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DA hit for 'deafening silence'

on sugar Iiberalization plan
strongly against imports. I for liberalization are driven table a reformulated measure
don'i think anv senalor here by their greed to amass more where we doh't need to liber-
will agree to a iollapse in any wealth at the expense of the alize sugar importatior! but
_ Lawmakers are pressing the ol our agriculture industries.', sugarcane farmers. This is very
uepartment of Agriculfure io everyone will be happy. We
he adde-d. very wrohg becaube the StatL
take a stand on [he planned need to protect farmers from
Agriculture Secretary Wil- is supposed to spread oui the starvation and uplift them
opening up of the sugar in- liam Dar has not given any economic apportunity to ev-
dustry as the very igency trom poverty. Importation is
statement since the Deparf- eryone rich and poor alike,,, not the answer," Zubiri said
mandated to protect farmers ment of Finance issueh an Beltran said- "We cannot be business as
has yet to come up wi th a posi- economic bulletin ca.lline for "lVe have seen it in the rice usual in our dealings. We have
tron on the matter- the removal of quantititive sector. The DOF parroted that to reformulate and recalibrate
During the Senate hearins restrictions on sugar imports. 'inflation
as tre *s'wer
"I already asked SRA to ihe drop in palay pricesbut
to now on our position. We will
on DA s National Expenditu ri
Program ior 2020, Sen. Iuan is present to them an out-of-the-
come up with a position to more than wliat tliev actuallv box solution that does not
Miguel Zubiri said there is outline the pros and cons of predicted. Thev shojd focur oi,
"deafening silence,, from the the issue," bar said durfns ,need unabated importatiory"
solving that firsg" Yulo added. he said
DA and the Sugar Regulatory the hearing.
Administration desoite the Further, Zubiri plans to At least 24 lawmakers re-
"We will be coming out set up a meeting with key cently signed House Resolu-
plan of the countri.'s economic with a r€port, but I would like economic officials' including tion 412 to express strong
team to ljberalizi sugar im- the larmers to be Drotected as Finance chief Carlos Domin] opposition to the planned
portatlon. well. This is a matter of oolicv guez, National Economic and liberalization of sugar impor-
"Er.erybody has sooken- and we will tackle thiJ witfi Development Authority direc- tation. Zubiri also objected to
The stakeholders have s'ooken the board," SRA administrator torgeneral Emesto Pemia and the measure.
But we need a strons voice. Hermenegildo Serafica added. Trade Secretary Ramon Lopez Even Villac chair of the
You should so in th; fields As part of the board, it was to discuss the matter Senate Committee on Ag-
and show that-the qovernment orrly Dar and Serafica who did
is there and not cieate policv
Also part of the meetinq riculture and food. alreadv
not say anything agairrst the would be Dar, Serafica, Seri said she is not in'favor o'f
that will deshoy th em," Zubii liberalization. Board members Cynthia Villar and even Ex- opening up the sugar indus-
sairl during tfie hearing on Emilio Yulo and Roland Bel- ecutive Secretarv Salvador try. Villar was the sponsor
}\-ed nesd ay. tran already made their stand.
'"fhe DA should come out Medialdea. and principal author of the
"Those who are pushing "We need to put io the Rice Tariffication Law.

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