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Excel – VBA / Macros

Table of Contents

• Starting with Macros - Recording and Running a Macro

• Introduction to Visual Basic Concepts of Object Oriented Programming
• Data Types, Variables, Procedures & Operators
• Range Selection
• Control Statements
– If… Then
– With… End With
– For... Next
– Do… Loop
– Do… Until
– Do While… Loop
• String Handling
• Input Box and Message Box Functions
• Working with Controls – Text Box, Label, Scroll Bar and Check box
• A User-Defined Function for Calculating Interest
• Error Handling and Debugging
• VBA advantages
– Excel VBA executes in the same way consistently without errors.
– Someone who does not know anything about excel can do complex tasks using
– Boring, time consuming are relatively easy

• VBA Disadvantages
– Difficulty of learning a programming language
– You cannot assume that your VBA program works always correctly under all
circumstances. Check macro settings
– There are issues with different versions of excel 2000, 2003, 2007 etc., You
need to catch up with latest.
Starting with Macros

Visual Basic Macros Tool Bar Open and study this Macro code
Using Visual Basic Editor -ALT+F11 in Module1
ALT+F11 acts as toggle switch between VB editor
Setting security level of Macros and Excel WB
Record Macro Recording Macro could be used to capture some of
1. Open CreditBankding.xls, Spend sheet the Code in your VBA code writing

2. Go to View Ribbon select Macros – Record macro

3. Fill in the required details in Macros dialog box.
4. Select cells A1 to D10
5. Apply the following formats to selected cells
6. Change font to Tahoma and font size to 12
7. Right align and bold
8. Change font color to red and fill color to yellow
9. Stop recording Macro
Study this macro and
Re-Run Macro on other sheets using F5
Comments start with apostrophe ‘
MS Visual Basic Interface (ALT + F11)
Menu Bar

Tool Bar

Code Window

Project Explorer

Module contains
Declarations of variables
Sub procedures(marco) to perform
Properties actions
Window Functions to return values
Immediate Window

Project Explorer, Modules-> Module1 VBA code could be run on any of the objects of workbook.
You can insert/remove modules like standard module, class module contain you own objects,
user forms
Properties of the object
Creating Modules –Insert-Module standard modules or code modules.
Writing good code
Code indentation & Comments
Use Immediate window to experiment any code
Starting with Macros - Observations
Range(“A1:D10”).Select - selection of cells
Some of the VBA Statements and you get run time errors
for buggy code
With Selection.Font ‘ font selection Macros can be recorded using relative addressing using
developer->code->Relative addressing
.Name=“Tahoma” ‘ to Tahoma with
Size=11 ‘ size 11
End With
Selection.Font.Bold=true ‘Fonts are made Bold
End Sub ‘ End of the sub procedure
Another Example

Sub Exercise()
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1.value = "=2"
End Sub
Macros can be recorded using relative addressing
Object Oriented Programming

Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) is a structured programming language where sentences
(called statements) are constructed of building blocks such as Class, objects, methods, and
properties and Events. These VBA statements are grouped in larger blocks called
procedures. A procedure is a set of VBA statements that performs a specific task or
calculates a specific result. The first step to learning how to create procedures is to learn
about the building blocks. Objects are instances of Class. Ex. Chair is class Godrej Model
chair ME100 an object & an instance of class chair .

VBA Procedure

Objects Methods Properties Events

Interest = Application.workbooks(“exampleExcel.xlsx”).worksheet(“Sheet1”).Range(“A1”).value
Objects and Collections
VBA is an object-oriented programming language, which means the statements you create in VBA act on
specific objects rather than begin general commands. Excel is made of objects that you can manipulate
through the VBA statements. Objects have properties like .value, methods like clearcontents
The Fields in the object capture their state. Customer
Class can contain customernumber, loyalty status etc., Workbook

Objects in Excel

Collections: Many objects belong to collections related in hierarchical or tree structure.
For example, a workbook is a collection of all the objects it contains like ex. sheets, cells, ranges, charts,
VBA modules, etc.. City is collection of buildings which is collection of floors which is collection of rooms


Collection of Objects

Objects in Excel are Collections – Top one is Application. Objects are arranged in
Hierarchy and they act as containers. Each hierarchy is separated by dot(.)

Application Application.belowobjects like

Workbooks, worksheets,range,cells

Workbook Application.Workbooks(“Sales.xls”)

Application.Workbooks(“Sales.xls Worksheet Add-ins


Chart Range

Every object (ex. Cell ) has a property like value Cells

Every object has even method too like
Cells(3,1).clearcontents Workbooks(“Sales.xls”).WorkSheets(“Sheet
1”).cells(3,1).value to refer to row 3 and
column A contents using value property
Properties , Methods & Events for the objects–Use Object Browser-F2
Properties are used to describe an object. Some properties are read-only, while others are read/write. These properties
describe Excel objects. For example, an Excel workbook has a particular path on your hard drive or network where it is
saved. That path is a property of the workbook. That path is read-only as it cannot be changed without saving the file to a
different location. Properties are separated from objects by periods just as methods are. The following sentence will display
the current path of the Training.xls file in an onscreen message box: Msgbox Workbooks(“Training.xls”).Path
Activecell.columnwidth=20 to change the width property.
A method is an action that can be performed on an object sometimes change the properties. Excel VBA objects are
separated from their methods by a period. For example, if you wanted to save a particular file as part of a VBA program
you could include the following sentence in the code: Workbooks(“Training.xls”).Save, Range(“A3”).select ,
Range(“A1:E6”).copy , Activesheet.paste destination:=range(“c5”) parameter is given with :=

Objects respond to Events. Event is an action initiated by other users or procedures like Application.sheetactivate event
occurs when any sheet is activated. A mouse click on a command button then you need to write appropriate code to
respond click, double click, focus etc., All form, Activex controls can respond to events.
Ball.kick,, Book.write, Water.Drink, Food.Eat

Balls(“soccer”).kick Direction:=Left, Force:=Hard, Elevation:=High
wordart.Add Left:=10,Top:=20,width:=100, Height:=200
Worksheets.Add Before:=Worksheets(1)
Set MyWorksheet = Worksheets.Add (Before:=Worksheets(1)) –
ActiveCell.Interior.ColorIndex = 30 --- (Color the Cell Yellow)

Object.Event -
What is Variable ?
Use Object Browser-F2
Object Browser is valuable tool for discovering the fields, properties, methods and events applicable to Excel objects.
It is a centralized location for exploring all the classes and their constituent members.
Type workbook in search box and press find binoculars
Then workbook related class is displayed along with its
You can also look at help Excel object reference model.

Immediate window
it is used to test the code . Just enter the code and press return. That VB statement is executed some samples are

workbooks.Add ‘ to open empty workbooks

workbooks.Close ‘ to close all workbooks
workbooks.Open filename:="d:\test.xls“ ‘ to open a excel file
workbooks.Close filenam:="d:\test.xls“ ‘ to close the file
workbooks("test.xls").Worksheets("sheet2").cells(2,3).value=45 ‘ to set value 45
?cells(2,3).value ‘ to display the contents of cell
activecell.Value="this is active cells“ ‘ to push values in active cell
Basic Hands on
Start a sample Program
VBA is close akin to Visual Basic programming language Other Programming Constructs

'fill first column with 1 to 10 number from Row 1 column 1 IF <condition> then
Sub Ten() statement
Dim a As Integer Elseif <condition2>
Dim rowi As Integer statement
Dim coli As Integer Else
a=0 statement
rowi = 0 ' for row number Endif
coli = 1 ' for column number Case Statement
Do While a < 10 ‘ execute when condition is true While .. Wend like do while
a=a+1 ‘ whereas do until execute when condition is false Do .. Until executes when condition is false
rowi = rowi + 1 For variable =1 to x
Sheet1.Cells(rowi, coli).Value = a Statements
'MsgBox ("vaue of A " & a) ' coded for debugging purpose Next variable
Loop 'end for do Exit do, for
End Sub With .. End with
Form or Active-X controls

Good Programming conventions

• Need to use better coding standards
• Use indentation (Spacing)
• Use comments proper human communication and maintainability ‘ or REM
• Use Variable names meaningful like yearlyInterst
• Insert proper debugging statements like test points in hardware board to
check the signal or voltages.

Ex. Write a program for 2 multiplication table upto 100

Variables and Constants
Variables are the memory locations which are used to store values temporarily. A defined naming strategy has to be
followed while naming a variable. A variable name must begin with an alphabet letter or _ and should not exceed 255
characters. It must be unique within the same scope. It should not contain any special character like %, &, !, #, @ and
should not VB Key words like sub , integer select, function, date , if, elseif, with, loop, end, case, call, do etc.,
Sub Add_Footerinput()
Dim coname As Variant 'for accepting the company name in footer
coname = InputBox("Name your Company?", "Add Company Name to Footer")
With ActiveSheet.PageSetup
.LeftHeader = ""
.CenterHeader = ""
.RightHeader = ""
.LeftFooter = coname 'left footer
.CenterFooter = ""
.RightFooter = "&N" 'for printing Page number in right footer
End With
Constants End Sub
Like a variable, a constant is a temporary holding place for some information that is used in a procedure. However, as the
name implies a constant never changes. Constants must be declared. A declaration statement in a VBA macro is used to
define the value of a constant.
Sub Add_Footerconst()
Const coname = "Analytics Training Institute Hyderabad " 'for accepting the
‘company name in footer
With ActiveSheet.PageSetup
.LeftHeader = ""
.CenterHeader = ""
.RightHeader = ""
.LeftFooter = coname 'left footer
.CenterFooter = ""
.RightFooter = "&N" 'for printing Page number in right footer
End With
End Sub
Reserved Keywords can not used for Variable names

And (Bitwise) And (Condition) As Boolean ByRef Byte

ByVal Call Case CBool CByte CDate
CDbl CInt CLng Const CSng CStr
Date Dim Do Double Each Else
ElseIf End EndIf Error False For
You can
Function Get GoTo If Integer Let
Lib Long Loop Me Mid Mod
New Next Not Nothing Option Or (Bitwise)
Or (Condition) Private Public ReDim REM Resume
Select Set Single Static Step String
Sub Then To True Until vbCrLf
vbTab With While Xor

Enumeration variables are variables declared with an Enum type. Both variables and parameters
can be declared with an Enum type. The elements of the Enum type are initialized to constant
values within the Enum statement. The assigned values can't be modified at run time and can
include both positive and negative numbers. For example:

Enum SecurityLevel
IllegalEntry = -1
SecurityLevel1 = 0
SecurityLevel2 = 1
End Enum
Types of Variables – scope and life time of variables
Local Variables are declared inside sub whereas global variables are declared outside sub
A local variable is one that is declared inside a procedure. This variable is only available to the code inside the procedure
and can be declared using the Dim statements as given below. Dim <variableName> as datatype. Default is variant type

e.g.: Dim sum As Integer or dim sum%, tot as integer

Static Variables
Static variables are not reinitialized each time a procedure is invoked and therefore retains or preserves value even when
a procedure ends. A static variable is declared as given below.

e.g.: Static tot As long or static tot &

Module level Variables

A module level variable is available to all the procedures in the module. They are declared using the Public or the Private
keyword instead of Dim. Public is available even outside the module.

e.g.: Public ans As double or Public ans!

Private Temp As currency or Private temp@
Sub test()
End sub

You need to use various data conversion functions like Cbyte, Cint, clng, csng,cdbl, ccur

You can use operations like =, & for string concatenation , +, -, *, \ for integer division , / for
Decimal division, ^ for exponentiation, mod for reminder, and bitwise operations

Option Explicit is equivalent to > Tools , options -> Editor

-> require variable declaration
Sub Procedures
A sub procedure can be placed in standard, class and form modules. Each time the procedure is called, the statements
between Sub and End Sub are executed. You can use Call procedurename(arglist) or procedurename(arglist)

The syntax for a sub procedure is as follows:

[Private | Public] [Static] Sub Procedurename [( arglist)]
[ statements]
End Sub
Function Procedures
Functions are like sub procedures, except they return a value to the calling procedure. They are especially useful for
taking one or more pieces of data, called arguments and performing some tasks with them. Then the functions returns a
value that indicates the results of the tasks complete within the function.
let us suppose request variable has string value “ pl. call me”

Function CallMe(request as string) As String

Const mynumber=“9848912345”
CallMe = request & “,” & mynumber
End Function

Sub Examplefunctioncall()
End Sub
Property Procedures
A property procedure is used to create and manipulate custom properties. It is
used to create read only properties for Forms, Standard modules and Class
modules. Visual Basic provides three kind of property procedures-Property Let
procedure that sets the value of a property, Property Get procedure that returns
the value of a property, and Property Set procedure that sets the references to
an object.

Event Procedures
An event procedure is a procedure block that contains the control's actual name, an underscore(_), and the event name.
The following syntax represents the event procedure for a Form_Load event. The various events are click, dblclick

Private Sub Form_Load()

....statement block
End Sub

General Procedures
A general procedure is declared when several event procedures perform the same actions. It is a good programming
practice to write common statements in a separate procedure (general procedure) and then call them in the event
Data Types
1. Numeric
I. Byte - Store integer values in the range of 0 - 255
II. Integer - Store integer values in the range of (-32,768) - (+ 32,767)
III. Long - Store integer values in the range of (- 2,147,483,468) - (+ 2,147,483,468)
IV. Single - Store floating point value in the range of (-3.4x10-38) - (+ 3.4x1038)
V. Double - Store large floating value which exceeding the single data type value
VI. Currency - store monetary values. It supports 4 digits to the right of decimal point and 15 digits to the left

2. String – Use to store alphanumeric values. A variable length string can store approximately 4 billion characters

3. Date – Use to store date and time values. A variable declared as date type can store both date and time values and it
can store date values 01/01/0100 up to 12/31/9999

4. Boolean – Boolean data types hold either a true or false value. These are not stored as numeric values and cannot be
used as such. Values are internally stored as -1 (True) and 0 (False) and any non-zero value is considered as true

5. Variant – Stores any type of data and is the default Visual Basic data type. In Visual Basic if we declare a variable
without any data type by default the data type is assigned as default.

Character The function must return

$ A string
% An integral value between -32768 and 32767
An integer of small or large scale dim finalrow& or dim I as
! A decimal number with single precision
# A decimal number with double precision
@ A monetary value

Range : Top-Left Bottom- Right Selection

Range( “A1:B5” ).Select

Range( “A1” , ”B5” ).Select
Range( “A1” , ActiveCell ).Select
Range( Activecell , ActiveCell.Offset (5,2) ).Select


Range(“D5”) [D5]
Range(“A1:D5”) [A1:D5]
Range(“A1:D5”,”G6:I17”) [A1:D5,G6:I17]
Range(“MyRange”) [MyRange]

Full reference is
MessageBox Function

Displays a message in a dialog box and wait for the user to click a button, and returns an integer indicating which button
the user clicked.

Syntax :
MsgBox ( Prompt [,icons+buttons ] [,title ] )
memory_variable = MsgBox ( prompt [, icons+ buttons] [,title] )
Prompt – String expressions displayed as the message in the dialog box. If prompt consist of more than one line, you can
separate the lines using the vbrCrLf constant.
Icons + Buttons – Numeric expression that is the sum of values specifying the number and type of buttons and icon to
Title – String expression displayed in the title bar of the dialog box. If you omit title, the application name is placed in the
title bar.

Ex. Code to display value of A

Msgbox(“the value of A is “ & A)
Visual Basic Functions, InputBox Function
Displays a prompt in a dialog box, waits for the user to input text or click a button, and returns a String containing the
contents of the text box.

Sub inputval()
Following is an expanded InputBox ‘ To accept a value , add with 1 and display it
Dim a As Integer
a = InputBox("give the value of A ", “INavalue", Default)
MsgBox ("the value of A " & a)
End Sub

Syntax :
memory_variable = InputBox (prompt[,title][,default])
memory_variable is a variant data type but typically it is declared as string, which accept the message input by the users.
The arguments are explained as follows:
Prompt – String expression displayed as the message in the dialog box. If prompt consists of more than one line, you can
separate the lines using the vbCrLf constant
Title – String expression displayed in the title bar of the dialog box. If you omit the title, the application name is displayed
in the title bar
default-text – The default text that appears in the input field where users can use it as his intended input or he may
change to the message he wish to key in.
x-position and y-position – the position or the coordinate of the input box.
Following example demonstrates the use of InputBox function
• Open a new project and save the Form as InputBox.frm and save the Project as InputBox.vbp
• Design the application as shown below.
Referencing Ranges with Other Sheets



WorksheetFunction.Sum(Worksheets(“Sheet2”).Range(Range(“A1”),Range(“A7”))) – Wrong


With…. End With

With Worksheets(“Sheets2”)
WorksheetFunction.Sum(Range(Range(“A1”), range(“A7”)))
End With
Cells Property to Select Range
Cell Item Property

Cells.Item(5,”c”) or Cells.Item(5,3)

Cells property is especially useful to loop through rows and columns

Ex: FinalRow = Range (“A65536”).End(xlup).Row

For i=1 to Finalrow
Range(“A” &i & “:E” &i).Font.Bold = True
Next i

FinalRow = Range (“A65536”).End(xlup).Row

For i=1 to Finalrow
Cells(i,”A”).Resize(,5).Font.Bold = True
Next i

Cells Property in Range Property

Range(Cells(1,1),Cells(5,5)) – useful to specify variables with parameters as in looping

Resize Property to Change Size of Range

Enables to change the size of range based off the location of active cell

Syntax: Range.Resize(Rowsize, Columnsize)

To create a range B3:D13,

Range(“B3”). Resize(11,3)
Range(“B3”).Resize(,2) --- only Column
Range(“B3”).Resize(2) ---- only Row

Ex: Cells(i,1).resize(1,8).interior. Colorindex = 4

Sub try()

Cells(1, 1).Resize(1, 8).Interior.ColorIndex = 4

End Sub

Column and Row Properties to select Range

FinalRow = Range(“A65536”).End(xlUp).Row
Offset Property to Refer to Range

Range.Offset (RowOffset, ColumnOffset)

To affect cell F5 from cell A1,

Range(“A1”).Offset(4,5) ------ The count starts at A1, but does not include A1

Range(“A1”).Offset(Colunmoffset:=1) or Range(“A1”).Offset(,1)
Range(“A1”).Offset(Rowoffset:=1) or Range(“A1”).Offset(-1)

Ex: Sub try()

Cells(1, 1).Offset(1, 8).Interior.ColorIndex = 4
End Sub

Sub try1()
Set Rng = Range("B1:B16").Find(What:="0", Lookat:=xlWhole, LookIn:=xlValues)
Rng.Offset(, 1).Value = "Low"
End Sub

Cereals 45

Dals 0

Noodles 15

Masala 10

Biscuits 60
Union Method to Join Multiple Ranges

Application.Union(argument1, argument2,…..)

-- this code joins two named ranges on the sheet, inserts the =RAND() formulas,
and bolds them

Set UnionRange = Union(Range(“A1”), Range(“B4”))

With UnionRange
.Formula = “=RAND()”
.Font.Bold = True
End With
Exercise Day 1:
Procedure to find if a certain workbook is open Procedure to Find Sum of two numbers:
Function BookOpen(Bk As String) As Boolean Sub addition()
Dim T As Excel.Workbook Dim total As Integer
Err.Clear total = Add(1, 10)
On Error Resume Next MsgBox "The answer is : " & total
Set T = Application.Workbooks(Bk) End Sub
BookOpen = Not T Is Nothing
Err.Clear Function Add(Number1, Number2) As Integer
On Error GoTo 0 Add = Number1 + Number2
End Function End Function

Sub OpenAWorkbook()
Dim IsOpen As Boolean
Dim Bookname As String
Bookname = "Excel_Macros1.xls"
IsOpen = BookOpen(Bookname)
If IsOpen Then
MsgBox Bookname & "is Already Open"
Workbooks.Open (Bookname)
End If
End Sub
More Examples…
Sub Count()
mycount = Selection.Rows.Count ‘count the rows and columns that are selected
count columns
MsgBox mycount
End Sub

‘count number of sheets
mycount = Application.Sheets.Count
MsgBox mycount
End Sub

Sub CopyRange()
‘Copy selected cell to a destination
Range("A1:A3").Copy Destination:=ActiveCell
End Sub

Sub MyPosition() ‘ display the selected column and row numbers

myRow = ActiveCell.Row
myCol = ActiveCell.Column
MsgBox myRow & "," & myCol
End Sub
Functions – convert week number into date
Function Myname() As String
Myname = ThisWorkbook.Name
End Function

Function MyFullName() As String

MyFullName = ThisWorkbook.FullName
End Function

Convert Week number into Date

Function ConvertWeekDay(Str As String) As Date

Dim Week as Long
Dim FirstMon As Date
Dim TStr As String
FirstMon = DateSerial(Right(Str,4),1,1)
FirstMon = FirstMon – FirstMon Mod 7 + 2
Tstr = Right(Str, Len(Str) – 5)
Week = Left(TStr, Instr(1,Tstr,” “,1)+ 0
ConvertWeekDay = FirstMon + (Week -1) * 7
End Function
Do while & While Wend
Do While... Loop Statement
The Do While...Loop is used to execute statements until a certain condition is met. The following Do Loop counts from 1
to 100.

Dim number As Integer

number = 1
Do While number <= 100
Cells(number,1) = “Company name”
number = number + 1

A variable number is initialized to 1 and then the Do While Loop starts. First, the condition is tested; if condition is True,
then the statements are executed. When it gets to the Loop it goes back to the Do and tests condition again. If condition is
False on the first pass, the statements are never executed
Do Loop while

Do...Loop While Statement

The Do...Loop While statement first executes the statements and then test the condition after each execution. The
following program block illustrates the structure:

Dim number As Long

number = 0
Cells(number,1) = “Advanced Excel”
number = number + 1
Loop While number < 201

The programs executes the statements between Do and Loop While structure in any case. Then it determines whether the
counter is less than 201. If so, the program again executes the statements between Do and Loop While else exits the
Do until

Do Until...Loop Statement
Unlike the Do While...Loop and While...Wend repetition structures, the Do Until... Loop structure tests a condition for
falsity. Statements in the body of a Do Until...Loop are executed repeatedly as long as the loop-continuation test
evaluates to False.

An example for Do Until...Loop statement.

Dim number As Long

Do Until number > 10
number = number + 1
Cells(number,1) = “Successfully executed”

Numbers between 1 to 1000 will be displayed on the form as soon as you click on the command button.
For Next …

The For...Next Loop

The For...Next Loop is another way to make loops in Visual Basic. For...Next repetition structure handles all the details of
counter-controlled repetition. The following loop counts the numbers from 1 to 100:

Dim x As Integer
For x = 1 To 50
Cells(x,2) = x

In order to count the numbers from 1 to 50 in steps of 2, the following loop can be used

For x = 1 To 50 Step 2
Cells(x,2) = x

The following loop counts numbers as 1, 3, 5, 7..etc

Following example is a For...Next repetition structure which is with the If condition used.

Dim number As Integer

For number = 1 To 10
If number = 4 Then
Cells(number,3) .value= "This is number 4"
Cells(number,3) = number
End If

In the output instead of number 4 you will get the "This is number 4".
Examples function sales commission
Function Comm(Sales_V As Variant) as Variant
If Sales_V <500 Then
Elseif Sales_V>=500 and Sales_V<1000 Then
Elseif Sales_V>=1000 and Sales_V<2000 Then
Elseif Sales_V>=200 and Sales_V<5000 Then
Elseif Sales_V>=5000 Then
Comm=Sales_V*0.15 /’Subject to certain changes in Form1 statement’/
End If
End Function Private Sub addName()
Dim studentName(10) As String
Dim num As Integer
For num = 1 To 10
studentName(num) = InputBox("Enter the student name",
"Enter Name", "", 1500, 4500)
If studentName(num) <> "" Then
Form1.Print studentName(num)
End If

End Sub
Examples try for loop
Ex 1:
Sub tryloop()
For I = 1 to 10
cells(i,i).value = I
Next I
End Sub

For I = 2 to 10
if cells(I,6).value >0 then
Cells(I,8).value = “service revenue”
Cells(I,1).resize(1,8).interior. Colorindex = 4
End if
Next i

FinalRow = Cells(65536, 1).end(xlup).row

For i=2 to FinalRow
if cells(I,6).value >0 then
Cells(I,8).value = “service revenue”
Cells(I,1).resize(1,8).interior. Colorindex = 4
End if
Next i
Example – delete all rows where Column C has value s54

‘Delete all rows where column C has value s54

FinalRow = Cells(65536,1).end(xlup).row
For I = FinalRow to Step -1
if Cells(I,3).value = “s54” then
End if
Next I

Ex: Looks for row in dataset where service rev in column F is positive and product
Rev in Column E is 0.

FinalRow = Cells(65536, 1).end(xlup).row

ProblemFound = False
For I = 2 to FinalRow
if Cells(I,6).value >0 then
if Cells(I,5).value = 0 then
ProblemFound = True
Exit For
End if
End if
Next i
If ProblemFound then
MsgBox “There is a problem at row” & I
Exit Sub
End if
Creating and Using Controls
A control is an object that can be drawn on a Form object to enable or enhance user interaction with an application.
Controls have properties that define aspects their appearance, such as position, size and colour, and aspects of their
behavior, such as their response to the user input. They can respond to events initiated by the user or set off by the
system. For instance, a code could be written in a CommandButton control's click event procedure that would load a file or
display a result.

There are two types of controls 1) form controls 2) activex controls. Form controls are old generation and Activex are new
and rich in features and driven by properties. Once you right click form controls, it gives assign macro, Activex show the
properties. Form controls can respond to single predefined events whereas Activex controls can respond to many events
like mouse click, double click, key press on keyboard etc., When you right click a control, if you get assign macro, it is form
control otherwise it is activex control with properties.
In addition to properties and events, methods can also be used to manipulate controls from code. For instance, the move
method can be used with some controls to change their location and size.
Objects' properties are very important as it can help you to write a good program to respond to various events so better
to spend some time with each object and its properties. Object Browser will help you to explore objects.
Here are some important points about setting up the properties
• You should set the Caption Property of a control clearly so that a user knows
what to do with that command. For example, in the calculator program, all the
captions of the command buttons such as +, - , MC, MR are commonly found in
an ordinary calculator, a user should have no problem in manipulating the
• A lot of programmers like to use a meaningful name for the Name Property may
be because it is easier for them to write and read the event procedure and easier
to debug or modify the programs later. However, it is not a must to do that as
long as you label your objects clearly and use comments in the program
whenever you feel necessary
• One more important property is whether the control is enabled or not Using
Visible Property . You can control visible or invisible at runtime, or when
should it become visible or invisible
• There are various events to respond and you need to write code for each event
you are interested in like click, double click etc.,
Control Properties
TabIndex property of Controls
(the order of the controls focus is managed with TabIndex property it starts from zero)
Visual Basic uses the TabIndex property to determine the control that would receive the focus next when a tab key is
pressed. Every time a tab key is pressed, Visual Basic looks at the value of the TabIndex for the control that has focus and
then it scans through the controls searching for the next highest TabIndex number. When there are no more controls with
higher TabIndex value, Visual Basic starts all over again with 0 and looks for the first control with TabIndex of 0 or higher
that can accept keyboard input.

By default, Visual Basic assigns a tab order to control as we draw the controls on the Form, except for Menu, Timer, Data,
Image, Line and Shape controls, which are not included in tab order. At run time, invisible or disabled controls also cannot
receive the focus although a TabIndex value is given. Setting the TabIndex property of controls is compulsory in
development environment.

To run code, switch back to the worksheet, turn off design mode, and click the command button.
It stops highlighting design mode button.
Object Browser
Press F2 in Visual Basic Editor . Any object with code will appear in bold .

There are Classes

• Displays all of the available classes in the library or project selected in the Project/Libraries box. If there is code
written for a class, that class appears in bold. The list always begins with <globals>, a list of globally accessible
• If you select a Class and do not specify a member, you will get the default member if one is available. The default
member is identified by an asterisk (*) or by the default icon specific to the member.

Members list

Displays the elements of the class selected in the Classes pane by group and then alphabetically within each group.
Methods, properties, events, or constants that have code written for them appear bold. You can change the order of this
list with the Group Members command on the Object Browser shortcut menu.




Enumeration objects
Text Box
Text Box Property of Controls
A TextBox control is an edit field or edit control, displays information entered at design time, entered by the user, or
assigned to the control using code at run time. Default event is change() and default property is value.

Setting properties to a TextBox

• Text can be entered into the text box by assigning the necessary string to the text property of the control
• If the user needs to display multiple lines of text in a TextBox, set the MultiLine property to True
• To customize the scroll bar combination on a TextBox, set the ScrollBars property
• Scroll bars will always appear on the TextBox when it's MultiLine property is set to True and its ScrollBars property is set
to anything except None(0)
• If you set the MultilIne property to True, you can set the alignment using the Alignment property. The test is left-justified
by default. If the MultiLine property is et to False, then setting the Alignment property has no effect

• In order to work with the part of a text in a text box, the text can be selected using three properties:

SelLength – Returns or sets the number of characters selected.

SelStart – Returns or sets the starting point of selected text. When no text is selected, SelStart indicates the position of
the inserted point.

SelText – Returns or sets the string containing the currently selected text. If no text is selected, SelText consists of a zero-
length string.

Private Sub TextBox1_Change()

If TextBox1.Value = "" Then
MsgBox "it is blank"
End If
If TextBox1.Value = "I am great" Then
MsgBox "I am great is the message"
End If
End Sub
Label , Properties
Using a Label
Its a graphical control user can use to display uneditable text.

Properties of a Label Control

• We can write code that changes the caption property displayed by a Label control in response to events at run time.
We can also use a label to identify a control, such as TextBox control, That doesn't have its own Caption property
• The Autosize and WordWrap properties should be set if the user wants the Label properly display variable-length lines
varying numbers of lines

Using a CommandButton
We can begin, interrupt or end a process using the CommandButton control

Properties of a CommandButton control

• To display text on a CommandButton control, set its caption property
• An event can be activated by clicking on the CommandButton
• To set the background colour of the CommandButton, select a colour in the BackColor property
• To set the text colour set the Forecolor property
• Font for the CommandButton control can be selected using the Font property
• To enable or disable the buttons set the Enabled property to True or False
• To make visible or invisible the buttons at run time, set the Visible property to True or False
• Tooltips can be added to a button by setting a text to the Controltip property of the CommandButton
• A button click event is handled whenever a command button is clicked. To add a click event handler, double click the
button at design time, which adds a subroutine like the one given below

Private Sub Command1_Click( )

End Sub
Option Button
Using OptionButton Control
OptionButon provides a set of choices from which a user can select only one button by Clicking it at run time
Assigning the value of the OptionButton in to True. The code is to assign it to True Option1.Value = True
Using the shortcut keys specified in the Caption of a Label
You can disable or enable the option button by setting the Enabled property to True os False. You can use the Visible
property to make the option button visible to invisible.
The following example contains a Label, TextBox, CommandButton and three OptionButton controls.

Open a new Standard EXE project and the save the Form as Option.frm and save the project as Option.vbp
The application responds to the following events

The click event of the optWithoutMeal displays the amount of 2500 in txtAmount.
The click event of the optWithMeal displays the amount of 3500 in txtAmount.
The click event of the optLuxuty displays the amount of 5000 in txtAmount.
The click event of the cmdExit terminates the program
Following code is typed in the click events of the option buttons and the Exit button.
The Application is run by pressing F5 or clicking on the Run icon in the tool bar. By pressing the Exit button the program
is terminated.

Private Sub OptionButton1_Click() ‘ create male and female two option buttons
If OptionButton1.Value = True Then
MsgBox "I am Male "
End If
End Sub
Private Sub OptionButton2_Click()
If OptionButton2.Value = True Then
MsgBox "I am Female“
End If
End Sub
List Box and Combo Box

ListBox and ComboBox controls present a set of choices that are displayed vertically in a column. If the number of items
exceed the value that be displayed, scroll bars will automatically appear on the control. These scroll bars can be scrolled
up and down or left to right through the list.

The following Fig lists some of the common ComboBox properties and methods.
Run Time : The AddItem method is used to add items to a list at run time. The AddItem method uses the following syntax.
Object.AddItemitem, Index The item argument is a string that represents the text to add to the list
The index argument is an integer that indicates where in the list to add the new item. Not giving the index is not a
problem, because by default the index is assigned.
Following is an example to add item to a combo box. The code is typed in the Form_Load event

Removing Items from a List

The RemoveItem method is used to remove an
item from a list. The syntax for this is given below.
Object.RemoveItem index The following code
verifies that an item is selected in the list and then
removes the selected item from the list.
Using comboBox
Sorting the List
The Sorted property is set to True to enable a list to appear
in alphanumeric order and False to display the list items in
the order which they are added to the list.
Dropdown Combo (style 0)
Using the ComboBox Simple Combo (style 1)
A ComboBox combines the features of a TextBox and a Dropdown List (style 2)
ListBox. This enables the user to select either by typing
text into the ComboBox or by selecting an item from the
list. There are three types of ComboBox styles that are
represented as shown below.

The Simple Combo box displays an edit area with an attached list box always visible immediately below the edit area. A
simple combo box displays the contents of its list all the time. The user can select an item from the list or type an item in
the edit box portion of the combo box. A scroll bar is displayed beside the list if there are too many items to be displayed in
the list box area.
The Dropdown Combo box first appears as only an edit area with a down arrow button at the right. The list portion stays
hidden until the user clicks the down-arrow button to drop down the list portion. The user can either select a value from the
list or type a value in the edit area.
The Dropdown list combo box turns the combo box into a Dropdown list box. At run time , the control looks like the
Dropdown combo box. The user could click the down arrow to view the list. The difference between Dropdown combo &
Dropdown list combo is that the edit area in the Dropdown list combo is disabled. The user can only select an item and
cannot type anything in the edit area. Anyway this area displays the selected item.
This example is to Add , Remove, Clear the list of items and finally close the application.
Open a new Standard EXE project is opened an named the Form as Listbox.frm and save the project as Listbox.vbp
Design the application as shown below.
The following event procedures are entered for the TextBox and CommandButton controls.

The click event of the Add button adds the text to the list box that was typed in the Text box. Then the text box is cleared
and the focus is got to the text box. The number of entered values will is increased according to the number of items
added to the listbox.
Command Buttons

Remove button removes the selected item from the list as soon as you pressed the Remove button. The number of items
is decreased in the listbox and the value is displayed in the label.
The code for the clear button clears the listbox when you press it. And the number of items shown in the label becomes 0.
Using ScrollBar Control

The ScrollBar is a commonly used control, which enables the user to select a value by positioning it at the desired location.
It represents a set of values. The Min and Max property represents the minimum and maximum value. The value property
of the ScrollBar represents its current value, that may be any integer between minimum and maximum values assigned.
Following example illustrates the ScrollBar control
• Open a new Standard EXE project and name the form as ScrollBar.frm and name the project as ScrollBar.vbp
• When the thumb's position of the ScrollBar is changed the value has to displayed in the TextBox.
• Design the application as shown below.
The following codes are entered in the vsb1_Change( ) and cmdExit_Click( ) procedures.

Save the project and run the application by pressing F5 or clicking the Run icon in the ToolBar. We can see the value
changes as soon as you move the thumb's position of the vertical scroll bar.
Retaining Value in other procedures using public or static in sub reentry
A Variable declared in one procedure is called private and the value exist only in that procedure. If you want to use the
value of variable in other sub or function, you need to declare it as public. Static retains its value when it reenters sub.
Option Explicit
Public pv As Variant ' declared as public variable so value could be used anywhere
Public Sub pass()
pv = InputBox("give your value")
Call othersub ' the value given to pv could be used in othersub
End Sub

Sub othersub()
Static fn 'this may not be useful as you are not reentering into this sub subsequently
MsgBox ("PV value in othersub is " & pv)
pv = pv + 10
MsgBox ("new PV value" & pv)
fn = mul(pv, 50)
fn = mul(pv, 100)
Call fnval
For pv = 1 To 10 'when global variable value is change it is changed in all references wherever it is referred.
Call fnval
Next pv
End Sub

Function mul(pv, fn) As Integer 'fn is purely local variable nothing to do with fn in sub fnval()
mul = pv * fn 'this fn is nothing to do with fn declared in other modules
MsgBox ("mul value " & mul)
End Function
Sub fnval()
Static fn 'first entry fn value is empty when it reenters , it retains its computed value
MsgBox ("fnvalue " & fn & " pv value" & pv)
fn = fn + 10 'as fn is static , it retains its value when it reenters this sub in for loop of othersub() procedure
End Sub
Control Arrays

A control array is a group of controls that share the same name type and the same event procedures. Adding controls with
control arrays uses fewer resources than adding multiple control of same type at design time.

Creating Control Arrays at Design Time:

There are three ways to create a control array at design time:

• Assigning the same name in the Name property for more than one control
• Copying an existing control and then pasting it to the Form.
• Setting the Index property to a value that is not null
Adding a Control Array at Run Time

Control arrays can be created at run time using the statements

Load object (Index %)
Unload object (Index %)
Where object is the name of the control to add or delete from the control array. Index % is the value of the index in the
array. The control array to be added must be an element of the existing array created at design time with an index value
of 0. When a new element of a control array is loaded, most of the property settings are copied from the lowest existing
element in the array.
Following example illustrates the use of the control array.
• Open a Standard EXE project and save the Form as Calculator.frm and save the Project as Calculater.vbp
• Design the form as shown below
The following variables are declared inside the general declaration

The following code is entered in the cmd_Click( ) (Control Array) event procedure

The following code is entered in the cmdAC_Click ( ) event procedure

The below code is entered in the cmdNeg_Click( ) procedure

The following code is entered in the click events of the cmdPlus, cmdMinus, cmdMultiply, cmdDevide controls respectively.
To print the result on the text box, the following code is entered in the cmdEqual_Click ( ) event procedure.

Save and run the project. On clicking digits of user's choice and an operator button, the output appears.
Using a CheckBox control

The CheckBox control is similar to the option button, except that a list of choices can be made using check boxes where
you cannot choose more than one selection using an OptionButton. By ticking the CheckBox the value is set to True. The
following example illustrates the use of CheckBox
• Open a new Project and save the Form as CheckBox.frm and save the Project as CheckBox.vbp
• Design the Form as shown below and type the code in module1
Using Userforms

When you want to get lot of information, then userforms are better tool. In VBE Editor, insert ->Userform
Add controls to user form , if controls are not visible , use view->toolbox to see the controls
User properties window to change the properties for controls like caption, name etc., use F4
Write event handler procedures for the controls like click , double click etc., use F7 to view the code , shift +F7 to see the
Wirite the procedure to display this user form like the following

You can refer the userform objects like userform1.checkbox1.value=true

Sub ckbx()
Unload userform1
End Sub
Using CheckBoxes and option buttons
Following code is typed in the Click() events of the CheckBoxes and option buttons
option Explicit
Private Sub ChkBold_change()
If ChkBold.Value = True Then
TxtDisplay.FontBold = True
TxtDisplay.FontBold = False
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ChkItalic_Click()
If ChkItalic.Value = True Then
TxtDisplay.FontItalic = True
TxtDisplay.FontItalic = False
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ChkUnderline_Click()
If ChkUnderline.Value = True Then
TxtDisplay.FontUnderline = True
TxtDisplay.FontUnderline = False
End If
End Sub

Private Sub optblue_Click()

TxtDisplay.ForeColor = vbBlue
End Sub
Private Sub optgreen_Click()
TxtDisplay.ForeColor = vbGreen
End Sub
Private Sub OptRed_Click()
TxtDisplay.ForeColor = vbRed
End Sub
Private Sub TxtDisplay_Change()
End Sub
Run the program by pressing F5. Check the program by clicking on OptionButtons and CheckBoxes.
Visual Basic Functions, InputBox Function
Displays a prompt in a dialog box, waits for the user to input text or click a button, and returns a String containing the
contents of the text box.

Following is an expanded InputBox

Syntax :
memory_variable = InputBox (prompt[,title][,default])
memory_variable is a variant data type but typically it is declared as string, which accept the message input by the users.
The arguments are explained as follows:
Prompt – String expression displayed as the message in the dialog box. If prompt consists of more than one line, you can
separate the lines using the vbCrLf constant
Title – String expression displayed in the title bar of the dialog box. If you omit the title, the application name is displayed
in the title bar
default-text – The default text that appears in the input field where users can use it as his intended input or he may
change to the message he wish to key in.
x-position and y-position – the position or the coordinate of the input box.
Following example demonstrates the use of InputBox function
• Open a new project and save the Form as InputBox.frm and save the Project as InputBox.vbp
• Design the application as shown below.
Write code for cmdOK click
Following code is entered in cmdOK_Click ( ) event
Private Sub cmdok_Click()
Dim ans As String
ans = InputBox("Enter something to be displayed in the label", "Testing", 0)
If ans = "" Then
lbl2.Caption = "No message"
lbl2.Caption = ans
End If
End Sub
Save and run the application. As soon as you click the OK button you will
get the following InputBox

Here I have entered "Hello World" in text field. As soon as you click OK the output is shown as shown below
MessageBox Function

Displays a message in a dialog box and wait for the user to click a button, and returns an integer indicating which button
the user clicked.

Syntax :
MsgBox ( Prompt [,icons+buttons ] [,title ] )
memory_variable = MsgBox ( prompt [, icons+ buttons] [,title] )
Prompt – String expressions displayed as the message in the dialog box. If prompt consist of more than one line, you can
separate the lines using the vbrCrLf constant.
Icons + Buttons – Numeric expression that is the sum of values specifying the number and type of buttons and icon to
Title – String expression displayed in the title bar of the dialog box. If you omit title, the application name is placed in the
title bar.

Ex. Code to display value of A

Msgbox(“the value of A is “ & A)
Message Box code
Following code is entered in the txtName_Change ( ) event
Private Sub txtName_Change()
If Len(txtName.Text) > 0 Then
cmdAdd.Enabled = True
End If
End Sub
Following code has to be entered in the cmdAdd_Click ( ) event
Private Sub cmdAdd_Click()
answer = MsgBox("Do you want to add this name to the list box?", vbExclamation + vbYesNo,
"Add Confirm")
If answer = vbYes Then
lstName.AddItem txtName.Text
txtName.Text = ""
cmdAdd.Enabled = False
End If
End Sub
Following code is entered in the cmdDelete_Click ( ) event
Private Sub cmdDelete_Click()
Dim remove As Integer
remove = lstName.ListIndex
If remove < 0 Then
MsgBox "No names is selected", vbInformation, "Error"
answer = MsgBox("Are you sure you want to delete " & vbCrLf & "the selected name?",_
vbCritical + vbYesNo, "Warning")
If answer = vbYes Then
If remove >= 0 Then
lstName.RemoveItem remove
MsgBox "Selected name was deleted", vbInformation, "Delete Confirm"

End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Following code is entered in the cmdExit_Click ( ) event
Private Sub cmdExit_Click()
answer = MsgBox("Do you want to quit?", vbExclamation + vbYesNo, "Confirm")
If answer = vbYes Then
MsgBox "Action canceled", vbInformation, "Confirm"
End If
End Sub
Save and run the application. You can notice the different type of message box types are used to perform an action
User defined Functions
All the Excel functions are available in Fx (insert Function) , if these functions are not able to meet your requirement, you
You can create your own User defined functions . They reduce the complexity of worksheet and could be used by all
the people in the organization thus increasing the productivity due to reuse.

How much will the investment be worth at the end of three years? There are two ways to find the amount:

Suppose you have invested 50,000/- rs for 8% interst how much will it be after 5 years ?

The formula is Interest + principle = FD Amount (1+interst rate / 100)^ no. of years invested

=Yearly_Rate(A1,A2,A3) store FD amount in A1 50,000, interest rate in A2 =8/100, no. of years to invest in A3 =5 . You
get 73466.4 and only interest is 23466.4 after subtracting 50000/-

In Module1 , enter the following code..

Function Yearly_Rate(PV As Double, R As Double, N As Double) As Double

Yearly_Rate = PV * (1 + R) ^ N 'Performs computation

End Function

UDF for CentrigradetoFahrenheit , if conversion flag (cflag=1) it will convert from centigrade to Fahrenheit otherwise Fto C

Function convertCentigrade_Fahrenheit(num As Double, cflag As Integer) As Double

If cflag = 1 Then ' centrigrade to fahrenheit
convertCentigrade_Fahrenheit = num * 9 / 5 + 32
Else ' fahrenheit to centigrade
convertCentigrade_Fahrenheit = (num - 32) * 5 / 9
End If
End Function
User defined Functions
UDF s will work only for a cell and they will not work for changing the structure of worksheet.

They cannot be used for copying or moving the cells

UDFs can call other functions or subroutines but they cannot be used to change the structure or moving or copying the

UDFs are not as efficient as built in Excel functions so the recalculation time is more for UDFs

You can use built in Excel functions using worksheetfunction.vlookup(Product, table, 2) but not all functions could be used
. You need to use VBA equivalent functions or mathematical operators to carry out same calculation.
Error-Handling and Debugging
No matter how hard we try, errors do creep into our programs. These errors can be grouped into three categories:

• Syntax errors

• Run-time errors

• Logic errors

– Syntax errors occur when you mistype a command or leave out an expected phrase or argument. Visual Basic detects
these errors as they occur and even provides help in correcting them. You cannot run a Visual Basic program until all
syntax errors have been corrected

– Run-time errors are usually beyond your program's control. Examples include: when a variable takes on an unexpected
value (divide by zero), when a drive door is left open, or when a file is not found. Visual Basic allows you to trap such
errors and make attempts to correct them

– Logic errors are the most difficult to find. With logic errors, the program will usually run, but will produce incorrect or
unexpected results. The Visual Basic debugger is an aid in detecting logic errors

• Some ways to minimize errors:

– Design your application carefully. More design time means less debugging time

– Use comments where applicable to help you remember what you were trying to do

– Use consistent and meaningful naming conventions for your variables, objects, and procedures
Run-Time Error Trapping and Handling
• Run-time errors are trappable. That is, Visual Basic recognizes an error has occurred and enables you to trap it and take
corrective action. If an error occurs and is not trapped, your program will usually end in a rather unceremonious manner
• Error trapping is enabled with the On Error statement: On Error GoTo errlabel. Yes, this uses the dreaded GoTo
statement! Any time a run-time error occurs following this line, program control is transferred to the line labeled errlabel.
Recall a labeled line is simply a line with the label followed by a colon (:)
The best way to explain how to use error trapping is to look at an outline of an example procedure with error trapping.
Sub SubExample()

[Declare variables, ...]

On Error GoTo HandleErrors

[Procedure code]

Exit Sub

Error handling code]

End Sub

Once you have set up the variable declarations, constant definitions, and any other procedure preliminaries, the On Error
statement is executed to enable error trapping. Your normal procedure code follows this statement. The error handling
code goes at the end of the procedure, following the HandleErrors statement label. This is the code that is executed if an
error is encountered anywhere in the Sub procedure. Note you must exit (with Exit Sub) from the code before reaching the
HandleErrors line to avoid inadvertent execution of the error handling code.
• Since the error handling code is in the same procedure where an error occurs, all variables in that procedure are
available for possible corrective action. If at some time in your procedure, you want to turn off error trapping, that is done
with the following statement: On Error GoTo 0

• Once a run-time error occurs, we would like to know what the error is and attempt to fix it. This is done in the error
handling code

• Visual Basic offers help in identifying run-time errors. The Err object returns, in its Number property (Err.Number), the
number associated with the current error condition. (The Err function has other useful properties that we won’t cover
here - consult on-line help for further information.) The Error() function takes this error number as its argument and
returns a string description of the error. Consult on-line help for Visual Basic run-time error numbers and their

• Once an error has been trapped and some action taken, control must be returned to your application. That control is
returned via the Resume statement. There are three options:
–Resume Lets you retry the operation that caused the error. That is, control is returned to the line where the error
occurred. This could be dangerous in that, if the error has not been corrected (via code or by the user), an infinite loop
between the error handler and the procedure code may result
–Resume Next Program control is returned to the line immediately following the line where the error occurred
–Resume label Program control is returned to the line labeled label

• Be careful with the Resume statement. When executing the error handling portion of the code and the end of the
procedure is encountered before a Resume, an error occurs. Likewise, if a Resume is encountered outside of the error
handling portion of the code, an error occurs
General Error Handling Procedure
• Development of an adequate error handling procedure is application dependent. You need to know what type of errors
you are looking for and what corrective actions must be taken if these errors are encountered. For example, if a 'divide
by zero' is found, you need to decide whether to skip the operation or do something to reset the offending denominator
• What we develop here is a generic framework for an error handling procedure. It simply informs the user that an error
has occurred, provides a description of the error, and allows the user to Abort, Retry, or Ignore. This framework is a good
starting point for designing custom error handling for your applications.

The generic code (begins with label HandleErrors) is: HandleErrors:

Select Case MsgBox(Error(Err.Number), vbCritical + vbAbortRetryIgnore, "Error Number" + Str(Err.Number))

Case vbAbort
Resume ExitLine
Case vbRetry
Case vbIgnore
Resume Next

End Select
Exit Sub
Let’s look at what goes on here. First, this routine is only executed when an error occurs. A message box is displayed,
using the Visual Basic provided error description [Error(Err.Number)] as the message, uses a critical icon along with the
Abort, Retry, and Ignore buttons, and uses the error number [Err.Number] as the title. This message box returns a
response indicating which button was selected by the user.
If Abort is selected, we simply exit the procedure. (This is done using a Resume to the line labeled ExitLine. Recall all
error trapping must be terminated with a Resume statement of some kind.)
If Retry is selected, the offending program line is retried (in a real application, you or the user would have to
change something here to correct the condition causing the error).
If Ignore is selected, program operation continues with the line following the error causing line.
To use this generic code in an existing procedure, you need to do three things:
Copy and paste the error handling code into the end of your procedure.
Place an Exit Sub line immediately preceding the HandleErrors labeled line.
Place the line, On Error GoTo HandleErrors, at the beginning of your procedure.
For example, if your procedure is the SubExample seen earlier, the modified code will look like this:
Sub SubExample()
. [Declare variables, ...]
On Error GoTo HandleErrors
. [Procedure code]
Exit Sub
Select Case MsgBox(Error(Err.Number), vbCritical + vbAbortRetryIgnore, "Error Number" + Str(Err.Number))
Case vbAbort
Resume ExitLine
Case vbRetry
Case vbIgnore
Resume Next

End Select
Exit Sub
End Sub

Again, this is a very basic error-handling routine. You must determine its utility in your applications and make
any modifications necessary. Specifically, you need code to clear error conditions before using the Retry option.
• One last thing. Once you've written an error handling routine, you need to test it to make sure it works properly. But,
creating run-time errors is sometimes difficult and perhaps dangerous. Visual Basic comes to the rescue! The Visual
Basic Err object has a method (Raise) associated with it that simulates the occurrence of a run-time error. To cause an
error with value Number, use:
Err.Raise Number
• We can use this function to completely test the operation of any error handler we write. Don’t forget to remove the Raise
statement once testing is completed, though! And, to really get fancy, you can also use Raise to generate your own
‘application-defined’ errors. There are errors specific to your application that you want to trap
• To clear an error condition (any error, not just ones generated with the Raise method), use the method Clear:

Example – Simple Error Trapping

1. Start a new project. Add a text box and a command button.
2. Set the properties of the form and each control:
BorderStyle - 1-Fixed Single
Caption - Error Generator
Name frmError

Caption - Generate Error
Default - True
Name - cmdGenError Enter this code in module 1
Sub ergen()
Text1: frmerror.Show
Name - txtError frmerror.Hide
Text - [Blank] End Sub

The form should look something like this:

3. Attach this code to the cmdGenError_Click event.

Option Explicit

Private Sub CmdGenError_Click()

On Error GoTo HandleErrors
Err.Raise Val(txterror.Text)
Exit Sub
Select Case MsgBox(Error(Err.Number), vbCritical + vbAbortRetryIgnore, "Error Number" + Str(Err.Number))
Case vbAbort
Debug.Print ("VBAbort")
Resume ExitLine
Case vbRetry
Debug.Print ("error vbretry")
Case vbIgnore
Debug.Print ("error vbignore")
End Select
Exit Sub
End Sub

In this code, we simply generate an error using the number input in the text box. The generic error handler then displays a
message box which you can respond to in one of three ways.
Error codes and description

4. Save your application. Try it out using some of these typical error numbers (or use numbers found with on-line help).
Notice how program control changes depending on which button is clicked.

Error Number Error Description

6 Overflow
9 Subscript out of range
11 Division by zero
13 Type mismatch
16 Expression too complex
20 Resume without error
52 Bad file name or number
53 File not found
55 File already open
61 Disk full
70 Permission denied
92 For loop not initialized
Debugging Visual Basic Programs
• We now consider the search for, and elimination of, logic errors. These are errors that don’t prevent an application from
running, but cause incorrect or unexpected results. Visual Basic provides an excellent set of debugging tools to aid in
this search. Debugging a code is an art, not a science. There are no prescribed processes that you can follow to
eliminate all logic errors in your program. The usual approach is to eliminate them as they are discovered.
• What we’ll do here is present the debugging tools available in the Visual Basic environment (several of which appear as
buttons on the toolbar) and describe their use with an example. You, as the program designer, should select the
debugging approach and tools you feel most comfortable with.
• The interface between your application and the debugging tools is via three different debug windows: the Immediate
Window, the Locals Window, and the Watch Window. These windows can be accessed from the View menu (the
Immediate Window can be accessed by pressing Ctrl+G). Or, they can be selected from the Debug Toolbar (accessed
using the Toolbars option under the View menu):

All debugging using the debug windows is done when your application is in break mode. You can enter break mode by
setting breakpoints, pressing Ctrl+Break, or the program will go into break mode if it encounters an untrapped error or a
Stop statement.
Once in break mode, the debug windows and other tools can be used to:
Determine values of variables
Set breakpoints
Set watch variables and expressions
Manually control the application
Determine which procedures have been called
Change the values of variables and properties
Example – Debugging
1. Unlike other examples, we’ll do this one as a group. It will be used to demonstrate use of the debugging tools.
2. The example simply has a form with a single command button. The button is used to execute some code. We won’t be
real careful about proper naming conventions and such in this example.

3. The code attached to this button’s Click event is a simple loop that evaluates a function at several values.

Private Sub Command1_Click()

Dim X As Integer, Y As Integer
Y = Fcn(X)
Loop While X <= 20
End Sub
This code begins with an X value of 0 and computes the Y value using the general integer function Fcn. It then increments
X by 1 and repeats the Loop. It continues looping While X is less than or equal to 20. The function Fcn is computed using:
Function Fcn(X As Integer) As Integer
Fcn = CInt(0.1 * X ^ 2)
End Function
Admittedly, this code doesn’t do much, especially without any output, but it makes a good example for looking at debugger
use. Set up the application and get ready to try debugging.
Thank You

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