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Readtheseno,esbeîorc Proceeding
lo redùcelhe nskol eleclficshockanddevcemallunclnndo ool pelom
inslfuctonsafe tor useby quarilèdp€rsonneronly
fhese seruicing
anvùsersoM;rnobut rere'atrseN crnqlo ùe neareslSetoce aurhorzedby GENEBALMUSIC.
Cenrer Anysetoc ng perlormed
by unqualified
qcruceoersonnel wrrtroae,ra GUABANTEE nghrsand eroneraieGENERALMUSLC lor danagero properlyor peBons
lrom all lrabilrlres
fom devic€
rcsuhing mallurctroi

queste note prima di procedere
f \ Leqoi
istruzioridi seNizrosonoad és€tusvolso di personale
Lo segu€ntr Perev are 1l schrodi scosseelenrchee maltun2ionamenn
det ópar€cchio,non r6ntaredr efenuarepersonalmenre quèsteopera2ionrrvolgelevia piir vicno cenro di ass6len2aAulorzzaro
oeNehirvustc. ogni inr.*enlo efotlualoda personale nonqualfcatotaràdecadereI drnrdi GAFANZIa €d esonereràGENERALMUSIc
da ogn responsabillasu €venlualdann a persone
o co* conseguenlrdalsuomalr'rnzonamenlo'

ATTENTION wheohandlinq sensúvedevces


ATTENZIONE sensbrl allc..rche elellroslatrche

Maneggiareconcufa r dsposilv elettrÓnrcr

' Openlhe instrumenl, localelhe boardswilhlhe epromsto be replaced

Aprirc lo slrunento, individuarele schedeinteressalealla soslituzionedelleeprom
!' Fìeplaceexislingeprcmsinsidelheinstrumenl wilhthosesupplied rnlhe upgrade ìo thefollowing
kit,according table:
Rìmoiazzareté epron esistentialt inleno detlostrumenlocon quellein dotazioneal kil, cofie indicato nella
PorlBon RéllÒH lnaaît
Paof,ot j Rlrrxtuv'd? tlwlî,
tc19 550239 550504
lctS 55029a 550503
lc17 550297 55{1502
lc16 1m296 550501
pat Vid€oB@rd (31Q!a.47
91310486) lc1 55dF6 / 550360 550505
M$ VideoAoatd(310447ot 310446) lc1 s503?3/ 550359 550506

Cp! ! any vid€o Boùd {315064) rcso 550299 550504

WXsxpaod!. rc49 5503?5 560508
rc!€ 550297 550502
lclT 550324 350507
Cp{rA Pal Vid€oBoardi3150el) lc34 / 550300
550306 5so505
CFl 6 Nis. Vid€oBoad {315464) tc34 / 550359
55032a 550506

' wx2-wx400:
placethélirsl stickefon the lrontpanelabovethe dLskdrive,andthe secondon the rearpanelcloselo
Applicarcil plimo adesivo"plus"sul pannellofronÎale soDrail diskdrive, e il secondosul retra dopola scrifta
wX erpander:
Placethe'plus'stickeronlherearpanelcloselo the "WX " logo
'wx . ".
AppticarcI'adesivo"plus' sulrctrodopala scrina

Partbelowlo be filledin by the servrcecenter'
I tUpOB,íNTE. F"t. ,onpildrc al setuiztoctiassÉlet1à la pade solÎoslanle

Stampol ServiceCenler
Aulhorized by Generalmusrc
Timbro CentrcAssisienza
Autorizzato da Genetalmusic
lnslallaliondate / Dala installazione

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