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8/25/2019 banana milkshake recipe | banana shake recipe | how to make banana shake

banana milkshake
4.5 from 2 votes
banana shake recipe made with coconut milk, vanilla powder and cardamom.

Prep Time Total Time

10 mins 10 mins

Course: beverages & drinks Cuisine: world Servings: 3 Author: Dassana Amit

2 cups thin coconut milk
3 medium size bananas
sugar or jaggery as required
1 to 2 pinch of vanilla powder OR ½ teaspoon vanilla extract (optional)
¼ teaspoon cardamom powder or cinnamon powder for garnishing - (optional)

1. peel the bananas and chop them.
2. put the bananas, vanilla and coconut milk into the blender.
3. also add the jaggery or sugar as required.
4. blend everything till smooth.
5. pour banana milkshake in tall glass and sprinkle cardamom or cinnamon powder.
6. serve the banana milkshake immediately as with time its color and taste starts changing. so you can not
store banana milkshake in fridge to have it later.

full recipe - 1/1

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