment depicting all the beauti ful thoughts and emotions o f

the composer s mind plane o f consciousne ss -

The ovate p sycho p lastic extension o f the earth that

environs us and seemingly imprisons us is ev er ready to
duplicate and record our thoughts emotions words and , , ,

actions in li v ing obj ective reality by a sort of cosmic

, ,

photography registering minutely all that occurs in

thought feeling word o r deed o n this incarnate zone
, , , , ,

o r plane It constitutes an open book o f li fe wherein


those may read who can .

E very li v ing entity plays its drama o fli fe twice O ne .

stage that o f incarnate existence is dense ; the other

, , ,

that of excarnate existence is more ethereal But not , .

o ne j o t or tittle i s omitted o n either plane of expression

that would make the scene lack completeness in the ‘

slightest detail .

A canary has thoughts feelings and emotions and , , ,

expresses them in acts chirps and song making them

, , ,
Tho ught P heno mena a nd Envi ro n ment o fBei ng 9 5

v i v id in setting colorin g, and env ironment It thinks

, .

and sings o f the forest , its nest and its young ; fo r


e v ery seed , root , branch limb o r lea f in its expression

, ,

tells , as though in language , the W hole story of its

existence and function in its sentient env ironment in
Nature .

Is it worth while for spirit man to stri v e to acquire


the ability to communicate with all li v ing entities that go

to make up o ur phenomenal world ?


EA C H Spirit bei ng whether incarnate or excarnate , i s


a receptive factor in a mani fested world o f its o w n

creation No tw o p sychophysical organisms or entities

present identically the same phenomena o f mind action .

Their past is dissimilar and they do not at present think


look act o r create alike ; hence each being o r microcosm

, , , ,

has a distinct individuality and personality with di fferent ,

t raits o f mind and bodily form Thus every being .


whether he be in the incarnate or the excarnate phase


o f li fe demonstrates the evolution O f S pirit ; and this


same law of distinct creative e f fort ho Ids good and i s

mani fested in all the domains o fli fe below that of spirit
man .

T he mind that created and inhabits a little world o f

its o w n possess es the law the attributes and the essence
, ,

of a psychodynamic generator of thought within itsel f .

It is also a receiver o f thought messages from its environ


ment a transformer o f thought messages received from


without and a transmitter o f thought messages from


within M ind is seemingly a well equipped wireless sta


tion able to act over a wide range


The more familiar w e become with the subj ects o f

psychonomy and psychogeny or the laws governing the ,

action of the mind and its un foldment the better w e ,

shall be prepared to communicate with excarnate beings

and with all spirits mani festing on the lower planes o f
9 8 Ma n : When ce a nd Whi ther ?

and circumscribed li fe he now lives F rom within his .

mind come prophecies o f something better nobler and , ,

holier 1n store for him His intuition and impressibility.

tell him that there is something new fine and beauti f ul , ,

awaiting him yet he does no t know how to proceed to

attain it All religious sects promise him something bet


“ ”
ter in the future through faith He asks why he can .

no t gain it in the present through study o f the natural


laws o f his being He demands it now He will no

. .

longer be a Slave to that which mockery has throned
and crow ned ”

F or a hundred thousand years or more Spirit man has -

wandered aimlessly about in the animal and Mammon

realms o f consciousness his mind all the while f eeding ,

o n husks and tares and foolishly hopin g for happiness

and great j oy E xcarnate messengers came and went


a nd spirit man dimly divined their presence and indis

tinctly caught impressions o fa promised land that would

enlarge his v ision o f li fe F ull o f disEo ntent and dis .

trust and discouragement in the land o f Mammon and ,

constantly pursued and af flicted by ancestral trait s o f

mind and body he was o v erwhelmed wi th despair and

foreboding and begged and cried aloud fo r safety help

, , ,

and mental peace O ver eighty years a go howev er the

, ,

veil o f ignorance began slowly to li ft from his mind ,

and he passed o ut o f the plane o f Mammon s mental
darkness into the promised land wher e excarnate and
incarnate beings dwell together and communicate with
o ne another There he learned the true story o f hi s

deliverance f rom the animal the Satanic , and the Mam ,

mon states o fconsciousness .

Excarnate spirit messengers are e v er operati v e o n these

t hree conscious planes impressing guiding and enco urag
, , ,

ing the ev ol v ing spirit o f man until the ancient v eil

Ma n a nd H i s Exca rnate C o mpa ni o ns 99

be fore hi s mind is r ent in twain and he attains the power

to perceive through his immortal senses Then he realizes .

that he is environed by an impalpable extension o f the

earth wherein are duplicated virtually all the phenomena

o fli fe that surround him on the shell o f the planet upon

which he exists and functions fo r a time as do all the ,

other forms o f ev ol v ing li fe .

The awakened and e v o l v ed mind o f the individual

mortal can function with its five immortal senses in the
excarnate promised land and can see hear feel smell
, , , , ,

and taste the mani festations o f li fe in that region a l ,

though it is a land less densely constituted and organi z ed

than his o wn but whose inhabitants are legion and

encompass spirit man round about by day and by n 1ght


ever ready to respond and mini ster to his needs wants

, ,

and desires and to fill him with delight gladness and , ,

j oy Words cannot express the mar v elous grandeur and


maj esty and beauty o f the ovate zones that environ the
earth and its inhabitants as re veale d to the clair v oyant

v ision o fthe developed psychic .

A s spirit man may be helped or harmed by o ne or


more of his fellow men so likewise may he be a ffected


by o ne o r more excarnate beings O ne must S imply .

decide whom o ne will and whom one will not entertain

, ,

and associate with Birds o f a feather usually fl ock


together and this i s true o f S pirit man and his com


panions Incarnate spirit man i s more or less i solated


from hi s fellow man by the laws and limitations o f his


psychophysical organism ; therefore he cannot be assisted

by his fellow mortals as readily as by excarnate beings

who seem e ver ready to render aid when needed To

enj o y the watchful care and wi se counsel o f en v iron

mental angels gods and goddesses i s a heav en o n earth
, ,

that is beyond the power o f even a poet s pen to d escribe .
Ma n : When ce a nd Whi ther

1 00

The dawn of the millennium begins when spirit m an s

immortal soul and senses have gai ned the ascendancy

over his animal mind and propensities Many animals .

are born upon this incarnate plane without S ight and ,

exist and function fo r nine or more days be fore the phe

nomemal world about them i s seen with their own eyes ;
but almost all the human beings born into this world
pass their entire lives without developing o r using their
immortal senses .

The myriads o fliving forms o f every description that

S pirit man s corporeal m

ind and senses have been able to
recognize even with the aid o f the microscope form
, ,

but an infinitesimal fraction o f the sentient beings ani ,

mate creatures and vital organisms of every kind that


fill so called space and thus completely environ us Man


really exists and functions in the i n teri o r o f the e arth ,

o n the crust o r S hell o f it s ke rnel whereas excarnate


S pirits dwell in the great o vate or globular zone of the

e arth s extension that holds the denser p Ortio n o r core , ,

in its center .

An incarnated spirit in the form of man whose im

m o rtal soul and senses are more o r less un folded can
communicate with an excarnate S pirit possessing a sim
ila r unfoldment o f soul and of its avenues o f in forma
tion But incarnate and excarnate spirits whose minds

and senses are limited to the animal consciousness have

a very limited power o f communicating with each other

virtually none at all notwithstanding the Biblical

record Of t he loquacity o f Balaam s ass When an .

incarnate being in the mask o f man and an excarnate

being possessing no un foldment beyond that of the ani
mal mind and senses presume to teach and lead those
that are as blind as themselves they continue to flounder

in ignorance and acquire no further knowledge as to the

1 02 Ma n : When ce a nd Whi ther

It is a great pri v ilege and pleasure to entertain faith

ful excarnate friends who are constantly fi lling our lives

with delight a n d j oy by countless acts o f lov e kind ,

ness and help fulness a s they lead us o n to fuller and

, ,

greater reali z ation and demonstration o f the innate

potency of our souls i f normally directed It is grand

and glorious to entertain angels gods and goddesses in

, ,

your home and wherever you j ourney ; always to have

an abundance o f congenial company beings that fi ll your

home with plants trees and fl owers o r take you on an

, ,

excursion into beaut i f u l regions o fNature ; to know that

these spirit beings have a purpose they are striv ing t o
accomplish and that you can be o f assistance to them in

their e ffort to emancipate both incarnate and excarnate

beings from the bonds o f ignorance that hinder their
unfoldment o f mind and body ; to have them act a s
messengers fo r you and bring back needed in formation ;
to know that they help you to limit cares that are not

essential to your soul s unfoldment ; to See them open

a way through the earth s unbroken ovate o r globular
zones to more refi ned ethereal planes ; to see beyond the

rn iSt s and clouds o f darker hues int o the clear brilliant
, ,

crystalline diamond like phenomena o fa more sublimate d


zone where the dross o f the M ammon and animal con


sc io usness has been entirely eliminated and the inhabitants

know no evil ; to know that the divinity o f purpose and

the glorious beauty o fNature are everywhere to be seen
by him whose immortal soul and senses are su f ficiently
un folded to perceive the presence o f G od in all natural
phenomena ; to realize that the heaven Or hell o fincarnate
and excarnate beings is no better and no worse than

their o w n state o f mind creates for them and enables

them t o perceive ; to know that blind faith in either
ancient o r modern authors acts as a lethal draught and
Ma n a nd Hi s Exca rna te C o mp a ni o n s 1 03

puts the mind to sleep inhibiting its creative functions


and diminishing the resourcefulness that is so needful

in evolving the potentialities latent within it .

Beings wearing the incarnate personality called man ,

as well as those in the excarnate form called spiri t should ,

employ their time in holding communication with other

beings o f e v ery degree and a fter testing their nature
, , ,

should continue their association only with those that g1ve

them the most and the best in formation especially those ,

that hav e wended their way from a far o ff home The -


halo and aura that acc o mpany them will be a sufficient

indication o f the plane o f consciousness they have
attained .

Do not waste your time and theirs by inquiring i nto

their identity ,but proceed to ascertain how much in fo r
mation they can imp a rt that will awaken and stimulate

acti v e thought in your o w n mind H aving seen the great


beauti f ul and magnificent attributes and endowments o f


an emancipated s o ul your o wn soul is impelled to forge


ahead by leaps and bounds to reach t he sam e state o f


development ; and when that i s accomplished it longs to

press o n to still more lofty heights from which it can,

percei v e and appropriate more o f the wi sdom that t he

Teachers hav e to impart The mind o fman sorely needs

a new o v ate world zon e to explore a new region whose

- —

inhabitants can gi ve him in formation as to the shortest ,

quickest and most agreeable route to take in order to


get there i f a v isit to any particular plane o fconscious


ness should be desired .

When a spirit first becomes a living being in the mask

o f corporeality he finds hosts already here some young
, ,

and some v ery o ld ; and so it will ever be upon whatev er ,

plane o f consciousness o ne may function throughout

eternity Many will hav e gone be fore you and can meet
1 04 Ma n : When ce a nd Whi ther

yo u on the way and guide you toward better land s very ,

much as we do here o n earth T here are always those



who are ready and willing to S how mankind Nature s

normal way o f evolving undeveloped minds f rom their
low estate through alertness and acti v ity o fthought with
in themselves and who thus help the soul gradually to

create for itsel f a larger domain until it ev entually be


comes uni versal one with the universal mind of Nature


Through the power and influence o f the spirit beings


that encompass and act upon him man will ultimately ,

attain redemption o r emancipation from his present ani


mal and M ammon consciousness and stage o f develop

ment into a godlike race o f people who know no evil .

M ankind should heed and apply the messages and the

counsel o f the world o f spirits that e nviron him inas ,

much as they are able to S how the way to those that

have eyes to see and give instruction to those that have

ears to hear teaching them how to obta in their natural


birthright and their divine appanage by means of the

normal creative use o f their own minds .

F or those w ho still slumber in the Satan1c consciousness



l et us hope that a day of awakening will soon be at hand .

M ay the kindly light o f higher realms lead them o n ,

until they perceive by the use of their immortal senses

, ,

the way to the throne o f Go d '

1 06 Ma n : Whence a nd Whi ther ?

o f its particular nature and arrange all o f the e x quisite

coloring that is so greatly admired for its o w n sake by
those that percei v e the outward appearance and nothing
more .

E very li v ing thing in Nature has a specific kind o f '

ethereal form o r design embodying its individual char

, ,

act er ist ics and indicating the phenomena it will present

when the organism becomes more densely incarnated

through the accretion of sentient units fi lling out the
ethereal matrix and forming a denser replica o r mask , ,

through which it m

ay be perceived by beings o f unde

v elo p e d mind and senses functioning in the v egetable ,

animal and Satanic states o fconsciousness

, .

Allow your mind to shape the image o f an ethereal

being with osseous nervous and circulatory systems and
, , ,

all the organs o fthe human body minutely but distinctly


represented in their proper location and relation to o ne

another and supplied with a sort o fethere al covering o r ,

v estment this being existing and function i ng m the

ovate region o f the earth that environs spirit man and -


po ssessing an i ndi viduality and a personality previously

acqu ired through creative men tal e ffort In this ethereal .

form there takes place a psychophysical process o f sen

tient accret i on (called gestation o r incarnation ) which
, ,

fills o ut and enlarges the whole organism with all its ,

minute mental and physical det ails into a denser sentient ,

mask or replica called man This result i s accomplished

, , .

through the accretive e ffort o f the mind expressing need ,

want and d esire o n the part of the incarnating being and
, ,

through the ready help fulness o f sentient units respond

ing to the call from a dominant mind for aid in f urther
creative endeavor In all the various functions o fspirit

man s organism we see the working of need want and , ,

desire which are responded to by sentient organisms that

T he D esi gner a nd I ts P heno mena Io 7

maintain and operate the v arious parts and organ s o fthe

body in c o ordination with the mind .

C hemists have found that spirit man s body i s eighty -

per cent water (H O ) ; hence a body weighing o ne


hundred pounds has twenty pounds o fno n liquid material -


But ev en the solids o f the body may be converted into

gases when no longer serving the purposes o f the inhabit

ing being Scientists can resolve all substances into what


they call the gaseous state but they are helpless to proceed

any f urther in their investigations The word g as may .

be defined as spiri t Breath spirit and gas are essentially

, ,

o ne an d the same th i ng .

It is strange that the m icrosco pe i s not more help ful

to the physical scientist Possibly it may come to be

o fgreate r servi ce when hi s mind perceives what to look

f o r
, a s well as what further to expect in his scientific

investigations T o the psychic what is called gas o r


eth er is no t so attenuated o r rarefied a natural substance


as o ne would suppose In fact the so called solids and


gases are not unlike ether in their form of organization ,

and the constitution and ar rangement o f matter o n the

tw o distinct planes o fmani festation are in many respects
identical .

The unde veloped mind and physical senses o f spirit

man and the d u ll intelligence and sensibilities o f an
e xcarnate being o f no great spiritual dev elopment natu
rally require conditions o fenvironment that are m many
particul ars similar Nature does not thrust her wards

into strange incompatible o r uncongenial surroundings ;

, ,

there fore the tw o psychophysical conditions are essentially

the same in illustrating her e f fort to un fold the two
orders o fmind by placing them in an appropriate en v iron
ment Both spirit man and excarnate beings are enco m

passe d by myriads o fli v ing creatures that exist and func

1 08 Ma n : Whence a nd Whi ther

tion alike o n the terrestrial plane and in the ovate zone

o f the earth s extension and present somewhat similar

phenomena o n each .

The incarnate personality called man i s only the instru

ment o fa spirit The organ we call the brain does no t

think any more than do the arms o r the legs or any


other parts o fthe body The corporeal organism is only


a vegetable compound possessing a vegetable conscious

ness It i s made up o fbillions o f sentient entities some

exceedingly minute and others much lar er , but all a ggre

gated into colonies fo r special purposes and f unctions .

There are many minds that dwell in the structure of

the human body but hav e not evolved above the v egetable

consciousness so that we have presented to us in some


cases a combination o f vegetable and an i mal li fe .

The psychophysi cal being wearing the human mask

and possessing only a vegetable and animal conscio u s
ness should be aroused by any suitable expedient from ”

the L ethe o f past ages and led to perce i ve that it is his

duty to think seriously and assiduously so that he may


come to know himsel f Thus he will begin to realize


hi s future possibilities through normal creati v e thinking

that is wholly directed toward one o bj cet mind unfold ,

ment which is followed by unfoldment of the spirit


senses .

When immortal mind dominates a spirit man s con —

duct he has become a living soul and perceives the phe


n o men a o f excarnate spirit as clearly as those o f the

incarnate phase o fl i f e about him He thus gains cosmic


consciousness and gradually unfolds toward the universal

consciousness ; for the soul through its great perceptive

ability i s able when developed to dominate its tem

, , ,

ry sentient instrument It is then that the body

p o ra .

becomes a normal healthy organism ser v ing the soul a s ,

I IO Ma n : When ce a nd Whi ther ?

last and the coming o f the millennium o f intellectual


freedom brings a S piritual consciousness t o a world o f

awakened and enlightened beings .

It required the v igilant and heroic e f forts o f a daunt

less soul in the person o f the late Colonel Theodore

Roosevelt to awaken o ur national consciousness to the


international needs wants and desires o f mankind

, , .

When a national soul can fully perceive its international

duties it has developed int o a cosmic soul fo r the highest

and best good o f the human race When the cosmic .

soul i s sufficiently e volved it will perceiv e and realize


that there i s an ovate excarnate world that environs us ,

inhabited by excarnate beings who are intensely inter

est ed in all the a ffairs o f their incarnate brethren .

When spirit man develops a larger a nd better acquaint

ance with his m asked comrades o fthe earth and under ,

stands his divine duty toward them he will find it a ,


grander and nobler world to live in When the minds .

o f mortals are su f ficiently e v olved to know that there

are excarnate beings who also inhabit the earth and who ,

enter into all the functions o f the social fabric o f its

masked people they will have awakened to a new and

larger sense o f their duties responsibilities and obliga

, ,

tions to both thei r incarn ate and excarnate fellow beings - .

A ll that the soul perceives i f heeded cultivated and

, , ,

energ i zed long enough will become mani fest and demon

st rated in due time The psychic person like the physicist

, ,

demands proof o r demonstration before being conv inced


and i f he be patient this will be furnished in abundance

, ,

as the new p erceptive powers o f the soul are opened .

The practical evidence daily af forded t o a well de v eloped -

psychic would i f recorded in writing suffice to make a

, ,

volume o f considerable size .

We must remember that the soul gains very rapidly

T he D esi gner a nd I ts P hen o mena III

in its un foldment when intense d esire to learn more i s

uppermost in its thoughts O ne has no time for trivial

o r trifl ing t hin g s t ha t bother a small mind and hold it

a vassal ; o ne fi nds all hindrances disappearing wh en there

i s an untrammeled V ision from the soul ; one cannot but
forge o n when so much wealth o f knowledge i s e v ery

where at hand ; o ne is fi lled with delight gladness and , ,

j oy at the ease with which the bounty o f Nature can be

appropriated ; o ne need not carry any outworn mental
luggage into the realms o f Nature ; o ne realizes that what
the unsullied soul perceives is good noble and divine , , ,

and i s never lost ; o ne learns not to place limitations on

the soul sperceptive power by bli nd acceptance o fauthors

ancient o r modern ; i f o ne s soul is free o ne loses all

fear o fmental o r bodily danger fo r o ne w h o i s full o f



fear i s still nur sing hi s vegetable animal and pseudo

, ,

religious consc i ousness ; o ne whose soul s percept i on i s
adequate sees all things in Nature in their proper places
and rates them at their true value o ne who possesses an
evolved soul see s no ev il in any o f the phenomena o f
Nature and percei v es only divine law working o ut the

normal course o f mind un foldment in Nature s Cosmic

School ; o ne realizes that the whole purpose o f Nature

i s to compel its wards to think much and hard whether ,

in su ffering o r in gladness ; o ne knows that the good a nd

the true are eternal and that suf
, fices .


T HE supreme and continuous e ffort o f Nature has

been (and still is ) to compel man to think normally ,

reflect diligently reason from cause to e f

, fect intelligently ,

and comprehend the natural laws o f his being He

s hould in consequence of such comprehension realize the

, ,

importance o f eliminating his animal nature as rapidly

as possible despite the fact that this progressi v e step i s

a very di f ficult and wearisome task .

Men shrink from the e ffort o f thought required for

the understanding o f the higher and lower aspects o f
their natures and thus they remain indif
, ferent through
out li fe without the will to suppress o r Entirely eliminate

their animal characteristics O rthodox believers are told


to have faith in Go d which will in some mysterious


fashion obviate the necessity o f mental labor and the

acquirement o f knowledge here Simply through faith .

they are solemnly assured they will be transported as

, ,

they are into heaven and into the presence o f an o m


n isc ient omnipotent and omnipresent B eing

, , That would .

indeed be an astonishingly swi ft trans f o rmation from a

state o f gross ignorance to o ne o f all knowledge and
wisdom Why then have Mother E arth and F ather
, ,

Time spent tw o hundred million or more years to ev ol v e

the race into the state o f existence in which it finds

itsel f at the present time ?

Man s dual characteristics have been well expressed by
Alexander Pope in the following lines
1 12
I 14 Ma n : When ce a nd Whi ther ?

has become usel ess o r a hindrance to the further unfold


ment o fhis innate divine creative power As his mental .

unfoldment progresses newer and better aspirations will


arise in his mind and these should be given the fullest


measure o fattention each and every day with a resol ve ,

to carry them o ut persistently both in thought and in

conduct .

The simple fact that spirit man wishes hopes prays -

, , ,

and longs fo r something better than his present condition

o fmind and body aff ords him can be traced to prompt
ings within hi s own p sychophysical or ganism He hun .

gers and thirsts for what he already innately possesses ,

and all he needs to do is to utter the creative word and

make it mani fest As this desire grow s stronger within

the mind man as an intellectual being bec omes more


instinctive intuitive and impressionable and the organs

, , ,

o fperception become more highly tuned and u n folded .

O nce the soul o f spirit man i s aroused and awakened


from its chronic state o finertia indolence and indecision , ,

regarding the proper manner o fworking o ut its destiny ,

it becomes a living functioning entity fi tted to begin to


think normally and to mani fest the potential attributes

o f its nature What the mind of man has instinctively

felt pondered and reasoned o ut to a definite conclusion

, ,

— what has become logically clear to him will i f con —


sta ntly energized develop his intuition and mental per


cep t io n to a state in which the psychic senses become

Opened And this marks a very important epoch in hi s


evolution .

Man s an i mal senses hav e af f
orded him i nformation
fo r the past hundred thousand o r more years and they , .

are the only source o f knowledge for the vast maj ority
o f mankind today Intelligent people realize the deplo r

ably slow progress that civili z ation ha s consequently made

Ma n s I n deci si o n as to the P u rp o se o fExi sten ce I 1 5

up to the present time But as soon as man is made


aware that additional avenues o f in formation hitherto ,

unused and unknown are at his command a most sig

, ,

n ifi ca nt era opens up to him and he ca n make rapid


strides by the use o f h is new means o f gaining exp e

ri ence knowledge and wisdom which in turn will further
, , ,

un fold the psychic powers o f hi s soul The divine prin .

c ip le innate in the being incarnated in the hu m an per

so na l ity could not be so content and so inactive as to
remain forever dependent on the animal senses as avenues
o f in formation They were only to serve for a time in

the evolution o f man s intellect until hi s development
could reach a stage i n which the psychic powers are un
folded and another obj e cti ve world i s presented fo r his
contemplation .

The state o f the hum an mind that Pope so vi v idly

described will pass away when o ur psychic senses are
able to discern the excarnate as well as t he incarnate
phenomena o f li fe Thus the way will be prepared fo r

further normal rational positi v e demonstrations to those

, ,

who can read the open book o f Nature The higher as .

well as the lower aspect o ftheir being then reveals itsel f

to their senses and it becomes clear how to eliminate

the latter and evolve the former There will be no lack .

o f assistance in their endeavor to clean and puri fy the

temple o f the human soul so that grander and more ,

beauti ful thoughts may be entertained and the further

unfoldment o fthe soul fostered .

I s it not in the highest degree rational f or the embryo ,

god to evolve h is innate attributes o fmind by continuous

creative e ffort and thus to rise through the lower con

scious planes o r domains o f Nature until in consequence ,

o f unremitting thought and labor he attains an exalted ,

plane o f consciousness gaining experience kn o wled ge ,

, ,
I 16 Ma n : When ce a nd Whi ther

and wisdom and finally entering heav en and dwelling in


the pr esence o f an omniscient om nipotent and omni


present Being ?
B esides the time consumed in the normal manual labor
that i s essential for the mind and body o f spirit man -

several hours each day should be set apart fo r normal

creative un foldment of the higher mental attributes This .

un foldment can o nly be gained by minute introspective

study o f one s sel f and by thorough and consistent

reasoning from cause to e ffect thus formulating a line


of thought and actionthat will foster the de sired develop

ment most e ffectively .

Man i s prone to assume a great number o fcares that

absorb most o f his time and yet produce nothing that

will be o f value to him in the excarn ate world Man s .

only care and the only riches he ought to seek should

, ,

be a fuller development o f soul and mind which will ,

serve him both here and hereafter Those who are com

petent might well formulate grades o f study fo r the

scienti fi c unfol dment o fthe innate powers o f the mind ;
and i f they could secure widespread (and ultimately
u niversal ) adoption o f the plan o f orderly study thus
formulated w e might look forward to a truly p ro

re ssiv e generation o fpeople

g .

The v arious departments o f the Government should

a s far as possible encourage o ur citizens to engage in

scienti fi c study o fman s existence and purpose in Nature
during hi s soj ourn o n this conscious plane o faction fo r ,

each generation becomes absorbed in turn in the mechani

cal and material development o fthe country thu s divert ,

ing its attention f rom the things that are really worth

while The wealth o fa country should be estimated by


the knowledge and spiritual development o f its ci tizens ,

and not by its a ggregation o f money and material

I I8 Ma n : When ce a nd Whi ther

part o human nature are always e xemplified in the

action o fthe popular leaders and of those in high position ,

the masses will perce i ve i t and act in conson ance there

with .

The ambition o f the F ederal Government must be

turned from the d evelopment o f purely external resources
and the accumulation o fnational wealth to the far more
worthy and valuable obj ective o f fostering the moral and
S piritual progress of its citizenry from yea r to year and
from generation to g eneration It should be able to
_ .

point with j usti fi abl e pride to the ste rling qualities o f

its people and, before all the nations of the earth pro
, ,
“ ”
cla i m : T hese are my j ewels '


I N the psychophys i cal functions o f the human mind

and body w e can always trace the workings of natural
law and the unvarying operation o f the principle o f
cause and e ffect When the hi ind and its organism have

evolved to a state o fconsciousness in which instinct and

impressibility are la rgely d ev elo p ed and knowledge can
be gained through intuiti on this stage i s characteri z ed

by belie f and faith Inst in cti v e and intuitive reasoning


develops intell ect,thus fo rti fying b elie f and faith in

conceptions that have been g ained When man begins .

instin ctively and intuitively t o perceive reason and refl ect , ,

upon personalities that are vague intangible inaudible , , ,

and invisible he soon comes to regard them as in some


way able to exert an influence o n himsel f .

L ogical instinctive and intuitive reasonin g increases

, ,

knowledge and consequently promotes un foldment o fthe

min d and in time this mental development brings about

activity of the psychic powers so that what w a s previo u sly


merely a subj ective impression becomes cognized as an

obj ecti v e reality Many persons possess a normal open


minded instinctive and intuitive intelligence while others

, , ,

become obsessed with a chimerical idea and cease to

think in consequ ence o f which no further devel o pment

of the mind t akes place .

O ne who instinctively feels and intuitively apprehends

that he is environed by invisible intelligences and that ,
120 Ma n : When ce a nd Whi ther

he will continue to exist a fter the death o f his mortal

instrument has made no mistake in his belief o r faith

for both are in harmony with well established facts He


h as replaced a v ague belief in mysterious forces Operat

ing upon him in some inscrutabl e way with faith in the
normal and inevitable operation o fcertain higher natural
laws .

These mental operations seemed new and strange to

him when compared with the functioning o f his animal
mind and its limited senses He found hi msel f quite at

a l oss to know h o w to adj ust his belie fand f aith to the

conditions o fhis present existence Hi s intuitive intelli

gence logically confronted him with tw o aspects of hi s

being namely his lower and his higher nature : The
, ,

concept of right and wrong gav e him much concern .

The student o f mathematics has to deal with two

aspects of his own nature : initial ignorance and subse
quent knowledge o fthe subj ect He is intuitively aware

that one aspect o f his mind is good a nd the other bad ;

in fact he may u se some cuss words to arouse the

latter impulse of hi s nature to greater intensity o faction .

The same l aw o f e fficiency and ine f ficiency holds good

in the study o f psychonomy and psychogeny o r o f any ,

other natural science essential for the larger develop

ment o f the mind .

M an s lower instincts and intuitive intelligence had
tangible b ases o f inspiration which he cognized through

the e v idence furni shed by his animal senses for the

purpose o fsatisfying his needs wants and desires Yet
, , .

the higher aspects o f his nature gave him much con

cern and since he w a s ignorant o f the possibility o f
, ,

any further unfoldment of his mind he naturally at ,

tributed the two diverging ,o r opposite states o f mind ,

to external personalities that he knew nothing about In .

122 Ma n : When ce a nd Whi ther ?

includes we may say both Heaven and its in fernal

, ,

antithesis '
Many hav e not enj oyed the company o f the tutbr
under whose guidance they hav e been while in the C o s ic m
School They do not realize that incarnate and ex ca r

nate beings are on an ex cursion into Nature s newer
realms o f mind in order to gain experience know ledge , ,

and wisdom and that the divine power that is inherent


in each mind is guiding directing and unfolding its

, ,

creati v e potency gra dually but diligently eliminating the


lower aspect o f its nature in order that better larger

, , ,

nobler and more nearly divine attainments may be reali z ed


through increased mental e fficiency .

Human progress comes through untrammeled instinc

ti v e and intuitive mind action corresponding to further

needs wants and desires which are thus seriously pon

, , ,

dered And what the mind instinctively feels and intui


t iv ely apprehends as already pointed o ut becomes a n

, ,

obj ective reality to the mind through its developed senses .

Natural religious perceptions conform to the operations

o fnatural law ; there fore no restrictions should be placed

upon the orderly unfoldment o f human faculties in the

direction o fgreater expression of the mind s innate poten
tial creative power It is through the operation of a

natural law o f mental action that S pirit man develops -

psychic faculties which are an inevitable and most essen


tial phase o fthe soul s pr ogress .

Who but a myth believing and dogmatic minded per

- -

so n would condemn this very signi fi cant stage in the

soul s un foldment ? What was once merely instinctive
o r intuitive knowledge and a mani festation o fbelief and

faith has now become a fact scientifically demonstrated


to those who possess sufficient psychic capacity t o cog

n ize it .
F a i th a nd ' n o w ledge 123

The average material scientist i s not aware that a

psychic obtains positive obj ective demonstrations in his

research into the phenomena o f Nature j ust as he him ,

sel f does when investigating the phenomena o f incarnate

existence with the aid o f chemical analysis o r the micro
scope and other delicate instruments E ach o f these .

investigators should respect and value the work o f the

other for both are necessary to progress i n SC i entific

knowledge rega rding the environment o f spirit ni an and -

hi s relation thereto .

Normal rational instinctive mental concepts a fter due

, , ,

reflection engende r belie f and faith in ideas that have


been accumulated ; and these concepts i f not diverted or ,

perverted must sooner o r later come into the field o f


consciousness as the min d un folds and there take their ,

place beside its demonstrated obj ective knowledge A , .

progress i ve m i nd need not waste time in analyzing each

individual fact in Nature as it i s obj ecti v ely prese nted ;
o n the other hand it may c o ntinue to accumulate facts

psychically and in due time they will assemble them


selves in their proper order and mutual relationship in


the observing mind .

A store of newly collected thoughts o r concepts o f

, ,

a mind i s like a field sown with seeds that must have

time to germinate and grow It n eeds there fore , much .

care and cultivation and the mental soil should be


enriched by solitude re fl ection introspection meditation

, , , ,

and silence until the crop o fseed thoughts is fully grown


and the fruit matured and ripened .

Most of the sel f appointed preachers and teachers o f


mankind are not content to wai t many years t o store

their minds with ideas until they hold like rich garners

the full ripened grain
They rather incline to pluck

o ut ruthlessly the fi rst sprouting idea that they discern ,

124 Ma n : When ce a nd Whi ther

neglecting all the rest (o f which it i s but the earnest

and the promise ) and they then set forth to promulgate

it as the sole means o fmankind s redemption from paucity
o fideas and po v erty of soul .
126 Ma n : When ce a nd Whi ther

Perhaps o ne fi fth o fmankind are su f

ficiently unfolded
mentally to be concerned with that which li es beyond
their own capacity to see hear feel smell o r taste
, , , , .

They are conscious o f the nearnes s o f an indefinable ,

intangible inaudible and i n v i sible Spirit intelligence

, ,

which they regard as operative upon them In this .

limited un foldment o f mind they have arrived at what

may be called a r eli gi o us state o f consc i ousness This .

state i s brought about through the development o fintui

t i on i mpressibility and mental sensitiveness as well as
, , ,

o f a certain physica l receptivity While t his a ffords a


slight conception o fwhat environs them they S hould not ,

stop at this stage of un foldment o f their minds and

bodies for it is but a single step above the animal con

sc io usness .

Tho se w h o hav e evolved to thi s state o f religious

consciousness conceive of tw o personalities o ne rep re —

senting the higher and the other the lo wer aspect o f

their nature as exp lained in detail in th e preceding chap

ter Their implicit belief and faith in these personalities


which are products o f a very natural conception o f
the psychophysical law governing their organisms
develop a complacency and sel f sufficiency o f mind that

naturally inhibit any further creative thought and con

se quently any further un foldment of their mental powers .

Their dogmatic belief has excluded from their minds all

knowle dge o f the v aried sp i rit phenomena that environ
them and operate upon them and that coul d be intelligible

and e ven audible and v i sible to them i f the i r m i nds were

o pen .

The transformation o f mind and body should be con

ti nued through the constant process of thought in the

direction of greater realization o fthe hig her needs wants , ,

a n d d esires for thi s,r eali z atio n W ill be followed

. by greater
Evo l vi n g a Pra cti ca l R eli gi o n 12 7

un foldment of the immortal soul and its enlarged means

o f perception .

M ankind being accustomed to seeing hearing feel

, , ,

ing smelling and tasting and also to reasoning as well

, , ,

as possible f rom cause to e ffect naturally cultivated a ,

more o r less logical intelligence The same is true o f .


all living things in Nature below the conscious plane o f

spirit man It is but natural and right that man should

apply hi s instinctive and intuitive intelligence and the

fruit o f his mental tr aining to thoughts regarding mat
ters that concern him but that have not yet been made

mani fest through his senses What the mind has well .

assimilated and comprehende d i s made mani fest by the

un foldment of its psychic power This epoch in the
evolutio n o f the mind m

arks the birth o f a spirit u al

consciousness .

An incarnate being that has gained command ov er

the immortal senses and can observe the excarnate phe
, ,

n o mena o f Natu re a s well as the incarnate ones may


continue to apply hi s accustomed i ntelligence and logical

attributes o f mind in the consideration o f the phenomena
observed through his psychic attainme nts Herbert .

Spencer said : To t he mass o f people nothing i s so
costly as thought The fact that taking the wo rld o v er
, ,

ninety nine people out o f a hundred accept the creed to

which they were born exemplifies their mental attit ude

toward things at large .

Sel f complacency and sel f sufficiency gained through

- -

belie f and faith in two antithetical pers o nalities supposed

to a ffect o ur spiritual destiny can play no part in the

future respons ibilities and duties to one s sel f and t o
others o f those whose psychic powers are developed So .

long as the animal mind and its dull physi cal senses
dominated the incarnate personality called man little o r

12 8 Ma n : When ce a nd Whi ther

no progress was made toward the satis f actory under

standing and comprehension o f his higher nature But .

“ ”
when the soul through great trav ail gained control o f
its immortal senses a new world was revealed to man

kind and the lower and the higher aspects o fhi s nature

were made plain to him


Men o f o ur day might as well make up their minds

to work normally and thus pay their way through each

success iv e heaven that their innate di v ine creati ve power

opens up to their psychic senses A good and noble so ul

lov es to work o ut its o w n destiny a p rocess that is

J — -

always accompanied with pleasure happiness and j o y

, , .

O ne whose soul knows no fear and no de feat ; whose

spirit works o ut its innate tendencies without pomp o r
pride ; who i s free from prej udice and hatred ; whose
soul perceives N ature as an open book ; who places no
limitations o n hi s o w n power ; whose soul knows ho w

to regard the petty things o f li fe and Sees God s handi
work in all the phenomena o f Nature ; whose soul con
t inues t o yearn f o r a larger perception o f Nature and ,

consta ntly strives to make a heaven o n earth such a —

o ne i s working o ut his destiny nobly and dev eloping his

spiritual consciousness in all its completeness .

God s planetary chariot has been spinning aroun d fo r
two hundred million o r more years in the e ffort to evol ve
a being incarnated in a personality called man to a state
o f un fol dm ent in which the soul could use its mortal

instrument and become acquainted with t he excarnate

phenomena of li fe Such a Go d gi v en possibility has

only dawned upon the present generation o f men but ,

it is destined to become an accepted fact t o most o fo ur

race in perhaps another five hundred years .

When the psychic senses o f spirit man are opened


and the higher as well as the lower aspects o fhis nature

1 30 Ma n : When ce an d Whi ther

constantly heed the admonitions o f his soul he can ,

steadily make his heaven larger and better as he attains

successi v ely higher grades or states o f consciousness .

Those who do not turn back or falter in workin g o ut

their Spiritual destiny will eventually gain a godlike co n .

sci o u sness r ealizing a greater and higher illuminati o n of


soul thus making p ossible increased love and app recia

tion of Nature s wonder ful laws Should they in a n .

unguarded moment attempt to utter a wrong o r a harm

ful statement their tongues would cleave to the roo fs

o f their mouths And i f they should try to commit

. ,

a wrongful act it would con front them at once with a


S hocking realizati on o f its actual iniquity .

AS the lower mani festations of an incarnate or ex ca r

nate being s nature are gradually eliminated and the ,

higher aspect o f his nature continues to be evolved he ,

reaches an ever higher and purer plane of consciousness

— where the soul can mani fest in its fulness and com
pl eteness a G od consciousness that kno fif
s no e v il Then .

he may be classed with those called the pure in S pirit .

The evolved and emancipated being through the unfold ,

ment o f the inherent creative power of its m i nd has ,

worked its w ay up through all the lower conscious

domains o fNature and attai ned oneness with the F ather
H o w much have religion ists i m

proved in their con

cep t i o n s o f G od since the time of Pythagoras the sage ,

o fSamos w h o died in 4 9 7
Pythagoras i s reported

to hav e described Deity in the following words

Go d is neither the o b j ect o fsense no r subj ect to p assio n ,

but invisible o nly intelligible and supremely intelligent In


, .

his bo dy he is like the light and in his so ul he resembles t ruth


He is the univer sal spirit that pervades an d di ffuses itself

o ver all nature All beings receive their life fr o m him There

is but o ne only Go d who is no t as so me are apt to imagine,

, ,
Evo l vi ng a P ra cti ca l Reli gi o n 131

seated above the world beyo nd the orb o fthe universe ; but
being himself all in all he sees all the beings t hat fi ll his im

mensity the only principle t he light o f heaven the F ather

, , ,

o fall
. He pr o duces everything ; he o rders and disp o ses every
thing ; he is the reason the life and the motion of all beings
, , .


E V ER Y mind however undeveloped , that wears the


mask called man should have need want and desire for , ,

fresh wholesome mental food which it can so digest and

, ,

assimilate as to give the mind renewed strength and added

experience and enlarge its store o f knowledge The mind .

must however be entirely free to entertain any idea

, , ,

thought or theme W i thout prej udice Those who are

, .

really alert can collect an abundance o f idea s and they ,

will be too busy investigating these and too highly enter

ta ined to have time or room for Small narrow , ,

and undeveloped minds are necessarily biased owing to

their constitutional limitations .

I f a person can begin early in li fe with a normal store

o f enduring ideas they will multiply and enlarge con

t in ua lly as the mind evolves to higher and larger planes

o f consciousness .O thers may have to eliminate much
useless and e ffete mental stu ffa s fast as possible to make ,

room for something nobler and better that will stand .

the test o f logical thinking for all time .

O ccasional thinking is o fno avail Wishing longing .

, ,

hoping and praying do not constitute thinking They


get o ne nowhere for i nstance in the study o f mathe

, ,

mat ic s or of the operation of natural laws The frequent .

utterance of mantras a ffi rmations or invocations to some

, ,

deity with the lips coupled with the belief that such vain

repetitions constitute thought and will chan ge destiny,

1 34 Ma n : When ce a nd Whi ther ?

p h i ed and useless j ust as do the unexercised physical

organs ? Am I aware that my belie f and faith in my
sel f backed by e f
, ficiency of thought and labor can be ,

made an obj ective fact through my senses ? Are belie f

and faith in mysel f the final efio r t in solving a mathe
matical or any other problem in Nature ? Has it ever
occurred to me that knowledge i s gained only by the
daily observation and demonstration o f f ac ts ? Do I
know that both rational and irrational thoughts are exter
na l iz ed in my individuality personality and environment ?
, ,

Am I aware that a person who has attained or developed


psychic ability has an abundance o f evidence for what

he knows ? Am I aware that the minds of those w ho
do not think and o fthose who cease to th ink revert back
to lower planes o r types of consciousness ? D o I realize
that the brai n o f the organism called man does not think ?
Do I know that the brai n i s only the temporary in stru
ment of an immorta l mi nd as are the arms hands legs
, , , ,

and other parts o fthe physical body ?

Do I make a distinction between my immortal S pirit
and its mask which is but a temporary organism giving

it power o f recepti v ity and expression o n th i s mundane

plane ? Do I make an hourly inventory o f my stock o f
good and bad creations ? Have I any means o f eliminat
i ng the bad that i s in me and replacing it by something
better ? Do I understand the purpose for which I exist ?
D o I get any intelligent answers to my questions ? D o I
fi nd mysel f in a rut ? am I endeavoring to be o f some
use in the world ? Do I really desire to un fold the limit
less attr ibutes o f m mind ?
“ y
Do I fi nd mysel f a mental coward Am I afraid o f

what are called ghosts and hobgoblins ? Do I know

whether a re solve i s worth anything to me ? Do I know
that I can mak e good every resolve I make that I create

Tho u ght Sti mu li 35

my o wn hell heav en ?
Do I know that I cannot ser v e
o r

right and wrong at the same time and do I realize the ,

dire consequences that attend such contradictory creative

efforts ? Do I know that true mental freedom can come
only from t hinking saying and doing what is good
, , ,

noble and divine

Such are some o f the questions that you will find in

the various chapters o f the book o f li fe you are writing
day by day .

The crowning glory o four existence is to possess the

ability and the freedom to think normally No place .

would be a heav en i f it precluded your planning fo r its

further improv e ment Well has Milton expressed the

power o f thought in hi s famous and o ft qu o ted lines : -

The mind is it s o w n place and in itself ,

Can make a heaven o f hell a hell o f heaven , .

It i s a glorious a cquirement and p rivilege to be able

to see and to comprehend the beauty and immensity o f
Nature which reveals something interesting and in sp ir

ing on ev ery hand Nature i s ev er a source o f delight


and there is a constant stimulus in the contemplation of

her wonders The rapture arising from mere physi cal

observation of the material universe i s thus most enj oy

able but the ecstasy r esulting fr o m sight o f Nature s

phenomena with unlimited psychi c V i s i on i s i ncomparable

and fills the soul with boundless thrills o f j oy Great .

is the happiness springing from untrammeled vision

from the soul s ability calmly to observe the v aried phe
no mena o fNature and to realize that everything needful

o r desirable may be had i f onl y there be the will to

appropriate it It i s glorious t o behold the mind realms


o fthe angels g ods and goddesses and to perceive thei r

, , ,
1 36 Man : When ce an d Whi ther ?

help ful messages to benighted mankind We need a

world o f Nature lov ers instead o f a world o f N ature


ignorers who stupidly block the way to finer perception


and thereby exclude from their v ision all that is good ,

noble and godlike

, .

Naturally a small mind i s imprisoned within its o wn

limitations ; it moans worries frets and laments about
, , ,

its petty troubles placing the blame everywhere but on


itsel f Persons of d iminutive mental capacity continually


contemplate the supposed everlasting wrath o f a Being

who acco rding to their distorted notions will destroy
, ,

their Satanic fellow men together with the earth itsel f


Persons o f S piritual insight o n the other hand realize

, ,

that it i s the principle of Ev il in the universe that is to

be ultimately eradicated , so that all that remains will be
unalloyed Good .

F or more than two hundred million years God has

been waiting for this planet to produce a being capable
o f appreciating and enj oying the bea ut ies lavishly be

stowed o u his place o f existence instead of constantly


finding fault with it and attributing its de fects to the

p o wer o f Satan This globular chariot we call the earth

“ ”

this round ball S li ghtly fl attened at the poles
, has —

been spinning around fo r tens o fthousands of centuries

waiting for the being whose personality is called man
to begin to think rationally : Rational thinking is as easy
as breathing i f one can cast o ut the useless beliefs and

other mental j unk that burden the li fe o f mankind .

God has spread before the members o f the human

family boundless natural beauties o n every hand ,yet they
know it not They are senseless fretful children of

Nature w h o are still slaves to ignorance because they

lack the will and the energy to think e f ficiently What .

can we expect o f human individuals w ho persist in men



W H E N a spirit encased in a fleshly mask is born into

, ,

this incarnate world it already possesses a prev iously


acquired individuality and a distinct personality both o f ,

which will be further evolved o r involved according to

the right o r wrong creative use o f the mind during its
mortal li fe To designate the stage o f development a

person has attained we often describe his soul as little

, ,

large great young o r old a n old soul for example

, , ,

, ,

being one that has passed through a protracted process

o f unfoldment .

The parents o r guardians of a child wheth er or not


they are aware o f the stage o f evolution o f its mind ,

should beg i n at an early period in its li fe to imbue it

wit h use ful thoughts and ideas that will tend to unfold
its moral and S p i r i tual character The child should be .

instructed in easy progressive stages as to whence it

, , ,

came the purpose o f its incarnate existence and the

, ,

plane to which it will proceed when that existence shall

have term i nated As a rule such instruction ought to

begin at about the age o f four An orderly series o f .

lessons can readily be arranged lasting ten o r more , ,

minutes each and leading up from the easy to the more


di fficult problems of li fe In the beginning of the course


the child had better be alone with it s tutor so that its ,

attention may not be diverted from the subj ect during

the lesson .
' n o wledge a C hi ld Sho u ld A cqui re 1 39

The lessons S hould be systematically arranged begin ,

ning with the simple presentation o f the operation of

natural laws and proceeding gradually to the more com

plex concepts thus progressively u nfolding the attributes


o f the mind The ideas ought to be presented in an


easy familiar conversational manner and the aim sho uld

, , ,

be to call out as much as possible the thoughts and ideas

o f the child o n the topic o f the lesson as well as o n ,

the subj ect matter o f previous lessons O ral instruction


o f a child or youth o r even o f an adult can be supple

, ,

mented by silent instruction whether the pupil be awake


o r asleep ; in fact the lives o fparents and teachers S hould

be o ne continuous Source o fmental stimulus to the minds

o f a ll they meet o r a ssociate With
as well as to those ,

who catch and interpret their ideas telepathically o r who

recei v e them through the medium o fthe written word .

F ew persons obj ect t o a child s receiving one o r more
daily lessons i n p hysical training , o r acquiring the art

o f graceful dancing o r c ul tivating the voice the ear

, o r , ,

the fingers in musical education Such training o fbody .

and mind i s o f great importance o fcourse but it i s far , ,

more essential to develop the child s understanding by
supply ing enduring thoughts and ideas for the m i nd to
reflect upon and assimilate The immortal soul is the

generator o fall bodily energy ; there f o re it S hould receive

care ful mental culture early in li fe so that it may gain ,

at the outset a correct conception o f li fe and its duties .

The brain o f a child does not think any more than do ,

its feet its hands o r e v en its physical senses ; these are

, ,

but instruments for the use o f an immortal mind in

coming in contact with the obj ective plane You cannot .

ov ertax a S pirit s mind but yo u can overtax its imple

ment the brain j ust as easily as the arms o r legs

, , .


The child mind ha s been the subj ect o f endless
140 Ma n : When ce a nd Whi ther ?

twaddle and the result i s that millions o f children youths

, , ,

and adults are alike d estitute of any scienti fi c o r psychical

training whence we have a human race o f more or less

characterless nincompoops The writer well remembers


the rubbish incorporated as m aterial for reading lessons

in the F irst Second Third and F ourth School Readers
, , , .

All these books were uninteresting and i nane being ,

quite destitute o fuse ful ideas As the immortal mind o f


a child or youth is open to scienti fi c and psychic facts


when they are simply and clearly stated all grades of ,

school readers should present interesting narratives o r

descriptions showin gthe operation of natural laws C hil .

dren are initiated at an early age into the mysteries o f

mathematics and are expected to comprehend them as

they advance from the easy to the mor e di fficult prob

lems Why neglect the particular branches o f science

that contribute to the building up and rounding out of

a beauti ful character which will continue to evolve during

its incarnate li fe a s well as in the excarnate state that

follows ?

It i s a crime against an immortal soul to neglect its

daily scienti fi c education concerning its psychophysical
o rganism and its relation to its environment It i s .

equally a crime to inhibit the mind s normal creative
unfoldment at an early age by false ideas instilled under
the guise o freligion The study o fnatural science leaves

the mind free for new discoveries and demonstrations o n

higher planes thus leading it on to loftier perceptions

and to an appreciation o f the boundless beauty in all

the mani festations o f Nature The aim o f education

should be to develop resourceful thinkers who can under

stand the why and the wherefore o f things and com
prehend the inexorable sequence of cause and e ffect It .

i s time to quit teaching the y o uth o fo ur country as o ne

142 Ma n : When ce an d Whi ther

them to renounce and repudiate their v iews or pay the

penalty with their lives ? And w ho does not S hudder at
the mere mention o f the in famous and bloody horrors o f
the Spanish Inquisition or recall with shame the burning

o f the so called witches in New E ngland ?


What have these misguided sel f constituted inter


t rs o fthe d i v i ne will to show for all the crimes they

p re e

have committed in the name o f God ? The successors

of these religious zealots still in fl ated with pride and

in fatuated with pomp as o f yore would like to continue


to destr o y the messengers that God has sent to enlighten '

the human race as to the operation o f the natural laws

relating to man s existence and function in the uni v erse .

F or nearly two thousand years mankind has readily

bowed o r ha s been forced to bo w to the will o f these
, , _

sel f styled representatives of God Their conception o f


Deity foisted o n an intellectually helpless people made

, ,

ignorance a saving virtue and intelligence a crime punish

“ ”
able by death The wrath o f these bi rds o f pray as

they have been called with a signi fi cant play o n words ,

would be visited o n all real messengers o f God today ,

were it not that they are to some ex tent shorn o f their

power by those w ho for n i ne teen centuries were a power
less minority .

It is futile to expect a beneficent fruition o f either

religion o r material science while mankind is under the
dominance o f so undeveloped an order o f mind In .

many respects the animate creatures that environ man

display more acumen than he since he is o ften a lazy

land lubber maki ng no better u se o fhis fi v e senses than

, _

does his cat hi s dog o r his pig Hi s soul like that

, ,

o fthe animal i s still in a state o fcos m

ic gestation He .

has only the limited physical senses as avenues o f in fo r

mation and yet, though spiritually bli nd he p resumes ,
' no wl edge a C hi ld Sho u ld Ac qui re 14 3

to interpret the will o f God ' Maeterlinck s brie f symboli c

play The B lind con veys to the m ind by de ft touch es
, , ,

and artful suggestion the fate o f the spiritually blind


when their leader a blind priest dies leaving them to

, , ,

the mercy o f a snowstorm .

In studying the laws o f Nature and their diver se o bj ec

tive phenomena o ne is really studying the law o f mind
, .

The v arious grades o fmani festation o f consciousness in

Nature can only thus be classi fi ed and their funct ions
u nderstood ; and this applies also to spi rit man We are —

able to trace his progress step by step until fi nally he i s

, ,

ficiently ev o l v ed to become cognizant o f the more


su f
ethereal phenomena o f spiri t through his ordinary senses ,

and Nature becomes to him an open book It i s at this .

most si gnificant epoch in his development that man really

c o meS t o

be a human being a soul emanc i pated fro m

the thrald o m o f his a n imal consciousness .

We need S chools for children youths and even adults , ,

in which they can rece i ve instruction in the process of

normal un foldment o f the attributes o f mind in order ,

that they may become seers and learn fully to compre

hend the more ethereal spiritual regions that environ

“ ” “
them . What wilt thou have ? said E merson Pay .

for it and take it C onditions such conditions as S incere


purpose concentration pure desire and an upright li fe

, , ,

constitute the pri ce to be paid Comply and you S hall .


hear the sweet voices o f the loved ones whose earthly

bodies repose beneath the willows in the valley If .

you will pay the price in serious normal creative think , ,

ing your soul will know through c ommand over its

, ,

senses the rapturous glories and maj estie S of Nature


Men and women will be will ing to pay Nature s price -

for un foldment o f the mind as soon as the normal way

i s made plain n o matter what language they speak S ince
, ,
1 44 Ma n : When ce a n d Whi ther

human feelings emotions and desires constitute the uni

, ,

versal language o f the soul I f you do not like or enj oy


the conscious plane on which you no w reside j ust aban ,

don all your disagreeable mental belongings and move

to the next higher conscious plane And i f you are .

willing mentally to continue to p ay the price j ust keep ,

o n moving upward all the while adding increased pleas


ure delight j oy and wealth o fknowledge to your soul

, , , .

Man S hould reali z e that he exists and functions in an

ocean o fmind to the bounteous stores o f Which all have

equal access in working out their destiny All S hould .

make haste to ful fi l the sacred duty they o w e to them

selves and W hen they have found their immortal selves
, .

the e ffulgence o ftheir souls W ill ever illuminate the way

to grander and higher planes o fconsciousness In their .

upward course they will be accompanied by countless

hosts that are likewise tending toward a more complete
mani festation o fthe divine attributes latent within them .

It is well worth while to think and to labor i n cessantly -

to know yoursel f In so doing you become acquainted


W ith your soul s inheritance the value o f which now, ,

and forever only the language o f deep j oyful emotion

, ,

can ever express Have you a heroic will to begin n o w


’ ?
to work o ut your soul s destiny Then seize the
moment for now is the accepted time And i f you

choose aright an d persevere on the chos en path you will ,

j oin in time in the victorious anthems chanted by the

unnumbered hosts that have risen aloft anthems W hos e —

surges o f sublime melody expressive of a spiritual rap


ture that passeth all understanding blend as a terrestrial ,

overtone with the unutterable music of the spheres .

D eac rd med using the Bo o kkee p e r p ro ce ss .

Ne utraliz mg ag e t Mg e i
n: a n su m O xid e
Tr e m
at e nt Date N: 2 004
o v

Preservatio nTechno lo gies

1 1 1 Th o mso n Pa rk D rive
C ranberry To wnship , PA 1 606 6
( )
7 2 4 7 7 9 -
2 11 1

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