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2nd PTA Meeting

Time started: 2:00 p.m Venue: Grade 7 Classroom

Time ended: 3:10 p.m Date: October 8,2019

The meeting started with a prayer led by Mr. Jumar Janipin.

I. Presenting the Agenda

II. Collectables
Monthly Dues-10.00
School Paper-90.00 ?


When to work on the pathway for the students

-Suggestion by the parent to Dagyaw or to pay the monthly dues which is 10.00.

-The parents approved to pay the monthly 10.00.

Parents Suggestions:

*Pakyaw or Inadlaw


*Those parent who cannot pay the 10.oo contribution will volunteer to work.

*Ask the total amount for Pakyaw to know if the contribution is enough to pay.And if not,they will
contribute again the balance.

*Ask the PTA fund their remaining money that they will borrow their money to pay for the Pakyaw.

2.Addressing School Problems

-Students who does cutting classes, playing computer games, staying outside the campus,drinking
liquor must be reported right away to the parents.

3.Reminding the Parent to the 5 Bamboo sticks for the Fences in School

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