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Harry potter facts you need to know

Rowling’s harry potter series has been one of the

most loved and one of the most watched series in
the world.So as we are prepared for the mext
edition hitting our booksheleves,here are some
fun facts which you should know about harry
1) Names games-It is a fact that female authors do
not attract male readers so joannes pulisher
advised her to use an initialled writers on her
book so she was just scrambling for ideas and
settled down with using “K” from her
grandmothers name “Kathleen” so from then she
is known as “J.K. Rowling”
2)An itchy ministry-there was an outbreak of head
lice which flew all around the set of harry potter
and the chamber of secrets.
3)3rs times the charm-Tom Felton was originally
auditioned for the role of harry potter but this
position was

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