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Unknown Words

 Journalist
 Suitcase
 Toothbrush
 Tissues
 Wales
 Songwriter
 Married

Sentences with unknown words

 Jeison is a journalist in CNN.
 My suitcase is purple.
 Whose are these Toothbrush?
 The tissues are cheap.
 The white, green flag with a dragon is from Wales.
 Gianmarco is a songwriter of beautiful songs.
 Ana is married with a doctor.


Unknown Words
 Great
 Extroverts
 Siblings
 Spend
 Soft
 Think
 Busy

Sentences with unknown words

 Great song! I love it!
 Extroverts have a lot of friends.
 Do your siblings have children?
 I love spending time with my friends.
 I like soft music.
 I think your friends are very boring.
 I’m busy with engineering courses.

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