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she said that the average people in the United States spend 3 percent of their income to pay for

the energy they consume, low-income people and rural populations can spend 20 to 30 percent of
their income on energy, in 2015 this caused 25 million people to skip meals to pay for energy in
their homes. Besides 7 million people choose between medicine and energy, this shows a very big

she said that we have the tools and technology to solve these problems, so when she was 22 years
old she founded the non-profit organization RETI, her mission is to alleviate energy burdens by
working with communities, utilities and government agencies alike, providing equitable access to
renewable energy and energy technology, she believes in the power of local communities, so she
began working directly with communities, they did workshops and events for communities, they
taught the people of the communities how to make small upgrades to their homes, how to
improve their window insulation and water heaters to help families reduce their energy bills, these
programs help millions of people but can only help a fraction of the needy and finally she said that
with clean technology and energy efficiency they will improve public health, this is an opportunity
for families to use their energy and savings

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