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Reasons why I wanted to become a teacher.

Being a teacher was not my dream when I was young. I wanted to become a flight attendant back
then. But now that I am a mother, I became passionate with children. I became very fond of being
with children. Playing and teaching them simple things are fun for me. Surrounded with children give
me that feeling of being young as well. And now that I am studying education, i may say that I am
having a deeper understanding on handling kids. And, I have come to realize that teaching is a very
important profession in our society that needs compassion and dedication. As I understand teaching
more, I thought that teaching is a fulfilling profession for me. For I have the chance to mould a child
to be the best that they can be. That even a least, I became part of my students’ success in their
chosen career.

Teaching as a vocation.

The word “vocation” comes from the Latin word “vocare” which means “to call”. According to
Cambridge Dictionary, vocation is a type of work that you feel you are suited to doing and to which
you should give all your time and energy. Being an effective teacher requires you to love what you
are doing and passionate with the work that was tasked to you. Teachers are summoned to teach
because they have a strong inclination in partaking in the total formation and transformation of
young individuals.

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