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On Sept. 20 at 7 p.m.

, the Improv team will be doing their show “Funny Side Up” in the

The captain of the improv team is senior Krishna Nair. This is his fourth year doing improv at

“I didn’t decide to be captain,” Nair said. “I’m the next legacy, because I started improv my
freshman year and from there, I just got really advanced and became a leader.”

The improv team has rehearsals during block lunch and sometimes before and after school to
help them prepare for the show. The rehearsals are normally 30 minutes unless it’s a big show,
then they will extend the rehearsals or add more.

“When I started improv I would typically get very nervous before, then I’d get nervous on stage
and my legs would shake,” junior Ali Niaz said. “As I started doing it more and more, I gained
this confidence. Now it’s kind of where I feel at home.”

The improv team plays a lot of games in their shows when doing short form improv. ‘Game of
Death’ is one of the most liked games by the improv team, but they have several more they play
to help improve their skills before and in between shows.

“The show is just a great way for people to come and have a good laugh,” Nair said. “It’s going
to be funny and there’s a lot of humor.”

Improv is a type of theater that is completely made up on the spot. There’s no script for the
actors to go home and learn or practice; it’s all in the moment.

“I think that improv is definitely harder than scripted acting,” junior Meredith Hendrix said.
“Nobody tells you what to do. You could do anything, you have no limitations, and it’s hard to
find different things to pull out and to act.”

The improv show Friday is going to have both long and short form skits in it. The ticket costs is
$5 at the auditorium doors.

“Expect everything because this isn’t scripted,” Niaz said. “Everything that happens is
happening for the very first time and it will never happen ever again. So we have no idea what’s
going to happen.”

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