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Nowadays Indonesia is facing main issue that concern about environment. The main issue is
caused by a few people who want exploit natural resources for their own company and profit.
They do exploitation by deforestation and will intimidate the animal existence. Currently
animals live in the forest and they survive for living in the wild live without any threats
because their home still exist and can be used for protecting their live. Forest is animal’s
habitats and they feel save if it is still existent and dense. In the years ago, we could find
various animals live naturally in their habitats such as lions, elephants, snakes, monkeys, and
etc. but today we have difficulties to find out them anymore. Deforestation makes animal’s
life change. They migrate to the safer places and more density of the trees. Their ecosystems
are annoyed by human action because of the deforestation. We can’t see them live together
ad feel save in their own habitats. It can be happened if deforestation happening in larger
area, animals can’t live and will die. Our generation will not see how elephants, lions, monkeys
look like if their existence become decrease and rare. That is in so bad situation. So please, if
we want to see animals still exist and live happily, keep our forest and stop for deforestation.
Keep our earth green and more sustainable for animal’s live.

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