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My Realization through Failure

I have failed many times in my life some that taught me more than others and some that

did the opposite. Although, the failure that I feel most proud of and gained the most knowledge

from was one of my greatest failures. This failure happened in freshman year and the failure

included school. To give more detail the failure was my fault as any failure that an individual has

in there lifetime. My problem with school was I didn’t want to be there. So much in fact that I

would act out and find a way to get out of the class that way I could be outside. Anyways, when I

was in class the ability to focus and pay attention on a critical level and at least try at school

wasn’t there. The result of this was I failed almost every class except for math. A good example

was biology I cared so little about that class that my grade got so low it was a 29% maybe lower

and many of my other classes were in the C to D- range.

Although I was quiet stubbon and stupid at the time I was told that I wasnt able to play

baseball and that crushed me down to my soul. After I knew what was happening around me and

my world I knew then and there that something had to change drastically. After Knowing this I

was forced to “kick my butt in gear” and study harder and longer than I have ever in order to be

able to play baseball. I wasn’t just learning the material but I was learning the habit of how to

learn and how to be self-sufficient and responsible for the “fuck-ups” that I have had and will

continue to have.

This personally speaks levels about me and how people can change when they truly want

something. However, this also says that I’m stubborn, lazy and I tend to procrastinate a lot. This

allows says that as a student that I won’t quit no matter what obstacle you throw my way. So
people have told me that they were shocked on how different I am when I try, so much so that

some tell me that I’m a different person completely.

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