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Wht ws th surc f th initil id, nd hw did tht id Wht wr th mjr grwth cclrtrs fr yur

vlv int vibl high-grwth businss vntur? Hw did it cmpny in its high-grwth yrs?

Sctin 7 –
xcutiv Css: Dilctric Cbl Systms (DKC)
chng vr tim?
Klpshnikv: “Thr wr fur grwth fctrs:
Klpshnikv: “riginlly, DKC ws stblishd t supprt th pip . Tchnlgy: Us f ffctiv dvncd tchnlgis with
fcus n
wiring vrll distributin ntwrk in 997. Th initil tsk ws t high qulity, cmptitin nd R&D.
dcrs th cst f th prduct by mnufcturing it lclly rthr thn 2. Distributin: Cmptitiv distributin chnnls
with lrg numbr f
imprting frm urp. Simultnusly, du t th bm in th Russin prtnrs ll vr Russi. ll f thm culd prvid
lgistics srvics,
cnstructin industry, nw cncpts f pip wiring wr idntifid, which s wll s supprt ur mrkting ffrts.
rsultd in th cmplt limintin f in-wll pip systms. Givn th 3. Lctin: Th tw min lctins wr Mscw nd St
cllps f th Russin cnmy in 998, w xprincd rpid cst with sy ccss t bth f thm. Luckily, th city
incrs n ll imprts; hnc, lclly prducd systms bcm th supprt ws f grt vlu t us.
ldrs in th Russin mrkt. This ws chllnging mmnt fr 4. Humn rsurc strtgy: Th cmpny’s HR
bjctiv ws t
DKC, with rpidly grwing lcl cmptitin. Hwvr, du t th high stblish vry prfssinl tm nd prvid n
xciting nvirnmnt
qulity stndrds nd th lrg vrity f prducts tht urpn firms tht wuld ld t utstnding prfrmnc. Whil w
wr lking
stblishd in th Russin mrkt, n lcl rivls culd cmpt with fr yung prfssinls, th mst difficult tsk ws t
find ths with
DKC in trms f qulity, lgistics nd cmplxity f srvics.” rlvnt xprinc t ur businss. Ths prfssinls r ur
lit stff tdy, but whn lking bck, w wr lucky tht th
Wht ws th initil grwth visin r spirtin f th funding cnmic criss in th lt 9s prvidd us with ths
tlnts s
tm? Ws thr sizbl chng in this grwth visin mny f thm wr tmprrily unmplyd.
r spirtin vr tim? If chng, pls dscrib.
Prtnring fr Tlnt
Klpshnikv: “Initilly, DKC’s grwth visin ws dynmic n, “Whn hiring ctivly in 26-28, w wr
surprisd t b fcd with
du t ur pst sls xprinc in th lctricl prducts industry. lck f qulifid prspctiv mplys. s rsult, th currnt

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