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Practice Analyzing Propaganda

Introduction: We are going to take a look at the propaganda that was being spread by both
sides in the conflict. Propaganda posters can be an important tool for historians because it
allows us to see what their beliefs are as well as things from each side’s perspectives.

How to analyze propaganda posters:

Step 1. Focus on the people in the poster. (who do you see?)
Step 2. Describe the people you see. (Usually, enemies are drawn in an insulting way, while
their own sides look like heroes)
Step 3. Look for any symbolism/objects. (Find out what ideas do the objects represent)
Step 4. Look at the words and think about what they mean. (sometimes you have to use google
Step 5. Put the previous findings together and try to figure out the main message of the poster

Part 1.
Feelings of the Vietnamese towards the French

What happened to the French Flag?

What does it represent?

How does the person on the ground look? Why is he on the ground?

What country does the person holding the red flag represent?
How does he look?

What is the meaning of this poster?

Reaction to the Battle of Dien Bien Phu

Context: The chains are translated as “Colonialism”. The slogan in the bottom says “Victory at
Dien Bien Phu”

What does the chain represent? Whose hands do you think they belong to? I think those hands
belong to Vietnameese because they are trying to be free from colonialism. Good use of the
vocabulary. What symbolizes colonialism here?

What flag is flying at the bottom? How do the soldiers look? The soldiers look happy and they
are holding a vietnam flag.

How do you think the Vietnamese people saw the victory at the Battle of Dien Bien Phu?
I think this battle represents that they can win against frenches and gave them courage. What
else does it give them? Try to link it with the chains
French vs USSR/Vietnam

Context: French Propaganda leaflet for the Viet Minh-This leaflet depicts Stalin (leader of the USSR)
holding Ho Chi Minh (the goat in the corner) on a leash while kicking a Viet Minh soldier and forcing
him forward to attack a French-Vietnamese fort. Stalin is saying “Move Quickly!”

How would you describe Stalin? How would you describe Ho Chi Minh?
I would describe Stalin a dictator because he is trying to force Vietnam to attack. And I think Ho Chi
Minh is described as a weak guy that can’t do anything.
Very good, which part of the picture gives you that idea?
Who seems to be in control? How can you tell?
I think the USSR is in control because you can see Stalin is kicking and holding Ho Chi Minh.
Good description and example
Judging from this poster, which country seems to be in control of the side fighting the French?

From the French perspective, why do they think the Vietnamese people are fighting against them?
Because the Vietnamese wants freedom.
This does not seem to line up with the answers above. Maybe the French thinks that USSR is
controlling and making the Vietnamese fight them
Viet-Minh Pamphlets to Villagers

Context: The caption underneath says, “The People rise up to kill the soldiers”
Who do the soldiers and businessmen (on the ground) represent? How do you know? I think
soldiers are French that Vietnameese want to get freedom and businessmen are people that are
French that supports soldiers or Vietnam businessmen that helps French a lot. What makes you
think that? Find details to support your answer

Who do the villagers (the men, women, and children) represent? How would you describe
them? I think the villagers are also fight back against soldiers and business men.

What are they doing? The Vietnameese are killing buisnessmens and French soldiers.

What do the creators of the posters want people to do? I think the creators want to tel people
that anyone can fight back against French. Very good but why? What gives you that idea?

Criterion A: Demonstrated a good understanding of the situation of the time. Good use of some
of the vocabulary we learned in class. 5
Criterion D: Identified the main points of the visual representation. Able to form an opinion
based on the posters. Try to consider the different perspectives in the posters. Who made it and
how does it affect the message. 5


Reaction to the Geneva Convention 1954

At the top in red: “The Việt Minh have declared that they are in a war of resistance to unify and gain
independence for Việt Nam.”
At the bottom in black: “This is the result of the 8-year ‘war of resistance’!”
Context: This shows the Vietnamese’s reaction to the Geneva Convention. The person on the
top left corner plucking the dove (which is a symbol of peace) is the USSR’s second in
command. The person in black is Pham Van Dong, the representative of North Vietnam. The
person in the red clothing is Zhou Enlai, the representative of China.
I think this poster means Vietnameese wants to get help from China for making Vietnam an
independent country. And you can see Vietnameese are showing the China representative the
results of 8 year war. This is a guess but I think USSR is getting nervous because Vietnam is
asking for help to China instead of USSR.

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