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rgrding prduct fturs.

Thy sid, ‘Yu hv grt thing, but if yu

“W tk but thr yrs t dvlp th stndrd. W did th mk ths chngs, it will b vn mr vlubl’. W tk th
functinl prttyp f th switch t mv dt bsd n Fibr Chnnl custmr fdbck bck t th nginrs, wh incrprtd th
t Cnstr. W wr nggd in slling th prduct, bsd n th chngs in th prduct dsign nd finlizd it. W tld th
prttyp, t HP, Sun nd IBM. HP likd th prduct, but instd f t incrprt th fdbck w gt frm th custmrs
nd frz th
buying th prduct, thy bught th tchnlgy bhind it nd my grup dsign. W ll lik crping lgnc. W lwys lik
t d smthing
t Cnstr. Tht ws in 993. n yr pssd nd disppintmnt bttr, but thn w’ll nvr cmplt it nd w’ll miss th
crpt in, bcus lik ny thr big cmpny, thr ws lt f burucrcy. windw. It is bttr t d 8% tht givs gd nugh
prduct thn
HP ws n xcptin. W wr nt gtting nugh funding frm HP t g fr % nd miss th mrkt windw.”
hdqurtrs t nhnc th prduct t mk it sllbl within th
industry. W wr cmpting fr th R&D dllrs mng mny intrnl Dscrib th strtgy r businss mdl tht nbld
grups. Th prduct ws lgging bhind s fr s mrkt ccptnc yur cmpny t chiv its high rt f grwth.
ws cncrnd, nd I ws frid f lsing th mrkt windw. In th
mntim, within th industry sscitin tht ws trying t prmt Mlvlli: “ur g-t-mrkt strtgy ws rlly t g t Ms
Fibr Chnnl tchnlgy, I ws sscitd with Pul Bndrsn, wh tht tim. W didn’t hv chnnl prtnrs. Tht is vry
typicl f th
ws th dirctr f mss strg t Sun Micrsystms. H ws ls strg industry. Cnvntinl ntwrking cmpnis such
s Cisc,
thinking f strting cmpny. W dcidd t d strt-up tgthr t hwvr, sll thrugh chnnl prtnrs nd g t th nd
usrs dirctly.
chiv ur gls by crting Fibr Chnnl-bsd switching prduct But strg, which hs its wn lrg mrkt sgmnt,
is vry diffrnt
t nbl SNs. Pul‘s strg xprtis nd my switching xprtis cmmunity. Strg is minly nd ntriusly srvd by
Ms. Whn
crtd th prfct synrgy. W put th things tgthr nd risd sd I sy ‘strg mrkt sgmnt’, it ds nt cnsist nly f
funding fr ur nw strt-up, Brcd Cmmunictins, with hlp frm dvics such s disk drivs nd tps. Th strg
mrkt sgmnt
Sth Nimn, vntur cpitlist frm Crsspint Vnturs f Silicn ls includs th srvrs tht us dt strd in th strg
Vlly. Tht ws ugust 995.” th switchs nd hubs tht giv ntwrk cnnctivity, nd
nd pplictin sftwr. Brcd, with its SN prducts, cm undr
th strg mrkt sgmnt. W didn’t wnt t g utsid f th M
ply. Th nd usrs hd n knwldg f th undrlying Fibr Chnnl
tchnlgy. W didn’t hv mrkting rsurcs t vngliz th

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