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Wow, I am amazed to see so many ICAP Nazis. Hail Hitler and ICAP, we are number one.

Most of the
comment are really filled with hatred for ACCA.

Firstly, I would like to clarify that any fellow of member of ACCA can claim membership of Institute of
Charted Accountant England and Wales, Institute of Charted Accountant Australia, Charted Public
Accountants of Canada; without giving any papers. Thus, claiming that ACCA is not a Charted
Accountancy body, and is inferior to other global bodies is absolutely absurd.

Secondly, most of the Multinationals and foreign corporations prefer ACCA, even the Head of Global
PwC and Deloitte are ACCA members. They are being begged by bloody Pakistan ICAP partners to keep
their brands in Pakistan. Hence, proving the qualification’s global worth.

Lastly, Oxford Brookes University is ranked globally as the best 225 university in the world. It is a bad
ranking right? Well, the most prestigious university of Pakistan, LUMS ranks 954 globally. So, Oxford
Brookes is a way better option.

In Conclusion, most of ICAP are butt hurt by the ACCA qualification, yet their ego does not allow them to
accept the vivid fact that their qualification is meaningless abroad. Likewise, their qualification is soon
losing worth in Pakistan. All their hard work and failures were for nothing, and no one can save them
from this epidemic. Hail Hitler, Hail ICAP.


From a Senior Associate Consultant in PwC who is a Member of Association of Charted Certified
Accountants and Charted Public Accountants Canada.

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