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Name: Janessa Rose S.



Reaction Paper

At first, I was intrigue by the title of the movie which is Eddie the
Eagle. I asked myself “why eagle?” “How does eagle connects to the story?”
“Does anyone fly in this movie?” I find it really hard answer the
questions in my mind. But as the story goes on, finally I understand.

Eddie was a very clumsy boy when he was little. Until he grows older,
nothing changed. Seems like all the negative fate in the universe is
inside this guy. Then it came to a point that Eddie had a dream. It was to
be an Olympian. After that, he decided to be a ski jumper. He pursued his
dream even if almost everyone did not believe in him. Even his father did
not support him. Many times he failed but he was so persuasive. Then he
met Bronson Peary. He was a former ski jumper and helped Eddie with his
way to success.

After watching, all my questions were answered. Eddie was entitled as

being an eagle because eagle bestows courage to look ahead and flies
higher than any other bird. He has higher dream than everyone. For me,
one of the best lesson of the movie was the last part where I viewed the
quote “the important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win but to take
part; the important thing in life is not in triumph but in struggle”. Even
if almost everyone try to pull you down, believe in yourself and have
faith. It’s important to face our struggles in life. We just need to have
the will power and strength to keep pushing forward until we turn
something impossible, into reality.

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