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Jose: Hi Abraham, how are you?

(Very gud jose tens)

Abraham: very good jose thanks
(muy bien Jose gracias)

Jose: and what do you do in the morning

(fiers, ay wek ap very erly, ten ay teik ei shower an gu tu work)

Abraham: first, I wake up very early, then I take a shower and go to work
(primero, me levanto muy temprano, luego me ducho y me voy a trabajar)

(an yu)
Abraham: and you?
Y tu?

Jose: First I wake up early, then I take a shower and go to work

Jose: And in the afternoon, what are you doing?

(ay jaf lanch wit may coworker, meik inventoris an ten ay gu tu Enac)
Abraham: I have lunch with my coworkers, make inventories and then I go to Enac
(almuerzo con mis compañeros de trabajo, hago inventarios y luego voy a Enac)

(an yu)
Abraham: and you?
Y tu?

Jose: I have lunch with my coworkers, then I answer emails and go to Enac

Jose: What are you doing at night?

(Ay study wit may clasmey, ten laik ei hot dog an ten gu tu jom)
Abraham: I study with my classmates, then like a hot dog and then go to home.
Estudio con mis compañeros de clase, luego como un hot dog y luego me voy a casa.

(an you)
Abraham: and you?
Y tu?

Jose: I study with my classmates, then I buy a soup and finally go to bed late

(si yu son jose )

Abraham: see you soon jose
Nos vemos pronto Jose

Jose: bye abraham

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