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Q: Which of the following group are considered to be Universal donars

2. A+
3. (B) B+
4. (C) AB+
5. (D) O+
PPSC: Food Inspector (Department Reference) 2. Q: Safety mechanism of blood works under

1. White Blood (Answers)

2. (B) Red Blood
3. (C) Lymphatic
4. (D) None of these

PPSC: Labour Inspector (Department Reference) 3. Q: The normal PH of blood is

1. > 7 (Answers)
2. (B) <7
3. (C) 0
4. (D) 7
PPSC: EXCISE AND TEXATION INSPECTOR (Department Reference) 4. Q: The normal PH
Of blood is (Repeated Questions)

1. >7 (Answers)
2. (B) <7
3. (C) 9
4. (D) 7

PPSC: ASI 5. Q: Which of the following protects the body against disease and infection ?

1. Red blood cells

2. (B) white blood cells
3. (C) blood platelets
4. (D) hemoglobin

PPSC: SENIOR EDITOR Q: The power of reading the thoughts of others

 Telecommunication
 (B) Psychology
 (C) Psychopathy
 (D) Telepathy (Answers)

PPSC: ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT POLICE Q: An Art of writing in code words or

cipher is called

 Cryptography (Answers)
 (B) Epigraphy
 (C) Criminology
 (D) Chronometry

PPSC: Food Inspector Q: Pedagogy is Science of

 Teaching
 (B) Speech
 (C) Psychology
 (D) None of above

PPSC: Food Inspector Q: Metallurgy is Science of

 Ores and Metals

 (B) Reading
 (C) Both a & b
 (D) None of these

PPSC: Food Inspector Q: Braille system is meant to teach

 Deaf
 (B) blind
 (C) cripple
 (D) foolish

PPSC: EXCISE AND TEXATION INSPECTOR Q: Demography is Science pertains to

 People
 (B) Places
 (C) Dark deeds
 (D) None of above

PPSC: EXCISE AND TEXATION INSPECTOR Q: Meteorology is the Science of

 Earthquakes
 (B) Weather
 (C) Space
 (D) Marine Life

PPSC: Labour Inspector Q: Meteorology is the Science of

 Earthquakes
 (B) Weather
 (C) Space
 (D) Marine Life

PPSC: Naib Tehsildar Q: A doctor specialist in skin diseases is called

 Cardiologist
 (B) Endocrinologist
 (C) Dermatologist
 (D) None of the above

PPSC: Naib Tehsildar Q: Ornithology is the study of

 Birds
 (B) Insects
 (C) Sea Animals
 (D) Sea Plants

PPSC: Naib Tehsildar Q: What do you understand by Choreography

 The study of universe

 (B) The study of secret writing
 (C) Techniques used in space travelling
 (D) The steps and movements in dances
PPSC: Assistant Food Controller Q: Philately is a

 Science of drugs
 (B) Stamp collection
 (C) The study of written record
 (D) The study of animal behavior

PPSC: EXCISE AND TEXATION INSPECTOR Q: Fear of enclosed spaces is known as

 Hydrophobia
 (B) Claustrophobia
 (C) Kleptophobia
 (D) Heliophobia

PPSC: Naib Tehsildar Q: Agoraphobia is the fear of

 Heights
 (B) Darkness
 (C) Open Places
 (D) Horses

PPSC: ASI Q: Oncology is the study of

 Tumours
 (B) fossile
 (C) bones
 (D) animal behavior

PPSC: ASI Q: Biology is the Study of

 Plants
 (B) Animals
 (C) Micro organisms
 (D) All living things

PPSC: Junior Petrol Officer Q: Dermatology is a science dealing with

 Skin
 (B) Liver
 (C) Kidney
 (D) Lungs

PPSC: Assistant Superintendent Jail Q: Numismatics is the Study of

 Coins
 (B) Horses
 (C) Flags
 (D) Weapons

PPSC: Assistant Superintendent Jail Q: Ecology is an interdisciplinary field that includes

 Biology and Earth Science

 (B) Agriculture and chemistry
 (C) Pharmacy and Gardening
 (D) Biology and Economics

PPSC: Assistant Superintendent Jail Q: Hematology is the study of

 Sound
 (B) Space
 (C) Blood
 (D) Insects

PPSC: Sub inspector Q: Breeding and management of bees is known as

 Sericulture
 (B) Horticulture
 (C) Apiculture
 (D) None of these

Full Explanation of Above Most repeated Mcqs About Definition of Science

Here is full detail
about Science Definition for which purpose that’s study
Everyday Science Mcqs Topic Discovery and Inventions

 Viscount
 (B) McMillion
 (C) Pasteur
 (D) None of above

PPSC: EXCISE AND TEXATION INSPECTOR Q: Malaria Germs were discovered by

 Alphonse larvene
 (B) Sir Thomas
 (C) Reve Cardim
 (D) None of above

PPSC: Tarific Wardens Q: Who invented the printing press

 Graham Bell
 (B) Marconi
 (C) Johann Gutenberg
 (D) Thomas Edison

PPSC: Tarific Wardens Q: Who discovered America

 Christopher Columbus
 (B) George Washington
 (C) Captain Cook
 (D) Gulliver

PPSC: Junior Petrol Officer Q: The Laws of Motion were discovered by

 Edison
 (B) Newton
 (C) Galileo
 (D) Graham Bell

PPSC: Sub inspector Q: X rays were discovered by

 Rontgen
 (B) Thomson
 (C) Rutherford
 (D) Madame Curie

PPSC: Labor Officer Q: Bronchitis is a disease related to

 Stomach
 (B) Respiratory tract
 (C) Brain
 (D) Nervous system
detail about Discovers and inventions
PPSC: ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT POLICE Q: Deficiency of vitamin C in Human body
leads to

 Eye disease
 (B) Nerve disease
 (C) Teeth Disease
 (D) Skin Disease
PPSC: ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT POLICE Q: Which of the following disease has been
totally eradicated in the world

 Polio
 (B) Smallpox
 (C) Measles
 (D) Hookworm

PPSC: EXCISE AND TEXATION INSPECTOR Q: Deficiency of vitamin E Causes

 Leukemia
 (B) Sterility
 (C) Gums swelling
 (D) None of above

PPSC: Labour Inspector Q: The most famous genetic disease that is associated with Queen
Victoria and circulated among European royalty was

 Color Blindness
 (B) Hemophilia
 (C) Austrian lip
 (D) Down’s syndrome

PPSC: Labour Inspector Q: Hepatitis C is a leading Cause of

 Chronic liver disease

 (B) HIV
 (C) AIDS
 (D) Diabetes

PPSC: Labour Inspector Q: Whooping cough is caused by

 Fungus
 (B) Virus
 (C) Bacteria
 (D) Protozoa

PPSC: Labour Inspector Q: Fear of enclosed spaces is known as

 Hydrophobia
 (B) Claustrophobia
 (C) Kleptophobia
 (D) Heliophobia
PPSC: Naib Tehsildar Q: Which of the following human diseases is caused by the mad cow meat

 Parkinson Disease
 (B) Variant Creut zfeldt Jacob Disease
 (C) Scurvy Disease
 (D) None of the above

PPSC: Naib Tehsildar Q: What do you understand by the disease insomnia ?

 Inability to Sleep
 (B) Color blindness
 (C) Depression
 (D) None of the above

PPSC: Assistant Food Controller Q: The deficiency of one of the following is the cause of goiter

 Calcium
 (B) Potassium
 (C) Iron
 (D) Iodine

PPSC: Assistant Food Controller Q: Diabetes is caused due to the deficiency of

 Calcium
 (B) Vitamin B
 (C) Vitamin C
 (D) Insulin

PPSC: EXCISE AND TEXATION INSPECTOR Q: Hepatitis C is leading cause of

 Chronic liver disease

 (B) HIV
 (C) AIDS
 (D) Diabetes

PPSC: EXCISE AND TEXATION INSPECTOR Q: Whooping cough is caused by

 Fungus
 (B) Virus
 (C) Bacteria
 (D) Protozoa

PPSC: Social Security Q: Rickets is a condition of abnormal bone formation in children which is
caused dur to the deficiency of

 Vitamin A
 (B) Vitamin B
 (C) Vitamin C
 (D) Vitamin D

PPSC: ASI Q:Which of the following disease is caused by virus ?

 Smallpox
 (B) Preumania
 (C) Malaria
 (D) Cholera

PPSC: ASI Q: Trachoma is a disease of the

 Brain
 (B) Spinal cord
 (C) larynx
 (D) Eye

PPSC: ASI Q: An Example of a hereditary disease is

 Polio
 (B) hemophilia
 (C) Choler’s
 (D) typhoid

PPSC: ASI Q: The main cause of Tsunami is

 Tide waves
 (B) hurricanes
 (C) earthquakes
 (D) sea storm and heavy rains

PPSC: Junior Petrol Officer Q: Bronchitis is disease related to

 Stomach
 (B) Respiratory Tract
 (C) nervous system
 (D) Brain

PPSC: Sub inspector Q: Hepatitis causes inflammation of

 Lungs
 (B) Liver
 (C) Kidneys
 (D) Stomach
Vitamins PPSC: EXCISE AND TEXATION INSPECTOR Q: Iron a necessary nutrient for body
is abundantly found in

 Eggs
 (B) Citrus Fruits
 (C) Milk
 (D) Green Vegetable

PPSC: Labour Inspector Q: Another name for Vitamin C is

 Ascorbic Acid
 (B) Acetic Acid
 (C) Citric Acid
 (D) Lysozyme

PPSC: Labour Inspector Q: Iron a necessary nutrient for body is abundantly found

 Eggs
 (B) Citrus Fruits
 (C) Milk
 (D) Green Vegetables

PPSC: Naib Tehsildar Q: Green vegetables are a good source of

 Starch
 (B) fats and Oil
 (C) Protein
 (D) Minerals and vitamins

PPSC: Assistant Food Controller Q: The only vitamin which the human body can manufacture

 Vitamin C
 (B) Vitamin D
 (C) Vitamin K
 (D) None of above

PPSC: Assistant Food Controller Q: Sunlight is a good source of

 Vitamin A
 (B) Vitamin B
 (C) vitamin C
 (D) Vitamin D

PPSC: Assistant Food Controller Q: Green Vegetables provide us

 Proteins
 (B) Vitamins and Minerals
 (C) Fats and oils
 (D) Starch

PPSC: EXCISE AND TEXATION INSPECTOR Q: Another name for Vitamin C is

 Ascorbic Acid
 (B) Acetic Acid
 (C) Citric Acid
 (D) Lysozyme

PPSC: Naib Tehsildar Q: Sunlight is a good source of ( 3 time repeated mcqs)

 Vitamin A
 (B) Vitamin B
 (C) Vitamin C
 (D) Vitamin D

PPSC: ASI Q: Exposure to sunlight results in formation of in the body.

 Vitamin A
 (B) Vitamin C
 (C) Vitamin K
 (D) Vitamin d

PPSC: Assistant Superintendent Jail Q: Sunlight is Source of

 Vitamin A
 (B) Vitamin B
 (C) vitamin C
 (D) Vitamin D
explain all disease and cause of happen
PPSC: ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT POLICE Q: Which of the following instrument is
used for comparing earthquake magnitudes

 Anemometer
 (B) Seismograph
 (C) Richter Scale
 (D) Pyrometer

PPSC: EXCISE AND TEXATION INSPECTOR Q: Richter Scale is used to measure the
intensity of

 Sea Waves
 (B) Winds
 (C) Earthquakes
 (D) Hurricanes

PPSC: EXCISE AND TEXATION INSPECTOR Q: 1 Square foot is equal to

 48 square inches
 (B) 24 square inches
 (C) 72 square inches
 (D) 144 square inches

PPSC: Labour Inspector Q: The substance used in match sticks is

 Sulphur
 (B) Acid
 (C) Zinc
 (D) Phosphorous

PPSC: Labour Inspector Q: 1 metric ton is equal to

 100 kilogram
 (B) 500 kilogram
 (C) 1000 kilogram
 (D) 10000 kilogram

PPSC: Naib Tehsildar Q: 1 square foot is equal to

 36 square inches
 (B) 72 square inches
 (C) 120 square inches
 (D) 144 square inches
PPSC: Assistant Food Controller Q: One Kilometer is equal to

 100 meters
 (B) 5000 meters
 (C) 1000 meters
 (D) 2000 meters

PPSC: Assistant Food Controller Q: One Tonne is equal to

 5000 k.G
 (B) 1000 K.G
 (C) 2000 K.G
 (D) 3000 K. G

PPSC: ASI Q: The instrument for measuring the speed of wind is

 Anemometer
 (B) Speedometer
 (C) hygrometer
 (D) tachometer

PPSC: ASI Q: The system international unit of temperature is

 Fahrenheit
 (B) Kelvin
 (C) Calcium
 (D) Centrigrade

PPSC: ASI Q: one metric ton contains kilograms

 10,000
 (B) 100
 (C) 10
 (D) 1000

PPSC: Deputy Accountant Q: Richter Scale used to measure ?

 Flood
 (B) Volcano
 (C) Earthquake
 (D) Tsunami

PPSC: Junior Petrol Officer Q: The rain fall is measured by

 Rain Checker
 (B) Rain measures
 (C) Rain Gauge
 (D) Rain rod

PPSC: Assistant Superintendent Jail Q: Sphygmomanometer is an instrument used to measure

 Humidity in the Air

 (B) Blood Pressure
 (C) Purity of Milk
 (D) Thickness of Water

PPSC: Labor Officer Q: One kilometer is equal to

 0 meters
 (B) 10,000 meters
 (C) 500 meters
 (D) 1000 meters
Explain all the Scientific Instrument and Measurement full Detail
POLICE Q: the earth’s mountain round its axis once in 24 hours is called Rotation while its
motion round the Sun once is approximately 365 days is called

 Movement
 (B) Spinning
 (C) Revolution
 (D) Circulation

PPSC: ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT POLICE Q: the rotation of earth around its axis

 Summer & Winter

 (B) Summer
 (C) Day & Night
 (D) Winter

PPSC: ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT POLICE Q: Only one planet in the Solar System has
an atmosphere which is

 Earth
 (B) Mercury
 (C) Pluto
 (D) Venus

PPSC: ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT POLICE Q: The duration of day & Night at North &
South Poles is

 3 Months
 (B) 4 Months
 (C) 5 Months
 (D) 6 Months

PPSC: Food Inspector Q: The Planet nearest to the Sun is

 Mars
 (B) Mercury
 (C) Jupiter
 (D) Saturn


 23 Hours 57 min and 4 sec

 (B) 24 hours
 (C) 23 hours 57 min 9 sec
 (D) None of above

PPSC: EXCISE AND TEXATION INSPECTOR Q: The Sun rays reach in the earth in time

 5 Minutes
 (B) 8 Minutes
 (C) 7 Minutes
 (D) 10 Minutes

PPSC: Labour Inspector Q: The Planet nearest to sun is

 Venus
 (B) earth
 (C) Mars
 (D) Mercury
PPSC: Assistant Food Controller Q: The Planet nearest to sun is

 Earth
 (B) Mercury
 (C) Mars
 (D) Jupiter

PPSC: EXCISE AND TEXATION INSPECTOR Q: The planet nearest to the sun is

 Venus
 (B) Earth
 (C) Mars
 (D) Mercury

PPSC: Naib Tehsildar Q: What is the rotation period of the Earth?

 23 hours, 56 minutes and 4 seconds

 (B) 23 hours, 52 minutes and 4 seconds
 (C) 23 hours, 58 minutes and 4 seconds
 (D) 23 hours, 50 minutes and 4 Seconds

PPSC: Junior Petrol Officer Q: How many Planets are in the Solar System

 6
 (B) 8
 (C) 10
 (D) 12

PPSC: Junior Petrol Officer Q: Planet closest to Earth

 Mars
 (B) Neptune
 (C) Venus
 (D) Mercury

PPSC: Labor Officer Q: The biggest planet in the solar system is

 Jupiter
 (B) Earth
 (C) Venus
 (D) Neptune

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