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Cassius Anderson



Write about the role that a certain activity (sports, theatre, band, etc.) had on your life.

Last December, I made what I thought at the time, was a simple decision. I had no idea that it

would basically change my whole life. It was joining the mountain bike team at my school. I

decided to do this because I no longer wanted to play soccer with my high school team along

with various other reasons. Coincidentally, the mountain bike season was during my club soccer

team’s break. It also lined up with the high school soccer season, which I would have been

participating in . From December to May was the 2019 mountain bike season. It greatly altered

my daily life schedule and impacted the way my sports life went and is now going.

From a young age I have always been into riding my bike. I even raced BMX until I was

twelve years old. The reason I did not start cycling as a full time sport earlier was because my

parents wanted to get me into team sports, that at the time was soccer. Even then I still went on

occasional bike rides and still loved two wheels regardless of soccer. Cycling became more of a

leisure thing during my soccer years. It was not until this past year where I realized that my
heart was truly in cycling. Since I joined the mountain bike team, I really enjoyed going to every

practice and simply just being on my bike. Every ride I went on I felt like I could be so much

better which was another reason why I loved being on my bike. Every time I rode I made sure I

was improving or getting stronger. The amount of motivation that I had everyday was

exponentially more than when I was playing soccer along with my improvements. Because of


At this time I was still playing soccer while on the mountain bike team to make sure that I

finished my club season out since the final part of it was in the spring. While soccer was still

technically my main sport, I was still riding my bike on every free day I had (3-4 times a week)

and even doing two practices a day, to keep my legs used to both mountain biking and soccer.

Gradually, as my soccer season came closer to an end my skills on the bike were becoming better

and better because of how much I was riding. I even got to the point where I didn't even want to

go to my soccer practices. This had a huge impact on me because while I liked soccer I made the

decision to continue on with what I truly loved.

Finally, after my ninth and last soccer season was over I became a full time cyclist. This

decision ultimately impacted my life to the point where it is now almost completely different

from when I was playing soccer. For example, I determine when I am training, where I ride,

who comes with me, and the intensity of my workouts. Where as in soccer, I really had no

control over anything, except if I came or didn’t come to team events.

To say the least I surprised myself, because I didn’t know I could like something this much. I

really enjoyed soccer, but there were just certain aspects of it that I did not thoroughly enjoy or

constantly have fun with, whereas in cycling the things I don’t like are slim to none. For

example, I didn’t necessarily like going to practice, but I liked the games. On the contrary, I love

both training and racing my bike.

Just being able to go out and do what I love everyday not only changed who I am as a person,

but I learned what dedication really is. For example, I ride six days a week on both my mountain

and road bikes. Everyday, I get stronger and there is nothing more satisfying to me than seeing

my self improvement. Getting in the mental state to withstand maybe five hours at race pace on

a bike or being by myself for extended periods of time is what I love. Being in the pain cave,
completely exhausted, and suffering through it all is what drives me. To someone who does not

ride bikes this most definitely doesn’t make sense, but I enjoy everything about it. To say the

least, I love cycling more than any other sport or activity I have ever done. It impacts me all the

way from my sleep schedule and eating habits, to where my money goes and how I manage my

time. Without it, I’d still be playing soccer and there’s no telling where that’d take me.

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