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What is object-oriented programming?

It's how we express things in real life

What Is an object?
An object is a usable of that something represented by the class

What's a property?
Properties are called and defined just like fields, but they are used through the get and set properties procedures.
public string Name {
get => name;
set => name = value;

What's polymorphism?
polymorphism means the possibility of having several classes that can be used in any different combinations.

What's inheritance?
Inheritance describes the capacity of creating new classes from an existing one.
The new class inherits all the properties, methods and events from the father class and can be customized with additional
properties and methods.
public class ChangeRequest : WorkItem {}

What’s an Overwriting?
This use in inheritance and are methods from class parent which are declared in the child's class and you can change the
Public override int Area() {Return something}

What's the overload?

It refers to the possibility of having two or more methods with the same name but different functions.
Public int Suma(Int Num1){ }
Public int Suma(Double Num1) {}

Which are the different overload types?

By quantity and by types
Ref change the value
Out most be assigned first

What’s type of data?

Int, double String, Boolean, float, Struct, enum, class.

What’s Enum?
Consists of a list of Constants with a name defined.

What’s a difference between struct and class?

Within a Structure can not declare a default constructor and Can not inherit form classes or other Strutures.
What's a constructor?
Constructors initialize members of the new object.

What type/kind of constructors do you know?

Default when not specification
with parameters.
And copy
What's a class?
Classes describe object types,

What’s an object?
The objects are instances of classes that can be used

What's an instance?
The action of creating an object

What's a select?
Instruction to get information from the database
Select * or columns from NameTable [where condition]

What's a delete?
Instruction to delete information from the database
Delete from NameTable [where condition]

What's an update?
Instruction to update information from the database
Update NameTable set Col1 = something [where condition]

What's an insert?
An INSERT INTO instruction is used to insert new rows at a table.
Insert Into NameTable (Col1) values ()

What's a join?
Instruction to show join information of 2 tables where the keys are the same.
Select * or columns from NameTable as Alias inner join NameTable2 as alias2 on alias.col = alias2.col [where condition]

What's a left join?

Instruction that shows all the information from the primary table and all the information that finds in other table
Select * or columns from NameTable as Alias left join NameTable2 as alias2 on alias.col = alias2.col [where condition]

What's a right join?

Works the same that left join, but it works with the table on the right
Select * or columns from NameTable as Alias right join NameTable2 as alias2 on alias.col = alias2.col [where condition]

What's a left outer join?

Instruction that show all the information from the primary table less that find in the other table..

What’s a full join?

It's all the information from both tables.

What's a crossjoin?
It's the result from the Cartesian product

What’s a Cursor?
Its a set of records returned by and sq. instruction.

What's a crossjoin?
It's the result from the Cartesian product

What’s store procedure?

Its programmed code saved into the database.
What’s difference between delete, truncate and drop?
Delete: Delete a series of rows from the table.
Truncate: delete all records without drop the table.
Drop: delete all records and the table.

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