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Topic Outline

1. Definition of Engineering Design

2. Importance and Challenges of Engineering Design
3. Introduction to Systematic Design
4. Design Process
5. Professionalism and Ethics
What is Engineering Design?
ABET definition:
• The process of devising a system, component, or
process to meet desired needs.
• It is a decision-making process (often iterative), in
which the basic sciences, mathematics, and
engineering sciences are applied to optimally
convert resources to meet a stated objective.
What is Engineering Design?
• Among the fundamental elements of the design
process is the establishment of objectives and
criteria, synthesis, analysis, construction, testing,
and evaluation.
What is Engineering Design?
• Realistic constraints:
• Economic factors
• Safety
• Reliability
• Aesthetics
• Ethics
• Social impact
Adaptive Design

work will be concerned with the adaptation of
existing designs.
• Design activity of this kind demands no special
knowledge or skill, and the problems presented are
easily solved by a designer with ordinary
technical training.
Development Design
• Considerably more scientific training and design
ability are needed.
• The designer starts from an existing design, but
the final outcome may differ markedly from the
initial product.
New Design
• Only a small number of designs are new designs.
• This is possibly the most difficult level in that
generating a new concept involves mastering all
the previous skills in addition to creativity and
imagination, insight, and foresight.
Well-publicized disasters associated
with engineering systems
• Chernobyl nuclear power plant
• The Challenger space shuttle
• Boeing 737
• Skywalk at the Kansas City Hyatt Regency Hotel
• Fuel tanks of Concorde airplanes
• Columbia Space Shuttle
The Chernobyl nuclear
power plant disaster
occurred in 1996.
According to the World Health
Organization(WHO), this lead to
the evacuation and resettlement
of over 336,000 people, 56 direct
deaths, 4000 thyroid cancer cases
among children, and
approximately 6.6 million people
highly exposed to radiation.
The Challenger space shuttle
exploded in 1986 after an O-
ring seal in its right solid-
rocket booster failed.
This caused a flame leak, which
reached the external fuel tank.
The space shuttle was destroyed
in 73 seconds after takeoff, and all
crew members died.
The loss of the cabin roof
during the flight of a Boeing
737 in 1988 caused one crew
member to be blown out of
the airplane.
Age and the design of the aircraft,
which relied on stress to be
alleviated by control breakaway
zones, were ultimately to blame.
A skywalk at the Kansas
City Hyatt Regency Hotel
collapsed just after the hotel
was opened in 1981.
The skywalk rods were not
designed to hold the combined
weights of the walkways and the
2000 people that had gathered on
them. 200 people were injured,
and 114 were killed.
The design layout of the fuel
tanks was the cause of the
Concorde crash in 2000,
killing 113 people.
When the aircraft struck the
debris on the runway, the tire
that subsequently exploded
caused a tank to rupture.

certificate was revoked, and all

Concorde airplanes remained
grounded for 15 months. This
eventually contributed to the
demise of supersonic passenger
The crash of Columbia Space
Shuttle in 2003.
Attributed to the detachment of a
piece of debris from the external
tank bipod attach region and
striking the underside or leading
edge of the port wing of the
Reason for failures in most
engineering designs
• Incorrect or overextended assumptions
• Poor understanding of the problem to be solved
• Incorrect design specifications
• Faulty manufacturing and assembly
Reason for failures in most
engineering designs
• Error in design calculations
• Incomplete experimentation and inadequate data
• Errors in drawings
• Faulty reasoning from good assumptions
Systematic design process
• Requirements
• Product concept
• Solution concept
• Embodiment design
• Detailed design
Design Process
1. Requirements 4. Embodiment Design
a) Identifying Customer Needs
5. Analysis and
b) Market Analysis
c) Defining Goals
6. Experiment
2. Product Concept
a) Establishing Functions 7. Marketing
b) Task Specifications

3. Solution Concept
a) Conceptualization (Solution
b) Evaluating Alternatives (Solution
Ways to design a device or system
• Evolutionary Change
• Innovation
• Invention
Process design map
Process design map
Process design map
Process design map
Design process
Design process
Identifying customer needs
• Sources of the need for new design
• Client request
• Modification of an existing design
• Generation of a new product
Market analysis
• Sources to determine market availability
• Technical and trade journals
• Abstracts
• Research reports
• Technical libraries
• Catalog of component suppliers
• U.S. Patent Office
• The Internet
Defining goals
• The designer defines what must be done to resolve the
• The definition is a general statement of the desired end
• Customer needs NOT EQUAL to product specifications
• clarify
Establishing functions
• Recognize the generality of the need statement
and where the problem/need stands in the whole
• Often the functions will be divided into
subfunctions, and they will define the
requirements of the artifact.
Task specifications
• Requires the designer to list all pertinent data and
parameters that tend to control the design and
guide it towards the desired goal
• It also sets limits on the acceptable solutions
• It should not be defined too narrowly and it
cannot be too broad or vague
• The process of generating alternative solutions to the
stated goal in the form of concepts requires creative
• In this stage, the designer must review the market
analysis and the task specifications as he or she engages in
the process of innovation and creativity
• This activity usually requires free-hand sketches for
producing a series of alternative solutions
Evaluating alternatives
• Once a number of concepts have been generated in
sufficient detail, a decision must be made:
• about which one or ones will enter the next
• most expensive
• stages of the design process

• Scoring Matrix, an excellent technique to guide the

designer in making the best decision regarding these
• Chapter 8 covers this stage of the design process in more
Embodiment design
• This where the product that is being designed
begins to take shape
• This stage does not include any details yet (no dimensions
or tolerances, etc.) but will begin to illustrate:
• a clear definition of a part
• how it will look
• how it interfaces with the rest of the parts in the product
Analysis and Optimization
• Once a possible solution for the stated goal has
been chosen, the synthesis phase of the design has
been completed and the analysis phase begins
• Detailed Design
most of the engineering courses in an
undergraduate degree program cover
• The experiment stage in engineering design requires that
a piece of hardware is constructed and tested to verify the
concept and analysis of the design as to its work ability,
durability, and performance characteristics
• Here the design on paper is transformed into a physical
• Three techniques of construction are available to the
• Mock-up
• Model
• Prototype
• Mock-up:
• The mock-up is generally constructed to scale from plastics,
wood, cardboard, and so forth
• The mock-up is often used to check clearance, assembly
technique, manufacturing considerations, and appearance
• It is the least expensive technique, provides the least amount of
information, and is quick and relatively easy to build
• Model:
• This is a representation of the physical system through a
mathematical similitude
• Four types of models are used to predict behavior of the
real system:
a) A true model is an exact geometric reproduction of the real
system, built to scale, and satisfying all restrictions imposed in the
design parameters.
b) An adequate model is so constructed to test specific
characteristics of the design.
c) A distorted model purposely violates one or more design
conditions. This violation is often required when it is difficult to
satisfy the specified conditions.
d) Dissimilar models bear no apparent resemblance to the real
system, but through appropriate analogies, they give accurate
information on behavioral characteristics.
• Prototype:
• This is the most expensive experimental technique and the one
producing the greatest amount of useful information
• The prototype is the constructed, full-scale working physical
• Here the designer sees:
• his or her idea come to life
• learns about such things as appropriate construction techniques,
assembly procedures, work ability, durability
• performance under actual environmental conditions
• This stage requires specific information that defines the
device, system, or process
• Communication is involved in selling the idea to
management or the client, directing the shop on how to
construct the design, and serving management in the
initial stages of commercialization
• The description should take the form of one of the
• A report
• A flyer
Professional engineers
• Engages in an activity that requires a specialized
and comprehensive education
• Motivated by a strong desire to serve humanity
• Provides services with honesty, integrity, and
NSPE Code of Ethics
• National Society of Professional Engineers
• Engineers must uphold and advance the integrity, honor,
and dignity of the engineering profession by
• Using their knowledge and skill for the enhancement of human
• Being honest and impartial, and serving with fidelity the public,
their employers and clients
• Striving to increase the competence and prestige of the
engineering profession
NSPE Code of Ethics: Main
• The Fundamental Canons
1. Hold paramount the safety, health, and welfare of the public.
2. Perform services only in areas of their competence.
3. Issue public statements only in an objective and truthful manner.
4. Act for each employer or client as faithful agents or trustees.
5. Avoid deceptive acts.
6. Conduct themselves honorably, responsibly, ethically, and
lawfully so as to
7. Enhance the honor, reputation, and usefulness of the profession.
NSPE Code of Ethics: Main
• Rules of Practice
1. Engineers shall hold paramount the safety, health, and welfare of
the public.
2. Engineers shall perform services only in the areas of their
3. Engineers shall issue public statements only in an objective and
truthful manner.
4. Engineers shall act for each employer or client as faithful agents
or trustees.
5. Engineers shall avoid deceptive acts.
NSPE Code of Ethics: Main
• Professional Obligations
1. Engineers shall be guided in all their relations by the highest
standards of honesty and integrity.
2. Engineers shall at all times strive to serve the public interest.
3. Engineers shall avoid all conduct or practice that deceives the
4. Engineers shall not disclose, without consent, confidential
information concerning the business affairs or technical
processes of any present or former client, employer, or public
body on which they serve.
NSPE Code of Ethics: Main
• Professional Obligations
5. Engineers shall not be influenced in their professional duties by
conflicting interests.
6. Engineers shall not attempt to obtain employment or
advancement or professional engagements by untruthfully
criticizing other engineers, or by other improper or questionable
7. Engineers shall not attempt to injure, maliciously or falsely,
directly or indirectly, the professional reputation, prospects, practice,
or employment of other engineers. Engineers who believe others are
guilty of unethical or illegal practice shall present such information
to the proper authority for action.
NSPE Code of Ethics: Main
• Professional Obligations
8. Engineers shall accept personal responsibility for their professional
activities, provided, however, that engineers may seek
indemnification for services arising out of their practice for other
interests cannot
otherwise be protected.
9. Engineers shall give credit for engineering work to those to whom
credit is due and will recognize the proprietary interests of others.
Final thoughts
• Engineers, perhaps, more than any other single
occupation, are responsible for the artifacts of the
modern world in which many of us live.
• In order to be good engineers, we not only must be
technically competent, but we must also
understand how to evaluate the moral
implications of our designs.
Download this presentation!
• Haik, Y. and T. Shahin. (2011). "Engineering Design
Process." Stamford: Cengage Learning.

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