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Review Article

Proc IMechE Part M:

J Engineering for the Maritime Environment
2016, Vol. 230(4) 639–651
Influence of the towline material: Ó IMechE 2015
Reprints and permissions:
Steel or high-modulus polyethylene
DOI: 10.1177/1475090215610598

on towing gear design and tug deck


Luis Carral, José Ángel Fraguela, José De Troya and

Carlos Álvarez-Feal

The traction force or bollard pull and specific function of a tugboat determine the size of its towing gear and deck fit-
tings. These dimensions must enable the tug to carry out a manoeuvre safely. This article considers proposals made in
the implementing regulations for calculating the length and diameter of the towline. It analyses the possibility of using
high-modulus polyethylene fibre and the way it would affect the design of the towing gear and deck fittings, including the
fairleads and bits. It would be useful if regulations provided further guidance on towline length for port tugs. The final
part of this study analyses the solutions informed by a sample of 51 port tugs, the majority of which are escort tugs.

Bollard pull, high-modulus polyethylene fibre, towing gear, towline, deck fittings

Date received: 2 December 2014; accepted: 5 August 2015

Introduction Depending on the task they have to carry out, the

tugs take on different configurations. These in turn
In recent decades, the design of ocean-going and port determine what features are found on the equipment
tugs has evolved. As is the case with other vessels, and components involved in the manoeuvres. One tug
these tugs have grown in size and specialisation. is used in port manoeuvres. It has a maximum bollard
Consequently, they need more features and greater pull (MBP) between 6 and 30 Tm. Another is headed
power to meet the greater demands of assistance. towards ocean-going and rescue operations; its MBP
Similarly, the increasingly sophisticated way in which falls between 55 and 180 Tm. Along with these two,
oil tankers and gas carriers are escorted through indi- there is an intermediate category: tugs that help large
rect towing means that further regulations are needed vessels approach the port. With this third category, the
for tugs. Moreover, the hawser and deck fittings have MBP is between 20 and 55 Tm.3 Nevertheless, this
to be more specialised.1,2 With this development, the group, halfway between the first two, has increased in
connection between tug and tow continues to be impor- breadth over the years to include escort tugs whose bol-
tant. Every component is involved: the towline and lard pull (BP) comes close to 100 Tm.4
winch, as well as fairleads and bits. Thus, each of these
must be designed with care.2
These advances have been favoured by the spectacu- Deck fittings
lar way in which shipping has grown. In the last 10 years,
port tugs have had to be built. At the same time, termi- The port tug normally uses an H-bit to fix the towing
nal safety has become more rigorous. Tug service opera- gear to the deck. However, due to the greater length
tors are thus obliged to ask project offices to produce
innovative designs for their new units. Their goal is to University of A Coruña, A Coruña, Spain
meet the need to work with greater safety and efficiency.
Corresponding author:
There have been major changes and innovations and, Luis Carral, University of A Coruña, Escuela Politécnica Superior,
with them, a wide range of technologies installed on ves- Mendizabal s/n 15403, Ferrol - La Coruña. Spain.
sels through the best available technology (BAT). Email:

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640 Proc IMechE Part M: J Engineering for the Maritime Environment 230(4)

and diameter of its towing gear, the ocean-going Implementing regulation content
tug boasts a tow winch. This equipment makes it pos-
Within the documents dealing with these vessels’ safety,
sible to stow the entire towline so that the task of pay-
attention must be paid to the implementing regulation
ing out and hauling is easier. At the same time, the
for calculating the towing gear components and deck
tug can carry out manoeuvres using its brakes, by
means of brake traction. In the final stage of the pro-
In ‘Guidelines for safe ocean towing’,8 the
cess, the staples and towing pins resting on the foun-
International Maritime Organisation (IMO) regulates
dations on the superstructure withstand the high
loads by driving the tow gear’s transit on the winch various aspects of ocean towing and its operation.
deck.5 Specifically, towing gear is analysed in Chapter 12,
As port tugs get bigger over time, Europeans have ‘towing equipment’. Along similar lines, a committee
established a way to attach the towline that is similar working on safety at sea produced ‘Guidance on ship-
to the one for ocean-going tugs. These have towing board towing and mooring equipment’.9 This circular
gear. The towline is pulled taut by the tug in the man- is intended to provide standards for the design and con-
oeuvre by means of the tug winch2 adapting to the struction of shipboard fittings and supporting hull
conditions of each operation.3 Nevertheless, when structures associated with towing and mooring. Here,
there is no tow winch or an alternative system is the term ‘shipboard fittings’ includes the bollards, bitts,
desired to fix the towline of the vessel, then a towing fairleads stand rollers and chocks, used for the normal
hook coupling is installed. This device will facilitate mooring of the ship. It also covers similar components
the manoeuvre as the towing gear can be attached for the normal towing of the ship. However, compo-
quickly. Moreover, the tug’s safe operation is ensured nents like capstans, towing winches, towing hook and
because rendering is facilitated in an emergency towlines fall outside these regulations.
situation. The International Standard Association (ISO) has
developed its working guidelines on the same topic
within its Technical Committee ISO – TC 8,
Towline Shipbuilding and Marine Structure. ISO 7365:198310
Depending on the type of service a tug provides and deals with tow winches, ‘Shipbuilding and marine
towing traction it uses, it should be possible to deter- structures – deck machinery – towing winch for deep
mine the components of its towing gear, as well as the sea use’. It looks at the design parameters of the winch.
material to be used for the main towline. Over the many Other regulations are for deck fittings – ISO
years, the tug has been in service, the materials used for 3913:1980;11 welded steel bollards and towlines: ISO
it have undergone changes. However, the same factors 2408:2004;12 steel wire ropes, EN-ISO-1141,13 1140,
have come into play: ease and speed in handling, as well 1346:2012; fibre ropes, EN 14687, 14686, 14685, 14684.
as an increase in safety during the manoeuvre. Another It is striking that ‘at this time, there are no national or
consideration is that a reduced crew may handle this international standards that specify the minimum
equipment.2 strengths for high modulus synthetic lines’.
On ocean-going tugs, wire has always been used for Classification societies take a different approach
the towline, while on port tugs, the hawser was once with the guidelines for the port tug’s towing gear and
made of natural fibres and then of artificial materials. hooks, but provide only a cursory definition of ship-
Wire had excellent mechanical properties, whereas the board fittings and towing gear for ocean-going tugs.
hawser was easy to handle. In the late 1990s, however, For towline design, they rely on the concept of mini-
high-modulus polyethylene (HMPE) fibre lines came mum break load (MBL). This will be calculated as a
onto the scene and made its mark. For tug lines, it had function of the intervening design loads (DL); the
the same mechanical properties and diameter as steel, BP value is considered a parameter. Nevertheless, dif-
yet it was also light, flexible and easy to handle. Not in fering criteria are proposed for determining the BP14
its favour was the fact it was more sensitive to wear (Table 7). In terms of length or components, no guide-
through abrasion and had a much lower working lines are given.
temperature.6 The document International Association of
Classification Societies (IACS)15 URA2 – ‘Shipboard
fittings and supporting hull structures associated with
towing and mooring on conventional vessels’ has uni-
To choose between HMPE and steel towlines, one must fied the Classification Societies’ guidelines for designing
assess a combination of factors, such as strength, con- and manufacturing shipboard fittings for mooring, as
struction, elastic elongation characteristics and life indicated:
expectancy. In any case, the contrasting behaviour of
these materials makes it necessary to reconsider the fittings and supporting structures used for the normal
design features of the winch, deck fittings with it tow- towing and mooring operations. shipboard fittings mean
ing hook, H-bits and staple1,7 as well as the towing gear those components limited to the following: bollards and
itself. bitts, fairleads, stand rollers, chocks used for the normal

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Table 1. Classification of ocean-going tugs according to Noble Denton.16

Tug category Features

ST Ocean-going salvage tug

Suitable for carrying out activity in any geographical operational area
Equipped with two main and one spare towlines, in accordance with requirements for this component
Capacity for increased crew levels in special towages
Self-sufficiency over 35 days at 80% of the maximum continuous rating (MCR)
U Unrestrained towage
Suitable for carrying out activity in any geographical operational area
Equipped with two main and one spare towlines, in accordance with requirements for this component
Capacity for increased crew levels in special towages
C Coastal towage
Suitable for carrying out activity in routes within reach of coastal shelter zones only as required by the situation
Equipped with one main and one spare towline, in accordance with requirements for this component
R1 Restricted towage
Equipped with one main and one spare towline, in accordance with requirements for this component
R2 Benign area towagea
Equipped with one main and one spare towline, in accordance with requirements for this component
Suitable for carrying out its activity in a benign geographical zone
R3 Restricted towage in benign areasa
Equipped with one main towline.
Benign area: zones free of tropical storms covered by the Noble technical office.

mooring of the vessel and the similar components used for An exception may be made with the last property, which
the normal towing of the vessel. is not relevant to ocean-going tugs. These tugs always
boast a tow winch, and therefore the other properties
Nevertheless, ‘other components such as capstans, come into play with the towline for an ocean-going tug.
towing winch and towing gear are not covered by this The towline comprises various components that are
Unified Requirement’. interconnected, but have different functions. These
On the other hand, the Oil Companies International components and the task they perform are as follows:
Marine Forum (OCIMF) text ‘Mooring Equipment
Guidelines – MEG3’6 establishes the bases for safe  Tow wire – tow rope – main component in towage.
mooring and towing. What stands out is the special Metal wire is normally used, as is hawser.
consideration it makes for HMPE lines.  Tow spring – stretcher – a length of line whose task
Another contribution to the body of guidelines is is to reduce the dynamic effects acting on the line.
made by specialist project officers, as is the case of  Tow pennant – wire pendant – lead chain – Their job
Noble Denton.16 Their text provides categories for is to facilitate the connection between tug and tow and
ocean-going tugs – ST, U, C, R1, R2 and R3 – whose their line. At the same time, they are to add weight to
range is found in Table 1. the end of the towline and thus improve the dynamic
behaviour of the tug. This increases the weight of the
catenary, which may be a chain, line or hawser.
Tow gear design
A tug can operate efficiently if it is suitably joined to To calculate the characteristics of the towline, one
the vessel it is towing. Hensen7 outlines the properties a must rely on the BP of the tug and MBL of the line.
towline must have if operated in a port: Before moving on to the specific example of the port
and ocean-going tug, a more general approach will be
 Sufficient strength to withstand the forces resulting examined. Hancox17 suggests this method for calculat-
from the operation; ing the towing gear components, as seen in Table 2.
 Stretch to absorb the dynamic type forces that Table 3 has been informed by practical experience
occur in the manoeuvre as a result of the different with winches and data taken from the literature.7,17 It
responses of tog and tow. The intention here is to covers towage at port or in protected bodies of water
avoid excessive forces between the line and attach- and its ocean-going counterpart, focusing on the tow-
ment points; line made of wire and textile fibres – including HMPE
 Service life so that it undergoes the minimum – used in each towing gear component.
distortion and loss of strength;
 A suitable weight/diameter so that the line can be
handled with ease on board the tug and tow. When Cable length for ocean towing
the tug is not assisted by a winch, flexibility is an The line’s total length will vary widely according to the
added factor to make handling easier. particular circumstances, such as the type of tug and its

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642 Proc IMechE Part M: J Engineering for the Maritime Environment 230(4)

Table 2. Breaking load for the towing gear components Line length for port towage
according to BP.17
Just as it is in the case with ocean-going towage, the
Component MBL port tug skippers determine the towline length for each
operation. They rely on their experience and critical
Tow wire/rope 2.5 BP eye. Nevertheless, Hensen7 establishes the line length to
Synthetic tow spring 5 BP use. Here, these factors come into play:
Tow pennant 2.5 BP
Weak link 2 BP
Shackles 1.2–1.5 BP  Type and length of tug;
 Type of vessel being towed, as well as its speed and
BP: bollard pull; MBL: minimum break load.
forecastle deck height;
 Geographical setting and amount of space available
features. In the case of the ocean-going tug, there are for the manoeuvre;
guidelines;8 towing gear features in Chapter 12. Here,  Type of manoeuvre.
the minimum length of towline is expressed in metres
With these factors in mind, it is necessary to deter-
L = 1:800 ð1Þ mine the minimum line length to have on board.
International regulations do not mention the length for
While the IMO fails to distinguish between cate- port and escort towage. Gaston2 situates the length for
gories of tugs, Noble Denton16 does do this in its for- the former between 100 and 150 m. Hensen7 establishes
mulations. Table 4 shows how the length is calculated the same interval for the escort tug and indicates a sec-
for the cited categories contained in Table 1, with pro- ond option at the skipper’s discretion for a lower inter-
posals for the recommended and minimum length. val between 60 and 80 m.
The classification societies fail to provide guidance on Given the lack of regulations, it is a good idea to
the towline lengths for either ocean-going or port tugs. propose a criterion that makes it possible to determine

Table 3. Components and makeup of towing gear.

Application Component Makeup

Towage at port or in Tow wire Galvanised cable (6 3 24 + 7, 6 3 37 + 1/ordinary, 6 3 36 + 1/

protected bodies of water Warrington Steel)
Tow spring-stretcher Eight-strand polypropylene plaitedEight-strand polyester plaitedThree-
strand polyester hawser laidBraidline nylonGalvanised cable
(6 3 24 + 7, 6 3 37 + 1/ordinary, 6 3 36 + 1/Warrington Steel)
Tow rope Eight-strand polypropylene plaitedEight-strand polyester plaitedThree-
strand nylon hawserBraidline nylonHMPE
Pennant–pedant HMPEGalvanised cable (6 3 24 + 7, 6 3 37 + 1/ordinary, 6 3 36 + 1/
Warrington Steel)
Ocean-going Tow wire Cable galvanised cable (6 3 36 + 1/Warrington Steel, 6 3 41 + 1/
Warrington Steel)
Tow spring-stretcher Three-strand nylon hawserEight-strand plaited nylonBraidline
Tow rope Three-strand nylon or polyester hawserEight-strand plaited nylon or
polyesterBraidline nylonHMPE
Pennant–pedant ChainGalvanised cable (6 3 36 + 1/Warrington Steel, 6 3 41)

Source: Authors’ own.

HMPE: high-modulus polyethylene.

Table 4. Towline length according to tug category and the vessel’s BP , for ocean towing.

Noble Denton IMO

Towage category Line length (m) 3 10 Min. value (m) Line length (m) 3 103

ST: ocean-going salvage tugs 2 3 BP/MBL 800 1.8 3 BP/MBL

U: unrestricted towages 1.8 3 BP/MBL 650 (U and R1)
C: coastal
R1: restricted towages 500 (C)
R2: benign area towages or R3: restricted benign area towages 1.2 3 BP/MBL 500

Source: Noble Denton.16

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Table 5. Towline length for escort port tug, with data from Allan18 and the authors.

Country Sample number Number of Constant BP Average BP for Towline length Average towline
(no. of vessels) companies tension interval (Tf) sample (Tf) interval (m) length (m)
under study winch

Spain 11 2 76% 45–80 67.3 100–130 135

Holland 15 2 65–100 81.2 160–300 244
Norway 8 2 50–90 75.6 200 200
Canada 5 1 70–80 76 200–250 210
United States 1 1 65 65 91 91
UAE 11 2 50–100 78.5 120–150 147

UAE: United Arab Emirates.

Figure 1. Graph with the line length in function of BP.

Source: Authors’ own.

Table 6. Determining the MBL of the towing gear according to Emirates (11). A wide percentage (76%) of vessels from
the type of tug and its BP. this sample had a winch whose render and recovery
tension was constant. In just under half of the cases
Tug type Number of BP (tn-f) MBL (47%), the vessels boasted two drums. Information
about the towline length is found in Table 5.
ST 3 \ 90 (3.8 2 BP/50) 3 BP From the sample obtained (Figure 1), there seems to
. 90 2.0 3 BP be a low correlation (0.36) between line length and the
U or C 2 \ 40 3.0 3 BP tugs’ BP. It can therefore be deduced that the para-
40–90 (3.8 2 BP/50) 3 BP
. 90 2.0 3 BP meters are not dependent. However, there appears to
R1 1 \ 40 3.0 3 BP be a close relationship between length, geographical
40–90 (3.8 2 BP/50) 3 BP setting (wave height, access geography, etc.) and the
. 90 2.0 3 BP habits of the pilots carrying out the manoeuvres or the
R2 2 – 2.0 3 BP working procedures of each company.
R3 1 – 2.0 3 BP

Source: Noble Denton.16

BP: bollard pull; MBL: minimum break load. Considering the diameter of the cable and other
towing gear components in ocean towing
this length. The starting point comes from the data pro- Table 6 makes it possible to calculate the MBL that
vided in R.G. Allan (Table 2.3 Escort Towline Systems towing gear should be able to accept, working with a
Data).18 There are data about the towlines for 11 port certain category of tug and BP.16
tugs operating in Spain. Following on from this body In Guidelines for Safe Ocean Towing,8 the MBL for
data, a statistical analysis was carried out on a sample metal cable and synthetic fibre hawser is established
of 51 port tugs whose BP fell between 50 and 100 ton. according to the BP of the tug as shown in Figure 2.
These vessels belonged to nine companies based in six They should have a breaking load that exceeds 50%
countries: Spain (11 vessels), Holland (15), Norway (8), of the MBL value for line that is used. On the other
Canada (5), United States (1) and the United Arab hand, ISO 7365:198310 ‘Shipbuilding and marine

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644 Proc IMechE Part M: J Engineering for the Maritime Environment 230(4)

Figure 2. Graph showing the MBL vis-à-vis the breaking load that makes it possible to compare the MBL regulations for the
towline in an ocean-going tug from the IMO8 regulations and ISO 7365:1983.10

Table 7. Considering load in the DF in each classification society.

Society Conventional tug Escort tug

ABS Defined as static BP Static BP measured in testing

BV N/A Maximum BP measured in testing
DNV Maximum continuous BP Maximum mean towing pull measured in testing
GL Maximum BP stipulated by ship owner. This may be verified in a BP test.
LRS N/A Maximum design force for tug line

Source: Authors’ own.

BP: bollard pull; BV: Bureau Veritas; LRS: Lloyds Register of Shipping; DNV: Det Norske Veritas; GL Germanischer Lloyd; ABS: American Bureau of

structures – deck machinery – towing winch for deep societies’ requirements, highlighting the differences
sea use’, proposes using a MBL value in function with between them.
the MBP, also presented in Figure 2. Calculating the breaking load (MBL) for the escort
tug’s towline means finding a new relationship for the
acting DL. However, a certain margin of safety is con-
Considering the diameter of the towline and other sidered14 (Figure 4).
towing gear components for the port tug To summarise the situation for the two types of port
tug, conventional and escort models in each classifica-
For designing the line of port tugs, only the classifica-
tion society focus on different application intervals and
tion societies provide guidelines that include instruc-
values, which fall between two and three times the
tions on how to carry out the calculation. These
MBL in towing gear calculations.
instructions are also valid for ocean-going towage,
while an additional safety factor is established for
escort tugs. In all of these cases, however, the MBL is Towline using HMPE
relevant. It is obtained from the design forces (DF) that In the search for greater line efficiency, the port tug
are present, while the concept of BP is made to inter- industry has, in recent years, started to use HMPE fibre
vene. As each classification society proposes different as a material. The main advantage of doing so is a high
criteria for the BP (Table 7), the DF calculation will be resistance similar to steel of the same diameter and a
affected.14 better strength/weight ratio when compared to any
It should be mentioned that Bureau Veritas (BV) other natural or synthetic fibres. Its light weight gives it
and the Lloyds Register of Shipping (LRS) do not buoyancy so that it will not get tangled in the propeller.
establish requirements for the tug line. The other soci- At the same time, its weight substantially facilitates
eties indicate three intervals for calculating the line. hauling up the line,4 as shown in Table 8. For these rea-
Figure 3 makes a comparison between the classification sons, its use has become widespread.

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Carral et al. 645

Figure 3. Graph with MBL vis-à-vis breaking load to compare MBL values required by the classification societies for the towline
strength for towing tugs. BV and LRS have no laid down guidelines.
Source: Authors’ own.

Figure 4. Graph with the MBL versus the breaking load, making it possible to compare the classification societies’ MBL
requirements for the escort tug towline.
Source: Authors’ own.

Although a number of companies manufacture Alternatively, there may be a system that works with
plaited Spectra and Dyneema HMPE lines, only two constant tension19 rendering and recovering the line
companies make the HMPE fibre itself. Honeywell according to existing tension. Both operating systems
(USA) produces SpectraÓ, while DSM Dyneema B.V. – static and dynamic – condition the choice of mate-
(Holland) makes DyneemaÓ. rial for the towline. Two factors are involved here;
With the towage of the conventional port tug, the one may use
line remains static when its end is attached to the tow-
ing hook, is made taut with the H-bit or rolled in the  A line with high elasticity that can absorb the
drum whose brake is activated. In contrast, the escort dynamic loads along with a conventional tug winch,
tug does this in a dynamic manner; the classification given that the manoeuvre will be carried out with a
societies are obliged to carry out this operation with static drum whose brake is activated.
the towing winch activating the line.3 In any case, the  A line with a high strength and low stretch along
brake can activate the winch so that the line is ren- with a constant tension winch that can absorb the
dered when a pre-determined tension is surpassed. dynamic loads transmitted along the line. Here, the

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646 Proc IMechE Part M: J Engineering for the Maritime Environment 230(4)

Table 8. Comparing the properties of 72 mm lines in a variety of materials.

Material Diameter Weight MBL Rendered at Rendered at Specific Melting Dynamic coefficient
(mm) (kg/100 m) (kN) 40% of MBL 100% of MBL gravity point (°C) of friction against metal

Polyester 72 447.9 1054 8.5 15–20 1.38 250 0.12–0.15

‘double braid’
Steel 72 2200 3500 0.8 2–3 7.85 1600 0.23
HMPE 72 318.5 3470 1.5 4–5 0.97 140 0.07

Source: Authors’ own.

HMPE: high-modulus polyethylene; MBL: minimum break load.

Table 9. Noteworthy properties of the HMPE towlines.

Strength Attributed to the fibre, whatever the manufacture, superior to that of other fibres
Weight Lighter than polyester and much more so than steel, has buoyancy
Elongation Low, which means that it is ill-suited as a buffer for dynamic components
External and internal abrasive wear Needs external protection (sheaths); internal friction must be avoided as this leads to
internal wear through abrasion (heating)
Fatigue Has to operate on the redirection radius and buffering devices
Heat resistance Low; abrasion to be avoided or, occasionally, cooling needed
Ultraviolet ray resistance Protective covers needed (sheaths)
Chemical reactions Attacked by limnolene

Source: Authors’ own.

the line, cutting off the end that is most vulnerable to

abrasion. Alternatively, additional lines may be made
available with a pennant or pedant of 20–25 m at the
end of the towline in the zone subject to the mechanical
action of the bits, fairleads and chocks of the tow.
These additional lines can be made of the same mate-
rial as the main line. They may also be the traditional
polyester or polypropylene ropes called stretchers,
which work by absorbing the dynamic effects of the
Table 10 provides the results of the port tug sample,
most of which opt for HMPE lines over polyester,
along with techniques for extending their service life.
These techniques include putting additional line at the
Figure 5. Residual strength as percentage of the MBL versus end of the boat being towed with pennants or pedants
the number of work cycles, at the end and in the middle section (25 vessels). A widespread practice is to use external
of the main line, as well as the pennant.
Source: Crump et al.20
protection or HMPE covers for the fibre (50 vessels).
When it comes to choosing the line’s composition, it is
convenient to assure if the material is suitable for the
drum is instrumental in carrying out the escort tug towing winch’s characteristics. Correlations can be
manoeuvre. traced in the tugs under study. Of the 41 vessels from
the sample which had winches with render and recovery
Along with all the properties indicated in Tables 8 or constant tension systems, only 3 used polyester. The
and 9, a further aspect to take into account is the line’s others favoured HMPE as the towline material.
durability. Crump et al.20 have determined that, after Figures 6 and 7 gather data on the lines of the 51
1500 normal-use cycles, the residual strength of the line tugs included in the sample. It shows how many of these
is reduced by half of its original value in the pennant have a stretcher (10 vessels) and pennant (25 vessels) in
and by around 30% in the case of middle section of the Table 10. Length is another factor; the average of these
main line (Figure 5). Consequently, it is a good idea to values is between 22.1 and 25 m.
replace the line every 1 or 2 years or however long it When defining the towline and stretchers or if pen-
takes to reach that number of normal-use cycles. nants are involved, one should take into account how
Given this limited durability, operators have devised the connection is made between them. In accordance
solutions that make it possible to extend the life of the with the OCIMF,6 a cow hitch may be used, as shown
line beyond this point. Crump et al.20 propose rotating in Figure 8. The MBL on the line would decrease by

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Carral et al. 647

considers using an HMPE line and how its timing would

affect the real-use cycles, the phenomenon of residual
strength comes into play when the towline for an escort
tug is chosen. In this way, the line meets classification
society requirements at the end of its service life.
The maximum MBL/BP to meet classification soci-
ety demands is considered, taking on the value of 3
(Figure 3). This is then increased by 30% owing to the
loss of MBL through ageing and would mean a new
value of 3.9. Other authors waver from this:

 In Allan,18 it is 5.
Figure 6. Graph representing the stretcher length versus BP  Allan14 establishes a value 2.5 times the BP for the
(10 vessels). port tug and four times the indirect towing force for
Source: Authors’ own. the government Fs (steering force) as a factor for
the escort tug.
 Hensen7 mentions a value of 2.5–3 times the maxi-
mum value for the retaining and governing forces
(Fb, Fs).

The analysis made on the simple of port tugs classi-

fied as escort tugs, as in Figure 9, determines an average
value of 3.2, with six values below 3 and four values
above 4.

Tow hook
The hooks for a rapid fire tug will be classified accord-
ing to how it operates while doing a job: in remote rapid
fire through an electro-pneumatic system (EPR) or by
Figure 7. BP – graph representing pennant length (25 vessels).
means of an electro-hydraulic one (EHR).23
Source: Authors’ own. Classification societies (Table 11) determine the
position of the tow hook as they indicate that the winch
is placed lengthwise along the stern from the bridge.
15%. Other options for the union can be found in However, they always use as a point of reference the
Pederson et al.21 For instance, with the eye-to-eye, this conventional screw tug, making their recommendations
reduction is 10%. Using pennants with a lower dia- irrelevant for modern Azimuthing Stern Drive (ASD)
meter and grommet is another possibility. In terms of or Voith-Schneider Propeller (VSP) tugs.14
protecting the line, Volpenhein and Chou22 examine To find the dimensions thereafter, one should use the
how protecting the line with sheaths has an effect on load determined by each classification society. With
durability. The residual resistance goes down by 12%. these, it is possible to calculate the MBL for the towline,
The ratio between the line’s BP and MBL represents in accordance with the contents of Figures 3 and 4.
the safety coefficient that exists when the towline is in
operation. Figures 3 and 4 have already shown what Adapting bits and fairleads on using HMPE
occurs with the port tug, with both the conventional
and escort models. Each classification society considers
different application intervals; their values fall between Once it leaves the hook or the winch drum, the towline
two and three times the MBL. Nevertheless, when one should have at its disposal deck fittings that limit its

Table 10. Overview of features of escort tug lines.

BP interval (Tf) Average BP Fibre lines Steel line Stretcher exists Pennant exists Type of protection
sample (m)

50–100 76.2 90% HMPE 2.5% Existence 20% Existence 49% Defender, 32%
7.5% Polyester Material: polyester, 40%; Material: Cordura, 8%
polypropylene, 60% HMPE, 100%
HMPE covers 59%
Sources: Allan and authors’ own.
HMPE: high-modulus polyethylene; BP: bollard pull.

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648 Proc IMechE Part M: J Engineering for the Maritime Environment 230(4)

Figure 8. Joining two lines with a cow hitch knot4 using an eye-to-eye connection.21

Figure 9. Ratio between the towline’s MBL and BP from a sample of escort tugs.
Sources: Allan18 and authors’ own.

transversal movement. A few decades ago, this was that is resistant to abrasion. A fourth property is related
achieved through tow beams.2 However, in all modern to the inalterability of its surface finish over time and in
port tugs, such as the tractor and stern-drive models, all kinds of conditions.
the towline passes through a huge guide, known as the
towing fairlead or staple. This guide is specially  Robustness in the way they are assembled – as there
designed to bear elevated loads, a high degree of fric- are elevated loads in the towage according to the
tion from the line traction. The line is exposed to a line tension value and lead angle. Griffin and
great deal of friction due to the constant movement of Nishimura5 have assessed how the forces trans-
the line in vessels whose winches have a constant ten- mitted by the staple along the line will be equal to
sion or render and recovery system.19 The arrangement the line traction for a 60° lead angle. On the other
contains staples shaped like an upside-down U, O or A hand, Hensen7 determines the static force (T) acting
(Figure 10). on the line in the case of a tug under a variable ver-
They are positioned across the middle of the deck, tical towline angle and tug pulling force tug (P).
near the towing winch (Figure 10). Being placed length- The graph makes it possible to find the quotient
wise means they are located at the towing point. Here, (T/P), which in turn leads to the final values for the
the towing force of the line is activated. Dependent on vertical and horizontal force elements acting on the
this arrangement is the equilibrium between the hydro- fairlead simply when the T vector is projected over
dynamic and propulsion forces that exist during the axes.
towage.19  Contact surface ratio – the case of lines having to
The common features among the fairleads are pre- make contact against the rollers will be expressed as
sented in Allan.18 These include robustness in the way the ratio between the contact surface diameter line
they are assembled, a ratio that is adequate for the con- and the line diameter. With synthetic fibres,18 the
tact surface they have with the line and a surface finish surface diameter is determined as 10 times the line

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Carral et al. 649

Table 11. Classification society guidelines for tow hooks.

Regulation ABS BV DNV GL LRS

Rapid release from the bridge1 Yes – Yes – –

Will be able to withstand a test load equal to the breaking load for the towline without Yes – Yes – –
permanent deformation
The force necessary to activate the rapid fire under low loads will be below 150 N2 – Yes – Yes –
The towline can be rendered straightaway despite the angle formed by the keel and the Yes Yes Yes – Yes
Pneumatic systems should be accompanied by a mechanical ones – – Yes Yes –
Uncontrolled release of the line must be avoided – – – Yes –

Source: Authors’ own.

–: not mentioned; Yes: guideline applicable for the classification; 1ABS has a special notation (QR) for vessels with rapid rendering from the bridge.
LRS recommends, but does not require, rapid rendering from the bridge; 2GL indicates that the load is to be below 250 N.

Figure 10. Double towing fairlead in an SDM tug. Both of these are in the centre line: one where the towing winch comes out and
the other on the deck near the stern.
Source: Authors’ own.

diameter with plaited hawsers, and eight times that tension it undergoes is transformed into close contact
of the braided one. Similarly, EN ISO 3730:2012 between the fibres. As these fibres rotate to adapt to
Shipbuilding – Mooring winches sets a minimum the fairlead’s shape, this is converted into a new fric-
value six times the rope’s diameter as it is wound in tion, between the fibres, as well as between the line and
the drums. If one considers the diameter needed for the roller or staple.
the rope to move around the pedestal fairlead, the
OCIMF6 establishes a ratio of 8.
 Surface finish – Crump et al.20 (Figure 11) show
how variation in the staple’s roughness leads to
diminishing resistance in the line after 5000 abra-
sion cycles. At the same time, an 8-mm surface fin-
ish is recommended for any deck accessory that
comes into contact with the line. When it comes to
considering mooring fittings such as closed chocks,
the OCIMF6 determines a finish leading to an aver-
age roughness of Ra = 10 mm.

The way in which the winch operates rendering and

recovering the line is translated into a continuous, low-
tension movement through the fairlead. Consequently,
a friction is repeatedly produced over the staple. It has
a two-pronged effect: there is external abrasion leading Figure 11. Effect of residual resistance versus fairlead
to wear and the friction in turn causes internal heating. roughness.
This heating is due to at least three factors.5 The Source: Crump et al.20

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650 Proc IMechE Part M: J Engineering for the Maritime Environment 230(4)

Figure 12. Stainless steel H-bit and another made from carbon steel.
Source: Crump et al.20

All of these effects grow in intensity in the case of Conclusion

ocean-going journeys. The towing winch constantly
With ocean-going tugs, the recommended and mini-
adjusts the line due to the relative movement between
mum towline lengths found in the Noble Denton
the tug and tow. Thus, the BP value and, with it, the
guidelines seem better adapted to the IMO’s working
HMPE line diameter are increased.5
model for tug fleets. These guidelines offer different
categories for the services to be carried out. They also
 Inalterability of the surface finish. Another point to establish varied length requirements. On the other
take into account is how to preserve the staple’s sur- hand, the IMO regulations just correspond with the
face (Figure 12) so that it remains suitably rough Noble Denton ones for the intermediate categories
over time. Obviously, for this condition to be met, (Table 4).
stainless steel alloys are a good option.7 As regulations could be more specific about the line
length needed for port tugs, a study has been done with
If one considers using this material for other tug com- a sample of 51 tugs, a high percentage of which were
ponents, then the survey carried out by Griffin24 will be escort models. They came from nine companies and six
of interest. In the name of continuous improvement, the countries. With this sample, it is possible to establish
use of HMPE lines goes hand in hand with the use of that line length does not correlate with the tug’s BP.
stainless steel on escort tugs. However, this may be the There is, however, a relationship between the geogra-
case only for ocean-going vessels given the limitations of phical area and the working practices of a company.
HMPE; it gives off internal heat from the friction it The average towline length is 186 m, with a variation
produces with other deck fittings, such as the staple or interval falling between 91 and 300 m.
pulleys in dynamic applications on the open sea. Considering the towline diameter for ocean-going
tugs, Noble Denton’s recent proposal seems better
adjusted to real conditions. They differentiate between
Definitions working categories. When the ISO and IMO regula-
tions are compared, one can deduce that the former
Bollard pull (BP), fixed point traction of the tug at zero ones are stricter. The IMO ones are of interest when it
speed, known in practical terms as continuous BP. In comes to calculating the diameter for fibre lines.
other words, it is the fixed point traction for the tug at When calculating the port tug’s towline diameter, it
100% of the average maximum continuous rating is important to consider classification society guide-
(MCR) measured during 10 min and calculated as an lines. Safety coefficients are proposed and the BP for
average value. the tug is related to towline’s MBL. These coefficients
Maximum bollard pull (MBP) is the fixed point traction differ for conventional and escort tugs. They fall
for the tug at 110% of the MCR, measured over 5 min. between 2 and 3, but they coincide better in their sug-
Minimum breaking load (MBL), maximum breaking gestions for escort tugs.
stress (MBS) – for a bunch of cables, a sample of cable HMPE towlines are widely used – 90% of the vessels
is taken. MBL is a lower value for the breaking load – in the port fleet under study. This is even more the
of the various towing gear components, certified by case when winches have a render and recovery or con-
each manufacture (towline, shackles, chain links or stant tension system. Similarly, it is usual to find a final
ropes). stretch or pennant (49% of the cases with an average
Safe working limit (SWL), working load limit (WLL), length of 22.5 m). The stretcher, normally of polyester,
is the maximum static load that the line or shackles can is used less (29%). In every instance, the lines were pro-
withstand. tected with covers.

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Carral et al. 651

When one examines residual strength for HMPE 9. International Maritime Organisation (IMO). Guidance on
lines, it becomes obvious that the safety coefficient or shipboard towing and mooring equipment. MSC 1.175, Lon-
MBL/BP ratio should be increased by 30% when it is don, 24 May 2005.
applied to the calculation for the line diameter. In this 10. International Standard Association (ISO) 7365:1983.
way, it can be used for up to 1500 cycles or 1 or 2 years. Shipbuilding and marine structures – deck machinery –
If one takes into account the data for the safety coeffi- towing winches for deep sea use.
11. ISO 3913:1980. Steel bollards.
cients used for the fleet in the study, the average value
12. ISO 2408:2004. Steel wire ropes.
for this coefficient is 3.2. 13. ISO 1141:2012. Fiber ropes.
Using HMPE lines comes the need to adapt the fair- 14. Allan RG. A proposal for harmonized international reg-
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17. Hancox M. Towing: the oilfield seamanship series, vol. 4.
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