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Histare India

Scope of Work:

1) Prospecting and Lead Generation Process Automation for B2B sales

2) Building results oriented sales process manual and imparting training to employees.
3) Building an interactive analytics software dashboard for entire sales process following kanban


 Building sales process following the SPANCO approach

 Automation of the redundant activities and creating a robust process
 Creation of the prospecting data with focus on Person to contact and method to connect
 Digital Media and Marketing activities for Lead Generation following SMM
 Building sales process manual with step by step guidelines following Poka Yoke
 Training the existing team member on SPANCO approach
 Creating an Interactive Sales software customized according to your needs
 Software with In-Build analytics which provides complete visibility
 Getting regular scheduled alerts on clients for better management
 Working on existing database to create prospective leads from them

Post the entire project you would be able to focus your time and attention on meetings with interested
clients and would be getting complete visibility on the sales process, step by step results driven.

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