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Bacteria are small living things that can be found almost everywhere. They live on the

ground, in oceans, in the food that we eat and even in our bodies. They have been on earth long

before there were any other organisms. Bacteria are so small you can only see them with the

help of a microscope. They have only one cell and very simple structures.

Bacteria have outer cell walls that protect the inside. A cell membrane is inside the cell

wall. It prevents harmful substances from getting in and out. Inside the membrane is a soft,

jelly-like substance called the cytoplasm. It has chemicals that help build the parts of a cell and

break down food. Within it is the nucleoid, which contains the DNA. It controls a cell’s growth

and other activities

Bacteria appear in different shapes. Spherical bacteria are round or ball-like. Rod-

shaped bacteria live in your intestine and form chains. Spiral-shaped bacteria have a twisted


Bacteria absorb nutrients and remove waste through their cell walls. They reproduce by

splitting themselves in the middle. The two new cells can then split into four cells and so on.

In a short time, a single bacteria can reproduce billions of times.

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