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The one real way to learn Shabdas, as others have answered for this question, is to

memorise the types of Shabdas and their vibhakti properly. This aspect of Sanskrit
has to be learnt by heart.

Popular Sanskrit Shabdas can be seen as अजन्त (Vowel-ending) and हलन्त (Vowel-
ending). Most Shabdas that are similar also have similar Vibhakti. Krishnamurthi sir
has explained the kinds of words well.[1]

I can provide a shloka to remember the अ-कारान्त पुल्लिङ्ग Shabdas (The words that
end in the “å” vowel).

रामो (रामः) राजमण ः सदा णिजयते रामं रमेशं भजे

रामे ाऽणभहता णिशाचरचमः रामाय तस्मै िमः।

रामात् िाल्लि पराय ं परतरं रामस्य दासोऽस्म्यहं

रामे णचत्तलयः सदा भितु मे भो राम माम् उद्धर।।

This shloka is part of the glorious Rama Raksha Stotram.[2]

Here, the different Vibhakti for the word रामः are:-

1. प्रथमा - रामः (Rama is the subject here)

2. णितीया - रामं (Rama is the object here)
3. तृतीया - रामे (By Rama/With Rama)
4. चतुथी - रामाय (For Rama)
5. पञ्चमी - रामात् (From Rama)
6. षष्ठी - रामस्य (Rama’s)
7. सप्तमी - रामे (In Rama/On Rama)
8. सम्बोधि - हे राम (Calling out to or addressing Rama)

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