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Ortega Helen Ortega Professor Shkorupa Edu 201 13 March 2018 x y oo Philosophical Portrait Education is truly the gift that keeps on giving. I am very thankful and fortunate to live in a country where education, for the most part, is free. I would not have the opportunity to become ~ who I am choosing to become if it wasn't for education. The moment I caught myself playing teacher at family gatherings or even by myself in my room was the day I promised I would become an educator. A career in education is often overlooked, but I know thatthe passion God» has instilled in me could be used to benefit not only my life, but also the lives of those who in the future will be leading our country. Since a young age I remember my focus was always on doing, good in school. Even though I was constantly moving, I managed to always be on the honor roll because my dream was to make my parent proud. My passion for education grew more and more as the years went by. I enjoyed being able to learn, but what I enjoyed the most was helping my classmates grasp and understand the material. If this wasn’t the sign that a career in education awaited in my future, I don’t know what could have been. Allow me to take you back a couple years and briefly summarize my relationship with schools as I grew up. Every year of elementary school adapting was hard but that wasn’t the obstacle that would stop me. I was a student at six different elementary school because my mom factor that made them “ liked to move a lot. For many, moving so many time would have been the Ortega2 lose focus on their studies, but it was the opposite in my case, From kindergarten to fifth grade. there was never an assembly where I missed out on the opportunity to walk across the stage to receive an honor roll award. I knew that if I tried hard enough and got this award, as small as it may sound, I would be making my mother proud. My outstanding work in elementary school’ gave me the opportunity that once I moved up to middle school I would be able to take all accelerated classes. The moment I saw my teacher refer me to accelerated classes was the day I knew I was heading in the right direction. This was the day I laid down my foundation for my path to success. Middle school came along and although I was eestai, I began to develop a fear for failure. 3.5 grade point average, check! Sixth grade accomplished, only two more years to go. Another outstanding 3.5 grade point average, check! Seventh grade was a success! Along came ‘my final year in middle school. This was the year that would determine what my high school * years would be looking like. Would I be placed in Honors classes? or will I be placed in a regular class? Ending this year was the most nerve racking, but again I had accomplished an outstanding 3.5 grade point average. thschool wasn't any different from elementary and middle school. Semester afier semester I had been able to maintain a strong grade point average. After working hard and having amazing teacher's year after year I finally got to graduate and move along to college where I am beginning my career as an educator. The same way my teachers helped me succeed is what I am striving for when I begin my career. I know it will not be ea: s nothing in this world is easy but it will definitely be worth it In society today, teachers are known as the golden key that will open the doors towards success, but yet they are ofien overlooked. There is no way to deny that without teachers the world wouldn’t run the way it does. Have you ever taken the time to picture the world without ” Ortega’ teachers? We wouldn’t be where we are today without those who taught us our ABC’s or how to ccofint 123. They molded us! Teachers are definitely under paid. They carry a lot of the weight on {so grade knowing everything they should? Even after having lives in their hands, educators are not fers, Will students pass these district standardized tests? Will students move up in noticed and appreciated as they should be. Working hard and getting underpaid is not something everyone is willing to deal with, this alone allows you to see what type of motivated person chooses this profession. Those who decide to take on the career of education are quick to demonstrate their love and passion for helping and educating. I have not yet been able to complete my field observations, but from the teachers I have had the pleasure of meeting, I have Jeamed that without passion this isn’t possible. In five years I see myself beginning my career out in the field. By then it should be my frst year of teaching, or at least I hope itis, Iti hard to say specifics because I tend to take my life one day at a time, but my career is something which is set and stone, It might be the finish + line for my college career, but it will be the starting line for my career in education. [have * contemplated whether I want to move to another state after completing a couple years with the | Clark County School District; that is still just an idea and not set and stone, As for my teaching style I want to incorporate the three D's: directing, discussing, and delegating style. Having a balance of all three will allow me to work differently with each individual student depending on what way they learn best. I will in fact enforce a strict but comfortable environment for my students. Being strict will allow me to keep my students in control but it is also benefiting them because they will be able to stay on task. Providing a comfortable environment and a sense of friendship will give them the trust in me I need in order to connect well, This will also allow them to feel comfortable enough to reach out for help whenever needed, I want to be that Ortegaa teacher every student hopes to get, because then I know I am doing my job correctly. Ihavea > long road ahead of me, but I know my passion, hard work, and dedication will help me reach success,

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