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As former students in public school (San Sebastian Integrated Schools), the success of all
schools, teachers and students depends on set goals and missions with core values. .And I am happy that
our mission, vision, values, and goals applies it to us, so all members of staff can have a input, as the
success in our school and the achievement of students being the best they can be.

With our vision, mission an core values, we communicate interactively with other students to
exchange information that is relevant and delivered at the right time. Engage us in our own academic
development and learning. Help us to better understand, navigate, and access services available. They
provide opportunities so that we can explore and apply leadership skills, engage in experiential learning,
participate in mentorship, and connect to learning communities. And last they expand programs and
services to meet the needs of graduate students and I am proud that i am an alumnus of that institution

Therefore, i can say that my former school when I am highchool applies their vision, mission
and core values to us as student and to other Sebastianettes staff. And they have effective and efficiently
performance in school and also in community.

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