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Helen Ortega #18 Field Observation Assignment #1 Observe and Record: a At the school that I am doing my field observation at, they do not have bussing for all of their students. They only provide bussing for the special education students, Since was in a regular third grade class that didn’t have any special Ed students I did not have the chance to participate with the bus duty procedures. During playground duties the teachers along with their corresponding grade spend half of their break time, out on the playground. Their job is to simply observe students during recess to ensure they are following rules and are not in danger. During lunchroom and indoor activities, students are to stay with their class, walk in a straight line, and remain quiet (inside voices). Teachers use the number “1” as a symbol to get their classes attention, get them to be quiet, and have them stand in line ready to go. I noticed that by using this process they have it easier when it comes to getting their attention, The Specialists are: Art- Ms. O, Art Room C Music Mr. Parker, Music Room Physical Education- Ms, Mangle, Field Computers- Mr. Smith, Room.53 Library- Ms. Rittenhouse, Library Record a As long as the parents wish to take their child before 1:00pm they are allowed to do so. The parent simply has to sign out his or her child at the front office. The school uses a computer to keep track of who goes home. The office assistant then pages the classroom through the intercom to inform the student they are going home early. The fire drill process is simple and straight to the point, As soon as they hear the fire alarm go off, students and teachers have to evacuate the building as fast as possible and head on to the soccer field. On the field the teachers have to take attendance and make sure all your students are accounted for. Each class is supplied with a red and green sign. The green sign means all students are well and accounted for. On the contrary, the red sign means not all your students are accounted for and they need to be found. Once all staff and students are located, everyone is given the signal to j return to class, Shelter-In-Place Portable Procedures: 1. You may be instructed to move into building, if not following instructions: , 2. Ifyou’re unable to reverse evacuate into the main building you must turn off the HVAC system and lock and seal all exterior opening doors and windows, any broken windows and all air vents. Each class has a standard first aid kit, It includes: band aids, alcohol wipes, and gauze. It is a self-serve kit for students. More major kits are provided by the health office for more serious situations, While reviewing the teacher handbook for this current year, | found their organization the most interesting, The details for each event and or meeting are clearly structured Helen Ortega #18 and provided to help the school year flow better for the teachers and staff. ' Organization and communication is key to running any work place as smooth as possible. 3. School+ Community Activities a. One thing I did notice is that this school lacks extracurricular activities. The only after: school group they have is the G.A.T.E program. It is kind of upsetting to hear they only _ have one after school group, especially when not everyone can participate in it. b. The only partnership I became aware of was their partnership with the Las Vegas High School PAL program. This partnership allows high school students to intern at the school. The student interns once a week every week for a semester or up to an entire school year. This benefits both of the schools because not only does the elementary school get help, but the high school students get to explore the teaching career, ¢. Parents can volunteer on a daily basis. They can assist the specialist or even within a regular teaching class. Parents are also encouraged to join the Goldfarb PTA.

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