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Why Intelligent students Fail in university life?

Group Members:

Tabish Mehmood (170854)

Ali Shehwar (170872)

Nisar Ahmed (170824)

Rohail Zahid (170803)

Presented To:
Miss Afroz!

 Topic.
 Introduction.
 Discussion about Topic.
 Method of research performed.
 Facts and Findings.
 Analysis.
 Conclusions.
 Recommendations.

Why Intelligent students Fail in university life?

What is Failure? The answer is “ Unable to produce
Desired Result”.

During the process of learning from School level to College level and then to
University level. A student struggle a lot to achieve Higher Professional Studies.
But After reaching university level Most of Those Intelligent students Fail to
produce Desirable Results. And therefore we made the Survey to analyse the
reason behind this Serious problem. Under the topic “Why intelligent
Students fail in university life”?


Why this happens so?

There are many problems starting from our Education system to The person
Himself/ Herself.

 Interest in particular field:

Due to the lack of proper counselling and on the ideas of parents most
of the students Join the field which is not exactly equal to the field of
their interest which is the Biggest problem according to me Because The
building is strong when its base is strong and weak base is the one that’s
the first step towards failure. It seems a small mistake but it eventually
results in the biggest failure of life Just imagine yourself working for the
thing you don’t like And you have to work for your whole life. In order
to investigate this problem . We added the Question in survey “That
Interest in particular field matters”?
Result was similar to what we expected And After Ploting graph it
proved the importance of Interest in particular field.

About 75 % results were in favour of it the interest in Field matters
a lot.

 Lack of Counselling:
The students that have choosed their field without knowing there
interest are those who suffer a lot when they realise that this field is not
according to their capabilities. And when the realise this its to late.
Therefore in order to know whether students in our university have
interest in their field or not the result was pretty good as Most of the
students Had interest in their respective Fields.

The graph Shows that 3 out of 10 people suffer this problem that the field they
choose is not according to their interest so they have to suffer for their whole

 Carelessness
 Immature Way of Study:
Most of intelligent Students think that unlike School level studies and
college level studies where you have whole year to study and with efforts
of few month you could easily prevail with achieving good grades. But
university study is totally different within four months semester you
have to cover the syllabus equal to Matric and FSC level and wastage
of time Concentration may lead to failure and requires more hardwork
dedication and hardworking students are those who prevail in
university life therefore in order to know what students think that how
much more effort they are doing as compared to their matriculation and
FSC level the result was positive however. There was a backlash as the
percentage of students who think that with less effort you can prevail in
university life was almost equal to those who were doing more effort the
result was as follows.

 Lack of concentration
 University societies:
In universities There are different type of societies.
No doubt they play an important role in personality Development And
character building When students arrive in universities they have eager
to join them And societies require time and interest therefore those
students who pay time to societies are not able to establish equilibrium
as a result of it they lack behind from rest of their badge therefore in
order to investigate this problem of lack of concentration we made a
Question in our survey And the output was as follows

About 55 pecent people were in this favor that societies Effects studies.

Research Methodology:
We made the research on following Parameters
Firstly We gathered information About problems of failure and Then
Selected the main problem and turned them in questions to investigate.
 Made Questions That were Interesting and can be easily understood
by anybody
 Made one Question from each field which we wanted to research and
by interpreting result we assumed the problem behind it.
 Main questions were there to avoid wastage of time of the one who
was there to fill the form.
 Students were our Audiance on which we researched.
 We uploaded Those Questions on an online Site.
 Copied the link of questionaiere and sended to 50 students of
different caliber.
 Then After Getting recomended Answers we interpreted the result
 Converted the Answers into Graphs. As they were Easy To
 Combined the results.

Analysis: in above problem analysis of results are explained in terms of graphs.

The Annual result that was formulated is as follows

Therefore Intelligence matters A lot But without hard work its nothing hence
if you want to Get success you should work hard as working hard bears Fruit.

Conclusion: Therefore we concluded that Hardwork + intelligence=

100% Success In University life.

Suggestions: Some students suggested as follows


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