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Which perspective is this poster from?

This poster is U.S.A young people and black people’s perspective against the war. This
perspective poster is from U.S.A.

Which group of people are you trying to convince?

I am trying to convince people that are against the war. That time, rich people started the war
but then poor people are fighting the war. Rich people often make excuses to avoid wars. They
are often called draft dodgers.

Why is your poster convincing? (TEPAC)

The main theme of my poster is about Rolling thunder. I chose this operation because, it killed
many innocent people and the result was bad. My poster contains a operation that went failed
ton to convince other people that the U.S administration could make a more fail operation that
kills more innocent people. After doing these massacres, the U.S administration still thinks that
the U.S are the heroes. But technically, they are the problem that causes more casualties to die.
So because of the U.S government having self-determination, there were starting to have
rebellons against the government. My poster has pictures of Rolling thunder and how much it
damaged villages. Also, I have a slogan that is related to my theme and facts to convince
people. For example, I have a picture that shows burned villages. This means how bad U.S
attacked innocent villagers and their village. I also have a fact about operation Rolling Thunder
“Operation Rolling Thunder killed more than 92,000 casualties.” This shows how evil the U.S is
becoming. From these facts and pictures I have, you can see Viet-congs aren’t the problem in
this war. U.S are also a monster in this war. As you can see that as the war continues, more
civilians are dying and the casultie rates are increasing every day. I hope people look at my
poster and change their mind against the war.

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