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Helen Ortega #18 Field Observation Assignment #2 1. Observation yoy v ' itp 3 \ 2. Analyze: This classroom set up doesn’t quite follow all of the five keys, but it doeMtoHOw most of’ them. 1 feel that a lot of the high traffic areas are blocked by student chairs. Also I noticed * that supplies are not easily accessible for them. They have to go through a lot of trouble * to find supplies that they may not have of their own, 3. Strengths and Weaknesses Even though the set-up of the classroom seems to be the best it can for the size and shape of the portable, if this were my classroom I would definitely rearrange it. I would have all desks facing forward towards the projector. By having all the desks face the projector, . students are more likely to pay attention, otherwise their backs are facing the board for some of the students giving them the opportunity to lose focus on the teacher or what is being taught. I would also like to include a reading corer with a rug. I noticed that this school focuses a lot on reading, by providing a comfortable/fun environment for reading students would enjoy it more. It's the small details that make a difference in the way the students act towards learning and b class, 4. Observing Students in Class a. The class I was in had a total of 25 students, There were 10 boys and 15 girls. They range from 8 years of age to 9. b. The class I was in portrayed to be very unified. They all were communicating and making sure everyone was involved, therefor I had no reason to believe that any student felt isolated. ¢. There were three girls in particular that I noticed would raise their hand to participate all the time. Their names were: Jada, Kyrah, and Mia. These three girls made sure to be the first in class every day, because they enjoy participating in all class activities, Even setting up chairs and picking up trash, 4d. The students located in the “back” of the room seemed to be the same participation wise, but I did notice that they were chattier, They may have felt that since they were in the back the teacher wouldn't pay much attention to them, but that was in fact « wrong. 1 felt as though the quiet/nicer students received a lot of praise form the teacher. There was one student in particular that I noticed would be kind of ignored. He was» considered to be the “behavior problem” student. In many occasions it was as if wasn’t even there because of his bad behavior. The teacher did mention to me that the less attention she gave to his bad behavior the better he would behave. That is why she was using that tactic. Every time I've had the opportunity to volunteer in an elementary school class I fall in| love with the students. They are the sweetest and most loving at this young age. I admire , that they are always ready to learn and work. It amazes me how having a guest in the classroom makes them feel happy. It makes me happy when these students reach out to me for help, because even though | am not their teacher they trust I have the knowledge Helen Ortega #18, to help them. The one thing I will never forget about this class is their honest suggestions when it came to what grade I would be teaching. A lot of these students were using their point of views to guide me when it came down to trying to figure out what grade I would like to teach. A lot of people say that the teachers are the ones that influence and mold a student, but I believe that the students have a large impact on the teachers lives, olds 1249p a1 hy aul

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