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The key is E minor

The notes of the scale is E F# G A B C D E

The tempo is 88 bpm
The time signature is 4/4 which is the most
common for pop songs
The song starts with the tonic chord which is E
minor and continue till 5 bars
Then the chord changes to C major which is the
b6 note relative to the E and the chord
conveyed is from the sub dominant region.
The next chord is a minor which is the 4th minor
and it is from a partially dominant region.
Then the song changes its mode from minor to
major turning the song partially to E major
Or in other words, it is called as modal
interchange from Aeolian to Ionian mode.
So basically, yeah the primary chord changes in
the song are pretty basic, i.e. all the chords are
diatonic to the scale only.
Apart from that there are slight temporary
modulations here and there.
For example- The modal interchange from E
minor to E major
The modal interchange from relative G major to
G minor during the middle portion.
And the chords used are the most elementary
That is there is no 7ths involved and there is no
The voice Leading is very poor because of that.
This instrumental track’s harmony is based on
basic minor scale.
Mostly all the chords are diatonic to the scale.
The track’s background mood is very uplifting
on which a layer of soft and smooth violin parts
is present which is contrary to the background
Towards the end there is a slight 4 over 3
polyrhythmic variation is present for a very
small duration.
There are no accidentals involved
And the main chorus is added with electronic
synth to add heaviness to the song.

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