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Name : Tiara Mutia

NPM : 1102018213

So, I just watched on YouTube about the fast fashion marketplace and it is really open my mind about
the impacts of ‘fast fashion’ into our environment. But before I explain the impacts let me explain a little
bit about the meaning of fast fashion itself. Fast fashion is a contemporary term used by fashion
retailers to express that designs move from catwalk quickly to capture current fashion trends. And
according to the video, the fast fashion had many environmental impacts and one of those is there will
be fashion and microfiber in our oceans because every time we wash a synthetic garment
(polyester,nylon,etc ), about 1,900 individual microfibers are released into the water, making their way
into our oceans. Scientists have discovered that small aquatic organisms ingest those microfibers. These
are then eaten by small fish which are later eaten by bigger fish, introducing plastic in our food chain. So
what should we do to reduce the impact? Yes, we can sort out or choose the natural or semi-synthetic
fiber to reduce the impact. And, That’s all from me about the opinion of the video, thank you.

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