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SEHAT SELAMAT 10 Cara Kurangi Stres Saat Berhenti Merokok Banyak orang berpikir rokok dapat menenangkan pikiran. Benarkah? Perea er es eee eee eer en oie ee ces Pepe ue ta a ec ee nae Dr eae eee eLearn rokok mengantar sejumlah nikotin ke otak. Nikotin, seperti ee ee oe mee crea! Pee Soe eee ea eur cte Tea Sa 1. JANGAN TERLALU KERAS KEPADA DIRI SENDIRI Menghilangkan kebiasaan bukan hal mudah, Ketahui sejak OU ene ey Se ee ee ety pada tujuan utama Anda: Berhenti merokok. Bahkan jika eC ecard Cee eee eee iy ‘akhirnya sukses bethenti merokok untuk selamanya, Pee} cr Cee ener ce Pree en eet eon ered eee ee) See eee a eee ano siapkan permen sebelurm Anda mulai makan. Pee od Ree a eon oe aod ere ar nue unre ty See area rad Cee ae ee rey bulan ke depan? Fokuslah pads hat ii @ « Pe Uae ec Salah satu cara paling mudah meredakan stres adalah See en a cd Pee ee ae ecu er Teaarr ee etry eee ae rea Cro Peer See ee ee eee en eee cecal eer eit) Se ee Cec ec Creer an ae eae aa See en eae ore) ee es Dac eo ee eta ad en PSOne Uy eT eC Cou Soe Ec Cer Ee eae ye ee eee Anda. Tulskan saja.Setelah itu, sobek dan buang kertas Anda, Kegiatan menulisinisendirisudah membantu Anda een eee renee 4. TELEPON TEMAN ATAU KELUARGA Sebelum beshenti buat daftar orang-orang yang bisa Anda mintal dukungan dan mampu menampung keluh-kesah Anda dalam pembicarazn hangat.Jika uncak, hubun: 9. KONSULTASIKAN DOKTER SEPUTAR OBAT PENGGANTI NIKOTIN yang tersedia dalam bentuk permen karet, permen hisap, koyo, dan bentuk hirup atau inhaler tersebut bisa mengurangi keinginan seseorang untuk merokok.Terap enggantinikotin tidak memberikan sensasl yang sama fengan merokok, tapi terapi tersebut dapat menghentikan gejala kecanduan 10, BERSABARLAH Memang sangat mudah ter ing stes di har-h enti merokok, Hampir semua minggu-minggu ps mantan perokok mengalami masa di mana mereka ragu fapat melewaticobaan it, Ingatkan diti Anda secara rutin CHAMPIX 0,5 mg og FILMOVERTRUKME TARLETTER FILMUMODADAR TOFLUR TRBLETTER, FiLMORASJERT Cea 10 Ways to Reduce Stress When Quitting Smoking Many people think smoking calms the mind. Is this true? ‘The absence of nicotine makes smokers anxious. This anxiety Iswhat people often misunderstand as stress Lighting up a cigarette makes a smoker feel better, not because smoking calms down the mind, but because it sends nicotine to the brain. Nicotine, as widely known, is addictive. Without nicotine, smokers feel anxious or experience a withdrawal Here are a few tips to ease withdrawals without tobacco 1, DON'T BE TOO HARD ON YOURSELF Getting rid ofa bad habit is not easy. Be aware from the start that you will feel stressed, irtable or even depressed. Try to be optimistic and focus on your main goal to stop smoking. Ifyou have tried but falled, don't be discouraged. Most smokers try repeatedly before they finally succeed in their effort to quit smoking once and forall. 2. SOLVEYOUR FUTURE SHORT-TERM PROBLEMS Ityou are aware your stress levels increase each time you see an ashtray on your home verandah, pt the ashtray away before the date you intend to stop smoking If after ‘mealtimes, you become restless and have the urge to smoke, have some sweets ready before you start your meal 3. REMOVE YOUR LONG-TERM WORRIES ‘The fist few weeks after you quit smoking are the hardest. Don't burden yourself with long-term worries, such as wondering if you can survive forthe next 6 months, or ‘whether your anxiety wll increase in the next 3 months. Focus on the present, “This medication, which is available Racca Cee See ur emcees Meee ce 4. DOTHINGS YoU ENJOY ‘One of the easiest ways to reduce stres is by focusing your attention on activities that bring you jy. Listen to music, ‘watch stand-up comedy, play with the kids, havea bath anything. Do small things that make your life more fun. 5. MOVE ALOT Studies show that physical activity can reduce stress and anaiety levels. n fact doing sport releases chemicals in the brain that are related to feelings of happiness. Almost any physical activity helps. 66. PRACTICE RELAXATION TECHNIQUES ‘These include yoga, deep breathing, and various meditation practices. Relaxation, which lets your mind focus on the present, can rid smokers oftheir habit. Find one that works: foryou. 7. WRITE DOWN YOUR ANXIETIES Find a quiet place and set aside 15 minutes to write down things that worry you. Don't over-think, re-read, or correct ‘what you have writen. Just write it down. After that, tear and throw away the paper. The simple act of writing helps you recognize your stress and bring itto the surface 8. CALLA FRIEND OR FAMILY MEMBER re you quit; make lst of people you can count on SRT ling to engage you in deep ee Oe ear support and wil onversations. I your anxiety increases, contact that person Ree Con rece ea ete 9. CONSULT DOCTOR OW NICOTINE SUBSTITUTING MEDICATION ont eRe ore manage to stop yourself from lighting up, your chance of quitting for good the next time increases by 5%. For hich is aval and inhalers, reduces the This medication, gum, sweets, patche ee a Eee make, Nicotine substitutes de not produce the same smoking, but they can stop addictive it means you now have a 20% chance of succeeding (4 tendencies Se eee ee Ce ane ey to. ee pavient Pe eae eae Sacre Iris very easy to feel stressed in the first few days or weeks of having quit smoking, Almost all former smoker riod wher 0 through a For further consultation on quitting smoking, you can hey doubt their ability o resist the temptation Gis Remind yourself regularly: the w weaken every day.) Se ae ree Pe See oc See ee aay Ceara 4 mber 20 vae (65 8 Desember 2 G 2. 1 21 22 Ta pengaman tubuh yang digunakan pengemudi & penumpang mobi. Job System Analysis singh. asker yang digunakan untuk merasuki area abr Pelatinan yang hars dit pekerasebetum ‘memasuk area process plat Bendera yan cipasangdibumperdepan endoaan untuk nema ote tarbang rai). Dapat menaganagu penalitatan pengendar Salah satu proses"Lock Out-Tag Out terhadep eneroiberbahaya. Peranca (ing) ‘Protector atau pelindunglayar nga) Bahan beracun pengondalihama Sol sou tran keslamatn PT Vale Menurun 10 2 a 15 1, 8 1. Sura zn mengemudi kendavaan perusahaan Penyakit menuae ‘Nat pelinduna pendengaran ingars. Lampustrobo ngs} ‘Nat Pefindung Dit @sinaka. Falling Object Protativ Structures (sing) Departemen pengawas KL PT Vale. ‘Nat pending mata acum yang terkandng lrokok ‘rang yang melakukan pemerisaan pekerjsan Kacaintip pada kendaraan. Tal pengikattobuh yang digunakan unt boeken cketnaaion roar) Zatcingan yang sifatnya seperti uaa. ‘lat untuk melindungi kepala ings

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