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Matt Murphy

Swedow 4th

11 September 19

When I was Less Than Perfect

When I was a sophomore playing baseball here at San Marin I got my fourth concussion.

Although it was the last game of the season this injury set me back in school and made me

determined to get better. Given that I couldn't do all my school work I went out of my way to

talk with my teachers about my injury and what I could do to stay up to date with my work. My

teachers were very helpful and understanding. They limited my work and took my injury

seriously. This concussion was definitely a set back, but at the same time it proves who I am.

This shows that I am hard working and determined. I was also true to myself by accepting my

injury rather than putting it off and pushing myself beyond my limits. After I was hit with the

ball I tried to continue to play. It was the last game of the season and we were playing Marin

Catholic. After about two innings of playing our trainer and I decided it would be best if I sat

out. The ball appeared to be moving in ways it was not actually moving when I was catching and

my head was in a fog. I knew it was not in mine nor the teams best interest for me to continue.

This hard work and dedication will help me with my future by pushing me in places I may

struggle mentally and physically. With my plan to become a firefighter I will encounter multiple

difficult classes and trainings. I believe my activeness from sports and my outdoor lifestyle along

with my driven mindset will lead me to success.

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